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Can existing flux databases help to archive PAGE21-WP4 records?

Can existing flux databases help to archive PAGE21-WP4 records?. Luca Belelli Marchesini. Vrije Universiteit , Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences Amsterdam, The Netherlands . The PAGE 21 project needs a database for the data produced by WP4 ( fluxes, meteo , etc.)

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Can existing flux databases help to archive PAGE21-WP4 records?

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  1. Can existingfluxdatabases help toarchive PAGE21-WP4 records? Luca Belelli Marchesini VrijeUniversiteit, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences Amsterdam, The Netherlands 

  2. The PAGE 21 project needs a database for the data produced by WP4 (fluxes, meteo, etc.) Shall we build up a project database or use an already existing infrastructure? Tokeep in mind: a reliable and efficient database cannotbebuilt up in a day, norlikely in the timeof a project (2-3 years), especiallyif the database isnotdesignedpurelyas a data archivebutprovidesadditionalservices (e.g.dataqualitycontrol). proliferationofparalleldatabasesleadstodifferentversionsof the same data (holdstrueforeddycovariance data) and discouragessynthesis work. Let’s see the example of the European EC database.

  3. www.europe-fluxdata.eu INGOS ICOS GEOCARBON

  4. Single project interfacestodistibute data of the participatingsitesaswellasadditional project specific data.

  5. Which variables are included? • (123 variables but database structure open to accomodate additional ones) • Site metadata (instrumental set up) meadatatemplate • Meteorological (physical) parameters (air, soil, vegetation) • Atmospheric gas concentration (CO2,H20, CH4,NO,NO2,N20,O3) • Eddy covariance fluxes (CO2,H,E,LE) DB template • Chamber/cuvette based fluxes (Soil respiration, Autotrophic/Heterotrophic resp. (roots/stems/foliage)) • Ancillary data (C,N pools, NPP, soil chemical features and texture, vegetation composition and structure, management and disturbance history) BADM BADM is a standard across different networks (Ameriflux, Europe, Fluxnet)

  6. Data submissioncharacteristics • Data can be submitted ad ASCII file or using an Excel template. • Submission is through the PI area of the database where data owner can send data, check status, see downloads, change information about the site • The data received are imported in the SQL database and quality controlled using variables-specific tools developed and under development (in C). Routines for radiation and spectral data welcome. (slide:courtesyofD.Papale)

  7. Data availability and data request • Recent developments: • Ancillary data available as single variables (FLUXNET format) • New variablesnamingsystem with more info includingmetainfo • Logical queries involving ancillary and filling info (e.g. find sites and periods where PFT=GRA and LAI>2 and gaps in NEE < 20%) (slide:courtesyofD.Papale)

  8. Variablesnaming New variable naming has been introduced and tested during the ICOS DemoExp. With this new system uncertainty and variability can be better estimated and metadata provided. Metadata including sensor specifications and position, maintenance and calibration records and possible disturbances are submitted for each variable (this system implies one that each sensor has a corresponding variable) In this way in addition to the possibility to send precise metadata associated with the measurements it is also possible to aggregate the values using standard procedures, quantifying also the variability and uncertainty 3 identifiers List online Variable code First identifier stands for the position of the sensors on a 2D space. Second identifier stands for the position of the sensors on the vertical dimension. The third ID is used to indicate replicates (slide:courtesyofD.Papale)

  9. Standardized data processing

  10. Post-processing outputs Level 2 data: data provided by the PIs, half-hourly, not gap-filled or filtered but quality checked by the PIs. Level 3 data: obtained from the level 2 products, data are quality checked (1) using standardized techniques and NEE is calculated. Datasets are not modified but flags are added. Level 4 data: obtained from the level 3 products, data are u-star filtered (2), gap-filled (3)and partitioned (4). Datasets are also aggregated from daily to monthly. Flags with information regarding quality of the original and gap-filled data are added. (1)Despikingalgorithms (Papale et al. BG 2006) (2)u*correction (Reichsteinet al. GCB 2005) + Barr in prep (3) Gapfilling: MDS(Reichsteinet al. 2005) e ANN (Papale & Valentini, GCB, 2003) (4)PartitioningtecniquesafterReichsteinet al. GCB,2005, Lasslopetal.GCB, 2010, Van Gorselet al. 2010.

  11. Data Access and Data Usepolicies • DATA ACCESS POLICY: regulates the access to the data, the way a user can get the data. • DATA USE POLICY: regulates what a user can do with the data and what he has to do to acknowledge the project and the data owner (PI). Data Access (2 options) PUBLIC: data directly available to all the users after login (free login just to record users) PRIVATE: data available only if the data owner authorize the download Data Use (2 options) OPEN: shared openly and only acknowledgments are requested to data owner and funding agencies. CLOSE: data users are requested to inform the data owners about the planned activities and INVITE them to contribute to the work with additional intellectual inputs, analysis and discussion that would lead to a co-authorship. The invitation to contribute should be based on a first draft of results still open enough to be discussed and changed on the basis of the feedback from Data owners. Data policy (set foreachsite-year data) decidedbyPIs or set by a project ishence the combinationof (PUBLIC-OPEN, PUBLIC-CLOSE, PRIVATE-OPEN, PRIVATE-CLOSE) options. It can bechanged at anytime, butonlytowardslessconstrainingoptions.

  12. Relation with the FLUXNET database • FLUXNET, a "network of regional networks," coordinates regional and global analysis of observations from micrometeorological tower sites • Complete compatibilityof the EuropeanFlux Database with FLUXNET. Site metadata on FLUXNET.ORNL.GOV, while data flow intoFLUXDATA.ORGwhennewversionsofsynthesisdatasets are produced, butonlyofPisagreetoparticipate. Flux/Met Data Regional Networks BADM Data Flux/Met Data BADM Data + Flux/Met Gap-Filled/QA/Products Individual Sites Fluxdata.org (Diagram:courtesyofD.Papale)

  13. To which databases are (PAGE21)site data currently submitted?

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