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BUSINESS COMMUNICATION. GATEWAYS TO COMMUNICATION. May be to inform, persuade, motivate or something else. One with the receiver – greater comprehension. Effective grasp of the message. Verbal- oral, written or non verbal. Minimize “Physical” and “Psychological” noise.
May be to inform, persuade, motivate or something else. One with the receiver – greater comprehension. Effective grasp of the message. Verbal- oral, written or non verbal. Minimize “Physical” and “Psychological” noise. Active and empathetic listening. Neither too much nor too little. Synchronies actions with statements. Soliciting feedback. Training. 1. Objective for communicating 2. Clarity in the use of language 3. Amount of Communication – neither too much nor too less. 4. Adequate medium. 5. Appropriate physical conditions. 6. Listen attentively. 7. Avoid unintentional communication. 8. Corroborate actions with statements. 9. Communication is a two way process. 10. Hone communication skills further. Ten commandments of com Commandments Facilitating Attributes
The Ten Commandments • Objective for communicating: The objective to be clear in the mind of sender-inform-persuade-motivate-goal clear at inception/eliminating miscommunication • Miscommunication takes place when message received is not the same as the message sent
Causes for miscommunication:- • Organizational Structure-All organizations have their own communication techniques/each nurtures its own communication climate • -In large organization where flow of information is downward-feedback not guaranteed/
Organization with flat structure usually have intricately knitted communication network • Tall organizations –too many vertical communication links-distorted message –various organizational levels/transfer links • Irrespective of size organization have communication policies-describes the protocol to be followed • -structure & complexity of protocol causes barriers
To overcome structural barriers, opportunities should exist for communicating upward/downward/horizontally using technique like- • Employee surveys/open door policies/newsletters/memos/task groups • Attempts should be made to reduce hierarchical levels/increase co –ordination/two way communication
Difference in Status-when people belonging to different hierarchical positions communicate with each other-possibility of miscommunication. Why? • Limiting oneself to a particular dept/task narrow one’s point of view so that it differs from the attitudes/values /expectations of people belonging to other dept/task
How do we overcome it? -by keeping the managers/lower level employees well informed -employees encouraged to keep their managers informed by being fair minded/respectful of their opinions -brave to convey information that the boss might not like
Lack of trust-can threaten the organizations stability/you may be clear in communication but people should trust you • How do we overcome? -by being visible and accessible -Hiding or insulating behind assistants /secretaries will not help -Share key information with colleagues/employees/
-communicate honestly /include employees in decision making -Creating an open communication environment in the organization -helping employees in times of distress -assuring them of your suggestion or co -operation
Closed Communication Climate:-An organization’s communication climate is influenced by its management style -A directive authoritarian style blocks free and open exchange of information • How do we overcome barriers relating to organizational environment? -spend more time listening than issuing orders
-Make sure you respond constructively to employees -encourage employees and colleagues to offer suggestions -help set goals /participate in solving problems /help making decisions -To see that employees are willing to communicate their problems and perspectives to you openly
Incorrect choice of medium:- Choosing an inappropriate communication medium can distort the message • Choice and Quality of medium of comm
How to overcome the barriers arising due to inappropriate choice of media -Choosing the richest media for non routine complex messages -Using rich media to extend and to humanize your presence to promote the employees commitment to organizational goals -Using leaner media to communicate simple routine messages
Information overload:-At times people overload their messages with too much information -too much information is as bad as too little because it reduces the audience’s ability to concentrate on the most important message -as a sender be focused/include only pertinent information/as receiver deal with the information/don’t get trapped
Message complexity:- dry and difficult/difficulty in understanding(example trying to write guidelines for checking credit references/an explanation of why profits have dropped by 10% in the last six months -To keep it clear and easy to understand/asking feedback
Message competition: This happens at Inter-personal level and intra –personal level -Interruptions- Phone rings/people intrude while sending message -Avoid communicating to a receiver who does not have time to pay attention • What should we do?
Unethical Communication: Relationship within & outside the organization depend on -trust & fairness -this does not mean that organizations should not be tactful -it is possible for organizations to avoid illegal or unethical messages and still be credible in the long run/due to unethical conduct barriers arise-colleague takes credit /hyped product - to overcome/truthful/not deceptive
Physical distraction- Recall the time you delivered a talk to a large audience seated in a hall poorly lit and inadequately seated. • To decrease the possibility of miscommunication (1) Consider seriously the recipients of your message
(2) Think about how to send the message/verbal or written (3) Follow up your verbal message with a written statement/in a meeting if you made an important planned statement/distribute a copy of the message (4) Decide who can communicate with whom -if centralized it will be bureaucratic/control oriented & time consuming/if every one speaks messages not uniform/risk factor is there
Gateway of Communication • MASTERING COMMUNICATION SKILLS • Mastering Communication skills involves answering the following pertinent questions: • What to communicate • What is the objective of Communication • How to communicate • Whom to address the Communication. • When to communicate • How often to communicate • How to get feedback • How to evaluate Communication
Gateway of Communication • GATEWAYS OF COMMUNICATION IN AN ORGANISATION • In order to make business Communication effective in practice, an open door Communication policy should be prepared and followed by managers at all levels. The superiors in the organization must create an atmosphere of confidence and trust in the organization so that the credibility gap may be narrowed down. Major efforts in this direction are: • Two-way Communication • Strengthening Communication network • Promoting participative approach • Appropriate language • Credibility in Communication • Good listening • Selecting an effective Communication channel • Listening with understanding • Timing of Communication • Sincerity • Freshness
Gateway of Communication • ESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTES FOR COMMUNICATION • Clarity of purpose • Understand the process of Communication • Be clear about your target audience • Be well informed • Plan your Communication • Be positive in approach • Avoid extreme feelings • Be sincere • Be consistent • Appreciate the time factor • Use proper modes and channels • Be cost conscious • Obtain feedback • Avoid Communication overload:
Effectiveness in managerial communication • There are certain characteristics in Managerial communication • (1) Appropriate communication Style: -Every organization has its own culture/which is a reflection of its values/traditions/habits/customs -some companies curb upward flow communication –why?
Effectiveness in managerial communication -consider it time consuming/unproductive -whereas other companies foster candor & honesty/people feel free to confess their mistakes/disagree with heir boss/express their opinion • There are several factors that influence an organization’s communication climate -nature of industry/compy;s physical setup/history of the compy
Effectiveness in managerial communication • Most important factors is the management style of the top management -some managers regard workers as lazy/irresponsible motivated by the fear of losing job- --adopt directive style -Supportive style where managers assume people like to work -Participative style-encourage workers to work together/decision making/empowers
Effectiveness in managerial communication • The trend today is towards any style that encourages open communication • -managers listen than issue orders • -workers offer suggestions/help in setting goals/problem solving • Managers stay in touch with employees to be understood and understand How?
Effectiveness in managerial communication (2)Audience Centered approach:-consider the audience ‘s feeling/needs maintaining ethical standards (3) Understanding of intercultural communication:- with advancement in science & technology businesses are crossing national boundaries/creating international ties/through global partnership/cooperatives/affiliation/global& domestic workforce changing/laws /customs/business practices/multicultural environment/understand cultural diff
Effectiveness in managerial communication • (4)Commitment to ethical communication:-The term business ethics refers to –principles of code of conduct which govern a person or group in any business enterprise -ethical people are trustworthy/fair/impartial -unethical people/selfish/unscrupulous -Hewitt-Packard making sure employee is familiar /compy’s standards for business conduct/GE etc have interactive software to answer their questions on ethics/e- training
Effectiveness in managerial communication • Ethics plays a crucial role in communication -avoid language which manipulates/discriminates/exaggerates -Honest with employees/o personal gains - what is ethical can be complex -Managers should ensure code of conduct
Effectiveness in managerial communication (5)Proficiency in communication technology:-quantum & speed of information • Managers to understand the ever changing technology/adapt/motivate subordinates • Accessible to fax/car phones/cellular phones/electronic mail/voice mail/satellite communication(satellite television-Ford) -trace shipment/customers/clients/vendors • 30% new technologies fail if not used
Effectiveness in Managerial communication (6)Control over the flow of communication:- -Managers to ensure communication flows efficiently across & outside -If we see the logistics of transmitting messages communicated/does flow efficiently why? -Information load -Lack of efficiency in preparing messages -Lack of adequate training (7)Control the number of messages/40 routine reports answered 2(CEO)face to face /standarized /standard formats for memos