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Employment policy people over 50

Employment policy people over 50. Roman Hrnčíř, Labour Market Conceptions Department, MoLSA. Targets and challenges. Main target 2020: employment rate of persons aged 20-64 years 75 % CZ sub- targets : Increasing employment rates for women ages 20-64 years to 65 %

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Employment policy people over 50

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  1. Employment policy people over 50 Roman Hrnčíř, Labour Market Conceptions Department, MoLSA

  2. Targets and challenges Maintarget 2020: employment rate of persons aged 20-64 years75 % CZ sub-targets: • Increasing employment rates for women ages 20-64 years to 65% • Increasing the employment rate of older workers aged 55-64 to 55% • Reducing unemployment among young people in age group 15-24 years by one third relative to 2010 • Reducing the unemployment rate of low-skilled by a quarter to 2010

  3. Current situation Maintarget: employment rate of persons aged 20-64 years70,6 % CZ sub-targets: • employment rates for women (20-64 years) 61,4 % • employment rate of older workers(55-64 years) 47,7 % (dateforthefirsthalfof 2011)

  4. Number job seekers by the length unemployment 31.12.201

  5. Unemployment

  6. Brutto hourly salaries/wages by the age CZ and Prague (4. Q 2010)

  7. Brutto monthly salary/wage by age (1. half of 2011)

  8. The main challenges in the labour market • Increasing labour force participation in the labour market, particularly disadvantaged groups of job seekers in the labour market (persons with disabilities, older people, young people without work experience), employment policy coherence with other related policies. • Increasing the motivation of employers to employ people at risk of exclusion from the labour market, such as the introduction of incentives for the employment of disadvantaged groups in public procurement.

  9. The measures • Passiveemploymentpolicy- support period ofunemploymentis 5 months, for 50-55 years 8 months, forover 55 yers 11 months. • § 33 oftheEmploymentAct • ALMP measures • Communityservice • Sociallybeneficialwork • Trainingallowance • Retraining • National Programme of Preparation for Ageing

  10. Active Labour Market Policy 2011

  11. European social foundwww.esfcr.cz • Nationalindividualprojects • Regionalindividualprojects • Grant projects

  12. Targeted programmes Regional individual projects • Fifty active in South Moravia • It's never too late - in the Karlovy Vary Region • Opportunity for experienced • In fifty years do not stop • Experience plus

  13. Targeted programmes Grant projects • Actively at Work II • A comprehensive program of work supporting the activation of the integration of socially excluded people into the labour market • Return to work • Bridging the Gap • STRONG Twos - advice and cooperation of two groups of women in the production and sale of crafts: + 50 years (the manufacturer) and - 25 years (the seller)

  14. Thank you for your attention. Roman Hrnčíř E-mail: roman.hrncir@mpsv.cz Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Czech republic

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