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6 th Grade Reading

Stay organized with homework assignments and daily tasks in 6th grade reading class. Learn about classroom rules and procedures to ensure a successful learning environment.

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6 th Grade Reading

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  1. 6thGrade Reading Lopez Middle School 2019-2020 Brenna Bourland

  2. Homework/Daily assignments 20%Quizzes 30%Assessments/Projects 50%Lowest Homework/Daily assignment is dropped at the end of the nine weeks. Grading Policy

  3. NO backpacks in any classroom. (Unless otherwise told) BACKPACKS

  4. Lunch Schedule6th grade lunch is early!11:00-11:30Eat! ID badge or ID# is used for lunchNo snacks in the classroom.Water bottles are allowed! Lunch Schedule

  5. 1. Do not touch unless prompted to touch the smart board.2. Do not write on the WHITE BOARD with anything other than the SMART BOARD pens.3. No markers.4. No magnets.5. No tape or sticky notes. SMART BOARD RULES

  6. 1. If you are going to the office, library, or nurse’s office you must have the pass that corresponds to your location.2. YouMUST ask, and take a pass when leaving class! Leaving Class Room Procedures

  7. 1. Nurse form must be filled out before the student can go to the clinic.2. Bathroom and water breaks will be typically answered with a “NO.” Students should address those issues between classes. (However, I do make exceptions for true emergencies.)3. 10 Minute rule (Beginning and end of class.) More Leaving Class Room Procedures

  8. 10 minute Rule example:If class begins at 10:00 and ends at 11:00 You may not leave the classroom from 10:00-10:10 or from 10:50-11:00. 10 Minute Rule Definition

  9. Teacher Referral Steps for Student Misbehavior Step 1: Teachers will redirect disruptive student behavior and utilize interventions such as a verbal warning, student conference, and parent contact via email or phone. Step 2: Teacher will issue a 45 minute after school detention. Step 3: Teacher will contact parent via phone or face to face meeting.Step 4: Teacher submits an administrative referral and parent contact documentation. Administrator assigns consequences which will vary depending on the specific situation/student. Discipline Step Plan

  10. 1. Coaching time is not hangout time.2. Use coaching time to your advantage.3. You must have a note to get into the building for coaching.4. Coaching times will be posted on the 6th grade reading teacher’s doors: Mrs. Brown (A201), Mrs. Bourland(A205) and Ms. Barganier (A204). Coaching Times

  11. 1. Come into the classroom ready to learn!2. Phone is powered off or on silent and out of sight.3. Fill out agenda if you keep an agenda and check for supplies needed for the day.4. Complete your bell-ringer activity.5. Be ready for class when the bell rings. Classroom Procedures

  12. 1. We will always have a bell-ringer/warm-up.2. Bell-ringer will be completed in your class folder.3. The bell-ringer will be displayed on the white board.4. Classroom notebookstays in the classroom so please be prepared each and every day. Bell-Ringer

  13. Silent: You may only talk with permission. Absolute silence no one is talking. ( This will be utilized for tests, quizzes, independent work and silent reading.)Whisper: Only your partner can hear you talking.Quiet: Only your small group can hear you speaking.Normal: Normal speaking voice and the entire class can hear you speaking.Playground: Never used inside! Voice Levels

  14. Velcro Rule: simply means that you cannot leave your assigned seat for any reason without permission from the teacher. This rule will be used mostly on test day, quizzes and project days. Velcro Rule

  15. Be PreparedPay AttentionBe Polite and RespectfulBe PromptKnow Classroom Procedures and RoutinesAsk if You Don’t Know or are UnsureUse Time WiselyBuild Solid Friendships with your Peers Expectations

  16. School Tardy Policy1 Tardy – Teacher warning/conference with student 2 Tardies– Teacher conference with student and Teacher makes parent contact 3 Tardies– 1 day admin assigned lunch detention and admin makes parent contact 6 Tardies– 2 days admin assigned lunch detention. 9 Tardies- Admin assigned 2 days after school detention. 12 Tardies– Conference with student, parent/guardian, and administrator. Disciplinary action may be taken at the conclusion of the conference 12+ Tardies- Additional administrative consequences * Starts over at the end of each grading period TARDINESS

  17. The only items I supply if needed are: eraser tops, highlighters, notebook paper, index cards and sticky notes. (Until my supply runs out.)If you forget your writing utensil…find a friend and borrow! SUPPLIES

  18. 1. I will let you know ahead of times if you will need your phone for a class activity. 2. If your phone is seen during instruction or class work time, you will politely be asked to put it away ONCE.3. Each time that it is taken up after your first warning, it will be sent to the office where a parent/guardian will have to pick up the phone and detention will be assigned. Phone Policy

  19. 1. Given out periodically.2. Staple it to your Homework and turn it in to the teacher.3. Lose it? Oh well! Homework Pass

  20. 1. You will be told in advance when there will be a book check.2. There will always be a note on the board and outside of the door as well.3. Goes in the gradebook as a daily assignment (x1).4. Normally on quiz/test days but not always.5. Needs to be a real book-cannot be on a phone, kindle, ipad, etc.6. No book at all = 0.7. Left it in locker and have to go get it = 50.8. Have it on desk and ready to read = 100. BOOK CHECK

  21. 1. I will not ask “who’s paper is this?” When a paper is finally claimed if it is late a 20% reduction will be taken from final grade of assignment.2. You may no longer turn in late work or claim no name papers after we have taken a quiz, test or completed a project that corresponds with missing/late assignment.3. A quiz, test, or project takes place approximately 3 weeks. Be sure to check your grades and make sure you are not missing any work! Late Work/No Name Work

  22. 1. It is your RESPONSIBILITY to come in and get any homework that you missed.2. This also applies to missed quizzes, test and projects that took place on the day you were absent.3. Come in during Coaching - this is a great time to get caught up on missed work.4. I will not hunt you down for missed work.5. Even if you sent an email about your absence, it’s still your responsibility to come and physically pick up your work! 6. Check the absent folder on the green shelf for any copies that were handed out while you were absent. What to do when you’re Absent

  23. 1. One composition book that will stay in the classroom.2. One section in your binder designated for Reading.3. Must have a pencil or a pen(blue or black ink only) each day.4. Any other materials needed will be announced the day prior to class.1st period: Tissue boxes (2)2nd period: tissue boxes (2) 6th period: notebook paper4th period: highlighters7thperiod: Sanitizer/ wipes5th period: tape roll S UPPLIES

  24. I graduated from Texas State University with a degree in Education. This will be my 2ndyear teaching at Lopez MS. A few things I like to do in my free time is fish, travel, and hike. I have 3 fur babies. 2 are rescues, and one is a blue heeler. I AM A HUGE DODGERS FAN! GO DODGERS!!I am so excited to be at Lopez MS this year and have you as my student! It is a privilege to have you in my classroom and to have the opportunity to help you grow in your reading skills. I look forward to our year together. Best wishes, Mrs. Bourland All About Me!

  25. https:youtu.be/m5yCOSHeYn4// KINDNESS MATTERS

  26. Rules! (the fun way)


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