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NovoQuad Group Revolutionizing Drone Defense Technology

By understanding how unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can be a threat to critical infrastructure, confidential operations, and defense bases, NovoQuad Group has come up with technologies for drone jamming to keep airspaces safe and secure.

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NovoQuad Group Revolutionizing Drone Defense Technology

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  1. NovoQuad Group Revolutionizing Drone Defense Technology Gone are the days when drones were specified to their recreational use. With the frequent invasion of drones in airports, historical monuments, and government organizations, the need for drone defense technology has become indispensable. By understanding how unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can be a threat to critical infrastructure, confidential operations, and defense bases, NovoQuad Group has come up with technologies for drone jamming to keep airspaces safe and secure. US, 31st July 2023: The C-UAS Gunand Drone Jammer Rifle from NovoQuad Group offer numerous advantages in countering unmanned aerial systems (UASs) threats. They provide a portable and versatile solution, enabling rapid deployment and operation by government agencies and authorized organizations. With their compact design, they offer mobility and ease of use in various environments and prevent potential threats such as unauthorized surveillance, attacks on sensitive establishments, and smuggling of drugs or contraband. Their ability to jam drone signals minimizes collateral damage and offers a non-violence approach to dealing with UAS threats. A spokesperson from NovoQuad Group said: “Our drone jamming technology is designed to jam and prevent illegal drone intrusion or surveillance in sensitive areas such as airports, stadiums, government facilities, or even public events.” Drone jammers also can be used for routine security or for emergencies to prevent drones from interfering with critical operations of low-altitude missions, such as medical evacuations, firefighting, and even search and rescue missions. Need more information on how drone jammers and other drone defense systems can be advantageous or want to deploy? Visit the website of NovoQuad Group now! Contact Info: Website: https://www.nqdefense.com/ Email: info@nqdefense.com Phone: +1-800-916-6486

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