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This is the location of the split that extends across the length of the moon

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This is the location of the split that extends across the length of the moon

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  1. by; i|yka rEmh ;=<ska osiajkafka ‘Belt of Rocks’ pkaøhdf.a fnÿkq ia:dkhhs' fuh pkaøfhys we;s ù ;sfnk fnoSu fõ' tjlg ulaldfjys kì ^i,a& ;=ukaj m%;sfCIam lrñka isáhjqka meñK Tn i;HjQ Ydia;Djrhl= kï pkaøhd folg fnod fmkajkak" Tn tfia lf<a kï wms Tnj Ydia;Djrhl= jYfhka ms<s.kafkuq hkqfjka Tjqka mejiQy' tosk mqry| mEhQ oskhla úh tlS ldrKh bgq ùu i|yd uqyïuoa ^i,a& ;=uka w,a,dya heoSh" tu heoSu i¾j n,Odß w,a,dya ms<s.;af;ah' ta iekskau uyd ydialula isÿúh' tkï pkaøhd fldgia follg fnoS fjkaúh thska tla fldgila —i*d ˜m¾j;hg by,ska yd wks;a fldgi —ldhslka˜ m¾j;hg by<ska o osiaúh tkuq;a miqj tu m%;sfCIamlhska fuh uqyïoaf.a yQKshula" uqyïuoa wmg flfia fyda udhdjla mdkakg we; hkqfjka mejiQy' kuq;a fuu yQKshu f,dalfha isák ish¿ wh bosßfha M, rys;h" .ï jeishka tk f;la wms bjid isáuq Tjqkaf.ka fï ms<sn| úuid n,uq" túg Tjqkao th osiajQfha kï wms ths ms<s.uq tfia fkdjQfjd;a th uqyïuoaf.a yqÿ udhdjla muKs hkqfjka wnQ cya,a mejiQfõh' .ïjeishka meñK Tjqkao th ÿgq nj ikd: l< úg mjd ulald m%;sfCIamlhska —uqyïuoaf.a yQKshu fl;rï n,j;ao˜ hkqfjkqhs mejiqfõ ' miqj w,a,dya —w,alu¾ ˜ ^pkaøhd& kï mßÉfPaoh wkdjrKh lf<ah —wjika oskh <x úh" pkaøhdo me,S fnÿks" kuq;a Tjqka hï ydialula ÿgq úg ^th& m%;sfCIam lr;s' iEu úgu isÿjkakdla fuka fuh o ^;j;a tla& yqKshula fõ hkqfjkao Tjqka lsh;s' ksh; jYfhkau wjjdo lrk fndfyda mqj;a Tjqkag meñK we;˜ fuh kì ^i,a& ;=ukaf.a cSú; iufha isÿjQ m%d;syd¾hhls'

  2. This is the location of the split that extends across the length of the moon

  3. Dr. Zaghlool Al-Najaar’s jrla ;u foaYKhloS" n%ß;dkH úYaj úoHd, w;=ßka tla úYaj úoHd,hla fuu u;h orhs" pkaøhdys we;s ù ;sfnk me,Su uE;loS ;yjqre l< nj bia,dï oyu flfrys fndfyda we,aula olajk —odjQoa uQid˜ fudyq íß;dkHfhys we;s uqia,sï fmruqfKa j;auka kdhlhd jYfhka yd tys kqÿf¾os meje;aùug kshñ; ue;sjrKfha bia,dóh Och hgf;a ;rÕ lsÍugo ;SrKh lrñka isá' ngysr f,dalh ;=< b;d iS>%fhka jHdma; jk oyu bia,dï hkqfjka o Tyq lshhs' Tyqf.a fuu fjkig fmr wd.ï ms<sn| wOHhkh lrñka isà wjosfha Tyqf.a ñ;%hd Y=oaOjQ w,al=¾wdkfha bx.%Sis mßj¾;khla Tyqg msßkeuqfõh' w,al=¾wdkh újD; lr th lshjk úg w,alu¾ ^pkaøhd& mßÉfPaoh Tyq lshjqfõh —wjika oskh <x úh pkaøhdo me¿ks fuh fk; .egqkq ú.iu Tyq Y=oaOjQ w,al=¾wdkh mil oeuqfõh' bkslaì;sj tla ojila Tyq wyïfnka BBC kd,sldfjys úldYh fjñka ;snqkq jevigykla krUkakg úh' th úoHd{hka ;sfofkl= iu. jQ ms<si|rls" tu ms<si|r mj;ajkakd wNHjldY bosß ie,eiaugì,shka .Kka uqo,a jeh lsÍu ms<sn|j wefußldj úfõpkh lrkakg úh' f,dalfha ,CI ixLHd; ck;dj os<skaoka jYfhka l,a f.j;s" úoHd{hska wNHjldY .fõYKfha mj;sk wjYH ;djh ms<sn| f.kyer mEfï m%h;akhl fhoS isáhy'

  4. uE; ld,fha úYd, uqo,a iïNdrhla jeh lrñka isÿl< wNHjldY .uk ms<sn| idlÉPd lrñka isáfhah' tu .ukg ì,shka 100 la jeh úh' yqfolau wefußldkq Och yf|ys isgjkako fu;rï uqo,a lkaordjla jeh lf<a o hkak Tyq m%Yak lf<ah' thg úoHd{hska pkaøhdf.a wNHka;r yevh wOHhkh lsÍfuka th mDÓúhg iudklula olajhs" ;jo ‘Belt of Rocks’ ;Srej fidhd.ekSfuka wk;=rej Tjqka úiañ;jQjd' th pkaøhdf.a u;= msg isg iDcqju wNHka;r m;a, olajdu we;' l=;=y,h oKjk lreKla kï Tjqka f.k oelajQ f;dr;=re Tjqkaf.a N+ úoHd{hska Tjqkaj;a th úYañ; lrjk lreKla nj mjiñka Tjqka iudma; l<d' fuh fkdúh yelalla y| me,S tlg tlajQjla ñi tu ;Srej .Ügkfha m%;sM,hls" tkï tu ld,h w;r ;=r folg fnÿkq pkaøhd tald noaO ùu' fuh krUñka isà —ÞjQoa uQid˜ ;u wdikfhka mek lE .eiqjd" fuh uqyïuoa ^i,a& ;=ukaf.a wdYap¾Hhls" ljr kï wjqreÿ 1400 lg fmr isÿjQ wo wefußldkqjka ì,shka .Kka uqo,a úhoï lrkjd fuh Tmamq lrkakg' uqia,sï jrekayg Tyq mejiqjd fuh ienúkau i;H wd.uhs' tfiau w,alu¾ ^pkaøhd& mßÉfPaoh Tyqg fya;=jla jQjd bia,dï oyu wúYajdi lrkakg th u oeka Tyqg fya;= ldrl jQjd bia,dï oyu je<| .kakg'

  5. سبحان اللهSubhan-Allah w,a,dya b;d mßY=oaOhs fuh lshùfuka miq fiiq ifydaorjrekag heùu Tnf.a leue;a; u; r|dmj;s kuq;a Tfí m%d¾:kdfjys fuu mKsjqvh hjkakd tlalr.ekSug wu;l fkdlrkak

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