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GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER. The Day After…………………………………. Green Mountain Power. Electric Company serving 265,000 Meters in Vermont Received the 2013 Investor Owned Utility of the Year by The Solar Electric Power Association 601 Employees and 7,500 Square M iles of Territory.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GREEN MOUNTAIN POWER The Day After………………………………….

  2. Green Mountain Power • Electric Company serving 265,000 Meters in Vermont • Received the 2013 Investor Owned Utility of the Year by The Solar Electric Power Association • 601 Employees and 7,500 Square Miles of Territory

  3. Meter to CashCC&B, MDM, SGG and OUCSS • Live with 95,000 Customers and 213 Rates in 2013 • Added 160,000 Customers and 84 Rates in 2014 (Migrated a second company)

  4. Leveraging Technology to Support a 360° View of the Customer • Transformation of the Business from a “Legacy Utility Platform” to a “Customer Obsessed – Retail Platform” • Value add for both the Customer and Internal Work Groups • Ability to Support both Simple and Complex Rate Structures • Ability to offer, track and evaluate specific programs and offerings for today’s customer

  5. Extensions and Automation • AMI and Field Activities • Credit and Collections • Personal Portals • Portal Visuals

  6. New Product Implementations • Program Management (PM) • Configuration and 1st Defined Program – Heat Pumps (4 month process). • Mobile Work Management (MWM) • Configuration including Contractor Portal – Heat Pump Program and Meter/Collections Field Activity Management (10 month process – continue to build out for future functionality) • Operational Device Management (ODM) • Phase I – Meters, Gatekeepers and Heat Pumps (4 month process)

  7. Program Management • Customer Segmentation • Alerts and Tracking • Quick Segmentation Identification

  8. Operational Device Management • Smart Device Management • Configurable Forms • Ability to Sync or not to Sync • Flexible and Straight Forward Flow

  9. MWM – Contractor Portal • Easy Access for Contractors to Receive and Complete Work • Real-Time Information • One Stop Shop

  10. Operational Analytics • Meter Operations • Zero Consumption • Stale Meter • Slow Consumption • Dying Power Out • Reverse Energy/Rotation • High Consumption/Consumption Spike

  11. Operational Analytics Cont. • Revenue Protection • Locked with Consumption • Inactive with Consumption • Demand Spike • Frequent Power Out • Meter Bypass • Consecutive Static • Consecutive Gap

  12. What’s on the Agenda for 2015? • Work and Asset Management • Network Management System Pilot

  13. Questions ??? Contacts: Jan Ferro Business Integration & Meter Technologies Manager jan.ferro@greenmountainpower.com 802-488-0839 Karen Weed Director of Customer Operations karen.weed@greenmountainpower.com 802-324-9995

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