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Welcome to 2 nd Semester. Welcome to your new classes… We have a new semester and a new beginning. You are all starting this class with an A, and we need to review our rules, procedures, and expectations to maintain those grades.
Welcome to your new classes… We have a new semester and a new beginning. You are all starting this class with an A, and we need to review our rules, procedures, and expectations to maintain those grades. Your writing test is less than a month away, your CST is approaching as well. As a teacher and as a school, we have lost our patience with students who do not plan to follow the necessary expectations of students. Second Semester…
You will enter the classroom quietly, take your seat and start your journal write. I will call on you randomly, and if you haven’t completed the work the will stand and write against the wall. If this becomes a problem, your parent/guardian will receive a phone call home. A reminder of the expectations1) Entering the Classroom
Aside from when you first come arriving to school in the morning, there is a new tardy policy. If you come late to 2nd period, 3rd period, or DEAR, your name will be written on the board along with the number of minutes you came late. You will then stay after class, and we will call your parent or guardian together. Tardies will stop now.
You know how to act. You know what it means to be respectful of your peers, your teacher, and yourself. Do it. If you talk to me in a way that is defiant, you will be asked to step outside and collect yourself. If you can’t get it together, your going to Mr. Sanders office and going home. You are students, and I am your teacher. This is how the world works. As a school, we are not preparing you for the real world, if we do not teach you how to respect and treat your authority figures. Classroom Behavior
Based on your final exams, over half of you are receiving proficient or advanced; EXCELLENT WORK! • That means around 40% of you are receiving Basic or Below Basic. • This needs to change! • Students, we need to look alive in class, takes notes and be prepared. Your grades are reflecting your class focus. • Take a look at your print out to see where you stand. Reality Check…Where we are and where we need to be
You will see a list of standards. You will track yourself. Listen to my instructions, and you can complete the rest on your own. Look over your Reports
Make sure we are prepared everyday! • Do you have a notebook? • Is it organized? • Do you have a pen/pencil/paper? • Do you have the right mindset? • Do you have your homework? • Listen and take notes in-class. • The formula is easy: • Pay attention in class + preparedness = success! In order to improve our scores we need to
Remember those notebooks/binders I wanted? • Get them! • I need one binder or notebook for ELA only. • Warm up (Journal Write, Paragraph Correction, Word of the Day) • Grammar • Notes (this will be on the novel we are learning) • Test/quizzes/CST practice • Other • There will be a check on Thursday or Friday. Those of you who do not have it, will be writing standards. If you do not have it on Monday, You will receive a phone call home. It’s a new day to… Get organized
Calling all novels! • I need your copies of the Messenger by Friday. I will have a list of students who do not have the novel and have not given me money for the novel, so your parents will be billed. You were told you cannot keep the novel, and if you lost it, you will pay for it. ‘Nuff Said. Final Housekeeping
Let’s get back to Mr. Shakespeare. • Major Characters? • One sentence summary of each • Major Events • One sentence summary of each Back to Caesar!!
Major Characters Write a one sentence Summary explaining… who each character is and/or why each character/Event is important Major Events • Julius Caesar • Brutus • Cassius • Casca • Calphurnia *Celebration for Caesar *Soothsayer *Cassius/Brutus conversation *Caesar offered Crown *Crazy Night of Fire
Think of a time you felt jealous of someone. Who were you jealous of? Why? • Did they own more than you? • Get more attention than you? • Have more power than you? • Take something you thought you deserved? Journal Write…Understanding Cassius
Today we will exsamine character motives, and flaws. Two signfigant motives are jealously and peer presure. More specifically Cassius convinces Brutus to submit to peer pressure the question becomes “Do we blame brutus?” it wasn’t his idea yet he didn’t followd Cassius. (13) Paragraph Correction
Vocabulary Reminder…Motive Motive
Understanding Cassius…Think Pair Share • Define jealousy. • 1) What makes people jealous? • 2) Is it natural? • 3) Can it ever be a good thing? • 4) How far can it push you?
1) Shortly before dawn on March 15 (the ides of March), Brutus walks in his garden, unable to sleep, brooding over the decision he must make. He receives an anonymous letter (from Cassius) urging him to act on Rome's behalf. Cassius and the conspirators visit Brutus and finalize their plans. Brutus' wife, Portia, urges him to reveal his secret to her. Act II- What happened?
Overview, read the translation. Key Scene focus- pg. 79 Shortly after dawn on March 15, Caesar and his wife Calpurnia are both awake because of the storm. Caesar intends to go to the Capitol, but Calpurnia urges him to stay home because of the many threatening omens. Caesar agrees to stay home for her sake, until Decius, one of the conspirators, convinces him that he must not seem to be afraid of his wife's superstitions. The other conspirators meet at Caesar's house to make sure he does not decide to stay at home. Act II, Scene 2-
3) Artemidorus, one of Caesar's supporters, has learned about the plot against Caesar. He reads a letter of warning he has written, then waits in the street for Caesar to pass by. Act II, Scene 3- Overview, then Act it out
4) Portia, uneasy about the plot, sends the servant Lucius to go and see what is happening at the Capitol. She then meets the soothsayer, who increases her concern as he predicts danger for Caesar. Act II, Scene 4
“Aye, but not gone” • What does that mean?
Read the text, answer study questions Scene 2, Scene 3, and Scene 4 HOmework
Have you ever felt betrayed? Did you ever feel like a friend, family member, or teacher broke your trust? • Why? • How did that feel? • Has anyone ever felt that way towards you? Journal Write
Today we will act out Skits for Julius Caesar. After we had read the translation of the scene we will break into groups to read and preform the original shakespeare. If you want to rewrite some of the language you may. be sure to stick to the plot! (8 errors) Paragraph Correction
Word of the Day: Conspiracy Conspiracy
Get in groups Read translation Take out text Assign roles (I have suggested roles but you do not need to use them) Rewrite and practice! Perform Follow the step-by-step instructions
All it takes is one bad seed to ruin the whole apple… • What does this mean? • How does it relate to Julius Caesar?
Feb 14-16 Narrative Practice Feb 17-21 Response to Literature practice Feb 22-24 Persuasive Feb 25- 28 Summary 2 weeks until your cst!!!
Fact: Prisons are built based on literacy rates. • What does this mean? • The government looks at how students score on English exams, and then decide how many students may end up in jail. • Fact: The California State government looks at 7th grade writing exams to determine how many end up in jail, and how many students can be productive members of society. • How does this statistic make you feel? • Why? Journal Write
Choose 1 of 2 prompts: Write a narrative about the best Valentine’s Day you could imagine. Write about the best trip to Knott’s Berry Farm you could imagine. In the case of both topics, make sure you include all elements of plot and narrative writing. Graded Journal write…20 minutes
When you see that you need to write a narrative, immediately you should think • I need a setting and characters. • I need a conflict. • I need rising actions. • I need a climax. • I need falling actions. • I need a resolution. Journal Write Help
Use the a rubric to grade your peers Grade your Peers
I wake up to a phone, “Ms. Roth, this is Mr. Sanders. School has been cancelled today, due to a city-wide Valentine’s Day celebrashion!” “wow” I say to myself “This is going to be the bestest Valentines Day in the world!” As I am getting out of bed I see something on my dresser. Still half asleep I rub my eyes. I cannot beleive what I see before me A VENTI STARBUCKS DRINK! An Example of an opening Paragraph
Let’s first check for grammar, then capitalization, then punctuation, then spelling. (Find the errors!) I wake up to a phone, “Ms. Roth, this is Mr. Sanders. School has been cancelled today, due to a city-wide Valentine’s Day celebrashion!” “wow” I say to myself “This is going to be the bestest Valentines Day in the world!” As I am getting out of bed I see something on my dresser. Still half asleep I rub my eyes. I cannot beleive what I see before me A VENTI STARBUCKS DRINK! Let’s check this against the Rubric
Get started on your Journal Writes. When you are done, take out your Julius Caesar and your translations. Begin reading Act III, Scene II. When you are done, begin the Act III, Scene 2 Study guide questions. Ready, Set, go!
Have you ever lost someone you loved or admired? If you could speak at their funeral what would you say? How do you want to be remembered? Journal write
When mark Antony sees Caesars dead body he is horrified. He is determinned to get revenge on his friends murderers. he gets back at them very clever when he speak at Caesar’s funeral. Paragraph Correction
Caesar is stabbed at the Senate. Mark Antony walks in and is HORRIFIED! Open to page 105- let’s examine what he has to say Quick Review
What does he say to Brutus? How does Brutus react? Why is Cassius suspicious? Why is mark antony so upset?
What does Brutus say? • Why? • How does Antony first respond? • Then follow up? Examine the funeral orations- 115
What does he say? • How does he incriminate the conspirators? • Class work: • With a partner, complete act III, scene 2 study guide questions. Reads the will- Page 129
From the perspective of your character What do you think of Caesar’s murder? What do you think of the funeral orations? Homework: Journal Entry 2
Do you believe in the expression, “What goes around, comes around?” Why? Can you think of examples when this saying is true or not true? Journal Write
Word of the Day Naïve
Manipulation Manipulation
Act III, Scene 3 • Victim 1: Cinna • See your play, page 135 and hand out Let the killing spree begin!
Antony is getting a little too big for his britches… In Act IV, Scene 1, we see him starting to change. Let’s read the summary, and see how is attitude differs. Can power keep you humble?
“Once a dog, always a dog” Read the summary of Act IV, Scene 2 and 3 to see how Cassius continues to turn on his friends. Cassius…up to the same old nonsense