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A House of God

A House of God. Hark Listen to the Trumpeters.

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A House of God

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  1. A House of God

  2. Hark Listen to the Trumpeters Hark! listen to the trumpeters!They sound for volunteers,On Zion's bright and flow'ry mountBehold the officers.Their horses white, their armor bright,With courage bold they stand,Enlisting soldiers for their King,To march to Zion's land.The trumpets sound, the armies shoutThey drive the hosts of hell,How dreadful is our God, our King,The great Emanuel.Sinners, enlist with Jesus Christ,Th'eternal Son of God,And march with us to Zion's land,Beyond the swelling flood. There on a green and flow'ry mount,Where fruits immortal grow,With angels all arrayed in white,We'll our Redeemer know.In fiery chariots we shall rise,And leave the world on fire,And all surround the throne of love,And join the heav'nly choir.

  3. Christian in 1833 Old Testament

  4. What is the Mormon Church?

  5. December, 1832 D&C 88:119 Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing; and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God;

  6. Chastisement D&C 95:1-3

  7. Strange Act? D&C 95:4

  8. Rules of Engagement…. D&C 98:4-9

  9. John Adams Our constitution, was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”   (“The Constitution—A Glorious Standard,” Ensign, Sept. 1987, 9-10)

  10. In the face of our enemies? D&C 98:14-16

  11. Pres Benson In Jacob’s blessing to Judah, he declared: “Judah is … as an old lion; who shall rouse him up?” (Gen. 49:9; italics added.) We come as messengers bearing the legitimate authority to arouse Judah to her promises. We do not ask Judah to forsake her heritage. We are not asking her to leave father, mother, or family. We bring a message that Judah does not possess. That message constitutes “living water” from the Fountain of living water. Our prophet, Joseph Smith, was given a commandment by the Lord to turn “the hearts of the Jews unto the prophets, and the prophets unto the Jews.” (D&C 98:17.) We are presently sending our messengers to every land and people whose ideology permits us entrance. We have been gathering Joseph’s descendants for 146 years. We hope you, who are of Judah, will not think it an intrusion for us to present our message to you. You are welcome to come to our meetings…We honor your commitment to your unique heritage and your individuality. We approach you in a different way than any other Christian church because we represent the restored covenant to the entire house of Israel.

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