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Earthworm vs. Clam

Earthworm vs. Clam. Science E06. By: Adel Dairbekova. Earthworm vs. Clam. Earthworm.

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Earthworm vs. Clam

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Earthworm vs. Clam Science E06 By: Adel Dairbekova

  2. Earthworm vs. Clam

  3. Earthworm Earthwormsreproducesexually. Earthwormsarebisexualorhermaphroditic (theyposesbothmaleandfemalereproductiveorgans). Earthwormscannotproduceoffspingsalonebecauseitwouldeffectthegeneticvariability.

  4. Earthworm Smoothmuscleisformed from oneofthethreeprimarytypesoftissuethatoriginateearly in thedevelopmentofanembryo. Itisnotundervoluntarycontrolandrespondstovarioushormonesandneurotransmitters.

  5. Earthworm Anearthwormlaysabatchofeggsatonetime. Theydonotspendtimeraisingtheiryoungoncetheyarehatched.

  6. Earthworm As soonasthebabywormshatch, theyareonlyaboutahalfaninchlongandtheyarewhite in color.  Wormsdonotnurturetheiryoungandassoonasthebabywormsareborn, theywillstarteating.  In aboutfourtosixweeks, theentirelifecyclewillstartoveragain. Itdoesnottakelongforthebabywormtogrowintoafulladult. 

  7. Earthworms

  8. Clam Clamsreproducesexually. Amaleclamreleaseshisspermintothewateratthesametimethatafemaleclamreleaseshereggsintothewater.

  9. Clam Fertilizationtakesplace in thewatercolumnasspermandeggunite. Asthefertilizedeggdevelopsthecellsdivideandtheembryogrows. Astheembryogrows, the next stageisaballofcellscalledthemorula.

  10. Clam Theyoungclamgoesthroughalarvalstagewhereitiscarriedbywavesandcurrents.

  11. Clam Eventuallyitdevelopsashellandsinkstothebottom. Usingitsmuscularfoot, itcanthenmoveaboutthebottomtosomedegree. Atthispoint in theprocess, youmayobserveawhite, frostlikecoatingofyoungclamsalongtidalflats in areaswherespawningtookplace. Asinglehandfulofthiswhitemixturewouldcontainthousandsoftinyclams. Mostclamswe find eachyear.

  12. Clams

  13. Similarities • They are invertebrates • They reproduce sexually • Their body structure isn’t big

  14. Differences • They have different adaptions • They have different ways of living • The way their embryo develops id different • They way they take care of their children is different

  15. Earthworm vs. Clam

  16. The End Thank you for watching!

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