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The Special Senses

The Special Senses. Visual System. Hearing and Balance . Olfaction . Taste . Grab Bag . $100. $100. $100. $ 100. $100. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $300. $300. $300. $300. $300. $400. $400. $400. $400. $400. $500. $500. $500. $500. $500. FINAL ROUND.

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The Special Senses

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  1. The Special Senses Visual System Hearing and Balance Olfaction Taste Grab Bag $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 FINAL ROUND

  2. Olfaction: $100 Question • Olfactory nerves pass from the olfactory epithelium to the olfactory bulbs through this: • a. external auditory meatus • b. cribriform plate • c. nasolacrimal duct • d. mastoid sinus • e. olfactory tract ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  3. Olfaction: $100 Answer • Olfactory nerves pass from the olfactory epithelium to the olfactory bulbs through this: • a. external auditory meatus • b. cribriform plate • c. nasolacrimal duct • d. mastoid sinus • e. olfactory tract BACK TO GAME

  4. Olfaction: $200 Question • This is not considered one of the seven primary odors: • a. floral • b. minty • c. sweet • d. putrid • e. musky ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  5. Olfaction: $200 Answer • This is not considered one of the seven primary odors: • a. floral • b. minty • c. sweet • d. putrid • e. musky BACK TO GAME

  6. Olfaction: $300 Question • This is responsible for visceral and emotional reactions to odors and has connections to the limbic system: • a. intermediate olfactory area • b. lateral olfactory area • c. medial olfactory area • d. olfactory bulb ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  7. Olfaction: $300 Answer • This is responsible for visceral and emotional reactions to odors and has connections to the limbic system: • a. intermediate olfactory area • b. lateral olfactory area • c. medial olfactory area • d. olfactory bulb BACK TO GAME

  8. Olfaction: $400 Question • These cells proliferate to replace lost olfactory cells: • a. basal cells • b. mitral cells • c. olfactory hairs • d. tufted cells ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  9. Olfaction: $400 Answer • These cells proliferate to replace lost olfactory cells: • a. basal cells • b. mitral cells • c. olfactory hairs • d. tufted cells BACK TO GAME

  10. Olfaction: $500 Question • Sally walks into her anatomy lab and immediately notices a strong odor. After a few minutes however, she realizes that the smell is hardly noticeable anymore. This it the best explanation: • a. receptors become saturated • b. olfactory bulb neurons inhibit mitral (tufted) cells • c. neurons in the intermediate olfactory area can inhibit further action potentials • d. all of these ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  11. Olfaction: $500 Answer • Sally walks into her anatomy lab and immediately notices a strong odor. After a few minutes however, she realizes that the smell is hardly noticeable anymore. This it the best explanation: • a. receptors become saturated • b. olfactory bulb neurons inhibit mitral (tufted) cells • c. neurons in the intermediate olfactory area can inhibit further action potentials • d. all of these BACK TO GAME

  12. Taste: $100 Question • These papillae provide a rough surface on the tongue allowing it to manipulate food more easily: • a. vallate • b. fungiform • c. foliate • d. filiform ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  13. Taste: $100 Answer • These papillae provide a rough surface on the tongue allowing it to manipulate food more easily: • a. vallate • b. fungiform • c. foliate • d. filiform BACK TO GAME

  14. Taste: $200 Question • Taste (gustatory) cells have an average life span of about two months. • True/False ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  15. Taste: $200 Answer • Taste (gustatory) cells have an average life span of about two months. • True/False BACK TO GAME

  16. Taste: $300 Question • Taste from different regions of the tongue are carried by these cranial nerves except: • a. facial (VII) • b. glossopharyngeal (IX) • c. vagus (X) • d. hypoglossal (XII) ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  17. Taste: $300 Answer • Taste from different regions of the tongue are carried by these cranial nerves except: • a. facial (VII) • b. glossopharyngeal (IX) • c. vagus (X) • d. hypoglossal (XII) BACK TO GAME

  18. Taste: $400 Question • This taste sensation is the most sensitive: • a. bitter • b. salty • c. sweet • d. umami ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  19. Taste: $400 Answer • This taste sensation is the most sensitive: • a. bitter • b. salty • c. sweet • d. umami BACK TO GAME

  20. Taste: $500 Question • Umami (savory) tastes result in depolarization of cells by this mechanism: • a. Na+ diffuses through Na+ channels of gustatory hairs • b. diffusion of H+ into the cell through H+ channels • c. amino acids bind to receptors on gustatory hairs • d. a and b ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  21. Taste: $500 Answer • Umami (savory) tastes result in depolarization of cells by this mechanism: • a. Na+ diffuses through Na+ channels of gustatory hairs • b. diffusion of H+ into the cell through H+ channels • c. amino acids bind to receptors on gustatory hairs • d. a and b BACK TO GAME

  22. Visual System: $100 Question • The colored (blue, brown, green) portion of the eye, as seen in an anterior view, is this: • a. choroid • b. ciliary • c. body • d. cornea • e. iris ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  23. Visual System: $100 Answer • The colored (blue, brown, green) portion of the eye, as seen in an anterior view, is this: • a. choroid • b. ciliary • c. body • d. cornea • e. iris BACK TO GAME

  24. Visual System: $200 Question • Given these structures: 1. lacrimal canaliculi2. lacrimal ducts 3. lacrimal sac4. nasolacrimal duct5. punctaList the structures in the correct order that tears would flow through them after being produced in the lacrimal gland. • a. 1,2,3,4,5 c. 2,5,1,3,4 • b. 3,1,4,2,5 d. 4,5,1,2,3 ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  25. Visual System: $200 Answer • Given these structures: 1. lacrimal canaliculi2. lacrimal ducts 3. lacrimal sac4. nasolacrimal duct5. punctaList the structures in the correct order that tears would flow through them after being produced in the lacrimal gland. • a. 1,2,3,4,5 c. 2,5,1,3,4 • b. 3,1,4,2,5 d. 4,5,1,2,3 BACK TO GAME

  26. Visual System: $300 Question • This statement about aqueous humor is true: • a. is found in the anterior compartment of the eye • b. is produced by the ciliary processes • c. helps maintain intraocular pressure • d. provides nutrition for the cornea and lens • e. all of these ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  27. Visual System: $300 Answer • This statement about aqueous humor is true: • a. is found in the anterior compartment of the eye • b. is produced by the ciliary processes • c. helps maintain intraocular pressure • d. provides nutrition for the cornea and lens • e. all of these BACK TO GAME

  28. Visual System: $400 Question • Axons in the optic nerve from the right eye travel here: • a. all to the right occipital lobe • b. all to the left occipital lobe • c. all to the thalamus • d. most to the thalamus, some to the superior colliculus • e. some to right occipital lobe and left occipital lobe ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  29. Visual System: $400 Answer • Axons in the optic nerve from the right eye travel here: • a. all to the right occipital lobe • b. all to the left occipital lobe • c. all to the thalamus • d. most to the thalamus, some to the superior colliculus • e. some to right occipital lobe and left occipital lobe BACK TO GAME

  30. Visual System: $500 Question • A person with an abnormally short eyeball (anterior to posterior) is _____________ and uses this kind of lens to correct his or her vision: • a. nearsighted, concave lens • b. nearsighted, convex lens • c. farsighted, concave lens • d. farsighted, convex lens ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  31. Visual System: $500 Answer • A person with an abnormally short eyeball (anterior to posterior) is _____________ and uses this kind of lens to correct his or her vision: • a. nearsighted, concave lens • b. nearsighted, convex lens • c. farsighted, concave lens • d. farsighted, convex lens BACK TO GAME

  32. Hearing and Balance:$100 Question • These structures are all part of the external ear except: • a. auricle (pinna) • b. external acoustic meatus (external auditory canal) • c. auditory (eustachian) tube • d. eardrum (tympanic membrane) ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  33. Hearing and Balance:$100 Answer • These structures are all part of the external ear except: • a. auricle (pinna) • b. external acoustic meatus (external auditory canal) • c. auditory (eustachian) tube • d. eardrum (tympanic membrane) BACK TO GAME

  34. Hearing and Balance: $200 Question • The spiral organ (organ of Corti) is found within this: • a. scala media (cochlear duct) • b. scala vestibuli (vestibular duct) • c. scala tympani (tympanic duct) • d. vestibule • e. semicircular canals ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  35. Hearing and Balance: $200 Answer • The spiral organ (organ of Corti) is found within this: • a. scala media (cochlear duct) • b. scala vestibuli (vestibular duct) • c. scala tympani (tympanic duct) • d. vestibule • e. semicircular canals BACK TO GAME

  36. Hearing and Balance: $300 Question • A higher pitch of a sound is a result of an increase in the _____________ of the sound wave. • a. frequency • b. amplitude • c. resonance • d. both a and b ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  37. Hearing and Balance: $300 Answer • A higher pitch of a sound is a result of an increase in the _____________ of the sound wave. • a. frequency • b. amplitude • c. resonance • d. both a and b BACK TO GAME

  38. Hearing and Balance: $400 Question • Damage to sensory structures in the semicircular canals primarily affects the ability to detect this: • a. linear acceleration • b. movement of the head in all directions • c. the position of the head relative to the ground • d. the position of the limbs ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  39. Hearing and Balance: $400 Answer • Damage to sensory structures in the semicircular canals primarily affects the ability to detect this: • a. linear acceleration • b. movement of the head in all directions • c. the position of the head relative to the ground • d. the position of the limbs BACK TO GAME

  40. Hearing and Balance:$500 Question • Given these parts of the inner ear: 1. oval window2. round window 3. scala tympani 4. scala vestibuli5. helicotremaThis is the correct order in which vibrations travel through the cochlea when the stapes is vibrated. • a. 1,2,3,4,5 c. 2,4,5,3,1 • b. 1,4,5,3,2 d. 3,2,4,5,1 ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  41. Hearing and Balance:$500 Answer • Given these parts of the inner ear: 1. oval window2. round window 3. scala tympani 4. scala vestibuli5. helicotremaThis is the correct order in which vibrations travel through the cochlea when the stapes is vibrated. • a. 1,2,3,4,5 c. 2,4,5,3,1 • b. 1,4,5,3,2 d. 3,2,4,5,1 BACK TO GAME

  42. Grab Bag:$100 Question • The lens normally focuses light onto this: • a. optic disc • b. iris • c. macula lutea • d. cornea • e. pupil ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  43. Grab Bag: $100 Answer • The lens normally focuses light onto this: • a. optic disc • b. iris • c. macula lutea • d. cornea • e. pupil BACK TO GAME

  44. Grab Bag: $200 Question • Given these ear bones (ossicles):1. incus2. malleus3. stapesThis is the correct order of the ear bones (ossicles) from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear. • a. 1,2,3 c. 2,1,3 • b. 1,3,2 d. 2,3,1 ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  45. Grab Bag: $200 Answer • Given these ear bones (ossicles):1. incus2. malleus3. stapesThis is the correct order of the ear bones (ossicles) from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear. • a. 1,2,3 c. 2,1,3 • b. 1,3,2 d. 2,3,1 BACK TO GAME

  46. Grab Bag: $300 Question • The following occurs during dark adaptation except: • a. rod function increases • b. cone function decreases • c. pupils dilate • d. break down of rhodopsin ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  47. Grab Bag: $300 Answer • The following occurs during dark adaptation except: • a. rod function increases • b. cone function decreases • c. pupils dilate • d. break down of rhodopsin BACK TO GAME

  48. Grab Bag: $400 Question • Movement of otoliths located in the macula, is translated by the brain into specific information about head position and acceleration. • True/False ANSWER BACK TO GAME

  49. Grab Bag: $400 Answer • Movement of otoliths located in the macula, is translated by the brain into specific information about head position and acceleration. • True/False BACK TO GAME

  50. Grab Bag: $500 Question • This best describes the relationship between olfaction and gustation: • a. gustatory hairs can also detect odorants • b. olfactory hairs can also detect tastants • c. olfactory sensations provide information about a substance that may be thought of as taste • d. there is no relationship between the olfactory and gustatory senses ANSWER BACK TO GAME

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