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Breakout Session #3: Adaptive Learning: Early Implementation Models and Successes

Breakout Session #3: Adaptive Learning: Early Implementation Models and Successes. Rebecca Orr, Ph.D. Professor of Biology, Collin College. Background Information. Professor of Biology at Collin College in Plano, Texas

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Breakout Session #3: Adaptive Learning: Early Implementation Models and Successes

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  1. Breakout Session #3: Adaptive Learning: Early Implementation Models and Successes Rebecca Orr, Ph.D. Professor of Biology, Collin College

  2. Background Information • Professor of Biology at Collin College in Plano, Texas • Two year public college, three campuses serving approximately 27,000 credit students • Total enrollment in Biology 1406 is ≈2000/year • Most of my students’ goals: • Nursing/Dental Hygiene/Surgery Technology/etc. • Transfer to a university

  3. No two students are identical — they learn and forget at different rates, come from different educational backgrounds, and have different intellectual capabilities, attention spans, and modes of learning. As a result, designing a real-time recommendation engine that is sensitive to the characteristics of each student is an immensely complex task. http://www.knewton.com/assets-v2/downloads/knewton-adaptive-learning-intro.pdf

  4. My Implementation of Adaptive Follow-Up: Summer 2013 • No Adaptive Follow-Up was offered during first two exam periods. • Exam 1 & 2 scores were averaged and utilized to compare student ability of Spring and Summer student cohorts. • Adaptive Follow-Up was offered for second two exam periods and was made “optional.” • Two sets of items were selected for Follow-Up. • Follow-Up was due two days after parent assignment. • Test-out option was allowed and set at 95%. • Value was set as “extra credit” and added to homework component of the lecture grade.

  5. Adaptive Follow-up in Mastering • “Parent” Assignment created • Item selection, difficulty, and estimated time for completion is instructor directed • Adaptive Follow-Up is enabled for selected “parent” assignments • Time spent in follow-up and number of problem sets issued is instructor directed • Knewton engine creates Adaptive Follow-Up sets for the student using IRT based engine • Items selected are individual to the student, based on: • Demonstrated proficiencies and lack of proficiencies in current and previous assignments • Content prerequisites necessary for future, scheduled assignments

  6. Does Adding Adaptive Follow-Up Increase Student Success on Exams?

  7. Student Participation in Adaptive Follow-Up: Summer 2013 • Almost 92% of students either tested out of or actively worked on the first Adaptive Follow-Up assignment. • Average participation rates observed over the course of Adaptive Follow-Up offerings were: • 16.7% tested out of Adaptive Follow-Up by scoring 95% or better on the parent assignment. • 58.1% chose to actively work on the Adaptive Follow-Up sets after completing the parent assignment. • 25.2% did not participate in Adaptive Follow-up.

  8. Addition of Adaptive Follow-up Increased Exam Averages: Summer 2013 (error bars- standard error)

  9. Student Feedback on Adaptive Follow-Up • “I really like how it [Adaptive Follow-Up] takes me back to the basics so I know where I need to study to build my strengths.” • “I originally thought that the Adaptive Follow-Up assignments were going to be a waste of time, but it actually is more of a benefit.” • “It was helpful, plus I felt confident when taking the test.”

  10. Interesting Effect of Adaptive Follow-Up • Students reported putting more effort into the Mastering parent homework: “…Adaptive Follow-Up questions served as motivation to learn the material better…I really think it's just the idea of "testing out" of something that makes me feel smarter and encourages me to get a better grade on the [Mastering parent] homework.

  11. Conclusions • Adaptive Follow-Up provides individualized recommendations to increase student proficiency in content. • Adaptive Follow-Up is based on demonstrated understanding of topics as well as the content graphed as prerequisite for success of future assignments. • Adaptive Follow-Up may increase student success. • Effect of Adaptive Follow-up on student success is being examined this semester implementing required completion of Adaptive Follow-ups and using a larger sample size.

  12. Questions? • Please feel free to email me at dr_orr@att.net

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