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Praba Nair Director, KDi Asia Singapore

KM Framework - an APO Perspective Technology and Innovation for Knowledge Management 12 - 14 February 2008 New Delhi, India. Praba Nair Director, KDi Asia Singapore. Background.

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Praba Nair Director, KDi Asia Singapore

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  1. KM Framework - an APO PerspectiveTechnology and Innovation for Knowledge Management12 - 14 February 2008New Delhi, India Praba Nair Director, KDi Asia Singapore

  2. Background “For achieving innovation, the most relevant tool is no longer quality control or quality management. It is knowledge management in its broadest sense, with value creation being the most relevant”. Mr Shigeo Takenaka Secretary General, APO IPC 2007 2nd International KM Conference 12–14 Feb 08

  3. Background • Commenced in September 2007 • Representation from APO, China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam (practitioners and academics) • Develop a framework that is applicable for APO member countries • Easily understood by APO member countries • Can be applied in any country and industry 2nd International KM Conference 12–14 Feb 08

  4. Development Team APO Mr. Kamlesh Prakash Programme Officer, Research & Planning Department, APO Republic of China Dr. Chen Chia Shen Professor, Graduate Institute of Business Administration, College of Management, National Taiwan University India Dr. Vinay Kumar Nangia Professor & Head, Department of Management Studies Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee Japan Dr. Tomohiro Takanashi Executive Vice President Knowledge Management Society of Japan Malaysia Mrs. Rokiah Aziz Manager, Management Information Systems National Productivity Corporation PhilippinesDr. Elizabeth Manuge Executive Vice-President & Fellow Development Academy of Philippines Singapore Mr. Praba Nair Director, KDi Asia Thailand Dr. Phasukyud Prapon Director, Communication and Learning Networks The Knowledge Management Institute Vietnam Mrs. Vu Hong Dan Head of Productivity Research Division Vietnam Productivity Centre 2nd International KM Conference 12–14 Feb 08

  5. Purpose of Framework Emphasize the importance of KM to organizational success Provide a simple introduction to KM Highlight the critical factors for the successful implementation of KM Assist APO member countries in leveraging KM for their benefit 2nd International KM Conference 12–14 Feb 08

  6. APO KM Definition

  7. Proposed APO KM Definition KM is an integrated approach of creating, sharing and applying knowledge to enhance organizational productivity, profitability and growth. 2nd International KM Conference 12–14 Feb 08

  8. Proposed APO KM Definition KM is an integrated approach of creating, sharing and applying knowledge to enhance organizational productivity, profitability and growth. 2nd International KM Conference 12–14 Feb 08

  9. Tagline … simplified definition Using Knowledge to increase Productivity, Profitability and Growth 2nd International KM Conference 12–14 Feb 08

  10. APO KM Framework

  11. Apply Identify Share Create Store APO KM Framework OUTCOMES Productivity Growth Learning Innovation KNOWLEDGE PROCESS ACCELERATORS Processes People Vision Mission Societal Capacity Individual Capability Technology Leadership Learning Innovation Quality Profitability Organizational Capability

  12. APO KM Framework • Starting point of the framework is the vision and mission of the organization • There are three levels in the framework: • Accelerators (drivers and enablers) • Knowledge Process • Outcomes 2nd International KM Conference 12–14 Feb 08

  13. Accelerators • Accelerators tend to ‘accelerate’ and speed up the KM initiative in the organization • Four accelerators identified: • Leadership • People • Processes • Technology 2nd International KM Conference 12–14 Feb 08

  14. Apply Identify Share Create Store APO KM Framework OUTCOMES Productivity Growth Learning Innovation KNOWLEDGE PROCESS ACCELERATORS Processes People Vision Mission Societal Capacity Individual Capability Technology Leadership Learning Innovation Quality Profitability Organizational Capability

  15. Knowledge Process • Refer to the knowledge development and conversion processes • Five stages in the knowledge process: • Identification • Creation • Storage • Sharing • Application 2nd International KM Conference 12–14 Feb 08

  16. Learning & Innovation • Knowledge process enables learning and innovation at all levels and areas in the organization • New products, services, processes, markets, technologies and business models • Build individual and organizational capability leading to societal capacity 2nd International KM Conference 12–14 Feb 08

  17. Knowledge Management Outcomes • Expected outcomes: • Individual Capability • Organisational Capability • Societal Capacity • Leading to: • Productivity • Quality products and services • Profitability • Growth 2nd International KM Conference 12–14 Feb 08

  18. APO KM Implementation Approach

  19. APO KM Implementation Approach Discover Deploy Design Develop

  20. APO KM Implementation Approach 2nd International KM Conference 12–14 Feb 08 Discover • Knowledge needs and gaps identified Design • Pilot KM projects identified and designed Develop • Implementation of pilot projects Deploy • Organization-wide implementation Page 20

  21. Next Steps • Build capability of NPOs • Develop KM training curriculum 2nd International KM Conference 12–14 Feb 08

  22. Thank You Praba Nair pnair@pacific.net.sg

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