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High School Coptic Treasures

High School Coptic Treasures. Then there will be righteous sacrifices, whole burnt offerings to delight You; then bulls will be offered on Your altar. alleluia. Holy, Holy, Holy. a passage from the Gospel according to Saint Luke (4:38-41), may his blessings be upon us all. amen.

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High School Coptic Treasures

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  1. High School Coptic Treasures

  2. Then there will be righteous sacrifices, whole burnt offerings to delight You; then bulls will be offered on Your altar. alleluia.

  3. Holy, Holy, Holy. a passage from the Gospel according to Saint Luke (4:38-41), may his blessings be upon us all. amen. Jesus left the synagogue and went to the home of Simon. Now Simon's mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked Jesus to help her. So He bent over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her. She got up at once and began to wait on them. When the sun was setting, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying His hands on each one, He healed them. Moreover, demons came out of many people, shouting, ‘‘You are the Son of God!'' But He rebuked them and would not allow them to speak, because they knew He was the Christ. Glory Be To God Forever, amen

  4. *Prostration*

  5. Personal Prayers

  6. Welcome! • Rules • Do not talk while the servant is talking. Do not interrupt class. • Do not get out of your seat without asking (by raising your hand). • Be respectful to everyone else around you. • Participate • Please use the restroom before class. If you have to use the bathroom or get water during class we ask you kindly try to wait until the end.

  7. Consequences: • First time: warning • Second time: Sit outside class for 5 minutes • Third time: Sent to the social hall for the entire time and call parents

  8. Lent- Treasures in Heaven • The Holy Great Fast is often referred to as “the spring of our spiritual life”(spring being the most beautiful time of the year) • What is the focus of the first week? • Besides fasting from food what other things should we try to abstain from or cut out of our lives? • Are there any activities or relationships that we need to detach from and that we can replace with spiritual exercises?

  9. Duck letters • A-alpha • B-veta • E-ei • Z-zeta • I-iota • K-kappa • M-mei • N-nei • O-o • T-tav • Sample word with zeta… Zenzen Means “lizard”

  10. “Wolves in sheep's clothing” • Yy- eeta • Rr- ro • Cc- seema • <,- ke or sh orkh • Ww- oo • }]- tee • twnk- rise • iwt- father • niio]- the fathers • kocmoc- world • ,rictianoc- christian • ,ere- shere

  11. a Matins Doxology for Saint Mary • Ouoniatee enthoMaria ti sabeowoh encemne tima esnoti eneskini piaho pnevmatikon • Ti-etchrompi-shal en-katharos: thi-etasmouti khen penkahi: owoh asvirinanebol: en-oukarpos ente pi-epnevma • Pi epnevma emparakliton fi etafiejen pishiri hijennimo ou ente piIordanis: kata eptipos en Noe • Ti-etchrompi ghar ete emav: enthos as-hishennofinan: enti-hirini ente evnoti: thi-etas-shopi shaniromi

  12. Entho hoi o tenhelpistietcherompiepshalenoete: are-iniempinainan: arefaikharofkhenteneji • EtefaipeIsos: pimiciebolkheneviot: avmasfnanebolenkheeti: aferpengenosenrem-he. • Faigharmarentaouof ebolkhenpenhitenshorpmenensoson khenpenkelasenoshebolengoemmos • JepenchoisIsosPikhristos: mathamionak en-ekhrienkhiten: eno-erveientepekepnevmaethouab: evteezoxologianak

  13. Sherene o ti parthenos tioro emmi enalithini shere epshoushou ente pengenos are-egvonan enEmmanoueel • Tenti-hoari penmevi o ti eprostatis etenhotnahren penshois Isos pikhristos entefkanennovinanebol

  14. Wounia] `n;o Mari`a@ ]cabe ouoh `ncemne@ ]mah`cnou] `n`ckyny@ pi`aho `m`Pneumatikon. }[rompsal `nka;aroc@ ;yetacmou] qen penkahi@ ouoh acviri nan `ebol@ `noukarpoc `nte pi`Pneuma. Pi`Pneuma `mparaklyton@ vy`etaf`i ejen peSyri@ hijen nimwou `nte piIordanyc@ kata `ptupoc `nNw`e.

  15. }[rompi gar ete `mmau@ `n;oc achisennoufi nan@ `n]hiryny `nte V]@ ;yetacswpi sa nirwmi. `N;o hwi `w tenhelpic@ ][rom`psal `nno`yte@ are`ini `mpinai nan@ arefai qarof qen teneji. Ete vai pe I=y=c@ pimici `ebolqen `Viwt@ aumacf nan `ebol `nqy]@ afer penjenoc `nremhe.

  16. -Vai gar marentaouof@ `ebolqenpenhyt `nsorp@ menencwc on qenpenkelac@ enws `ebolenjw `mmoc. -Je pen=o=c I=y=c P=,=c@ ma;ami`onak `n`qryi `nqyten@ `nou`ervei `ntePek`Pneuma =e=;=u@ eu]doxologi`anak. -<ere ne `w }par;enoc@ ]ourw `mmyi `n`aly;iny@ ,ere `psousou `ntepengenoc@ `are`jvonan `nEmmanouyl. -Ten]ho arepenmeui@ `w ]`procatatyc `etenhot@ nahren pen=o=c I=y=c P=,=c@ `ntef,anennobinan `ebol.

  17. Coptic Alphabet song! Alpha, veta, gamma, delta Ee, so, zeeta, eeta// Theta, iota, kappa, lola, Mei, nei, eksee, oo// Pi, ro, seema, tav Epsilon, fei, kei, epsi// Ou, shai, fai, khai, hori, Jenja, cheema, tee 32 letters!

  18. Make your own sentence

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