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Language training in BE

Language training in BE. August 2014. Language training. BE French Integration. Mandatory. for all newcomers with NO French knowledge at all I dentified by DAO within their first day. Information to Supervisor & Supervisee. Attendance follow-up and absences justification

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Language training in BE

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  1. Language trainingin BE August 2014

  2. Language training

  3. BE French Integration Mandatory for all newcomers with NO French knowledge at all Identified by DAO within their first day Information to Supervisor & Supervisee Attendance follow-up and absences justification by supervisor to DDTO EDH registration by candidate Starting as soon as L&D will receive eight requests CERN wide French Integration 60 hours Several time options

  4. Identification of needsby supervisor Before any training request, Supervisor must identifies needs Must be related to functions and role

  5. Any edh language training requestMUST have the requested level indicated https://espace.cern.ch/be-dep/Training.aspx Paste in edh request By the Requestor Copy requested level regarding functions & role Or by the supervisor Or by the GL If missing, rejected by DTO !

  6. Standard & Tailor made language training Regarding CERN functions & role Attendance follow-up and absences justification by supervisor to DDTO EDH registration by candidate Requested level (requestor or supervisor or GL) 60 hours over 10-12 weeks (special course reference provided by L&D if tailor made)

  7. Reminder: Language training is a technical training • Attendance goal in BE is 100 % • One session is 60 hours, i.e. 24slots of 2.5 hours • DTO advice:NO other training neither conference should be taken during the period • Please carefully identify needs regarding functions and rolebefore applying ! Example: next English session

  8. Informal learning methodsfor motivated candidates • CERN • http://cern.ch/language-tandem • Michel Thomas CD (on loan for 6 months, contact your DTO) • Web (free of rights and free of charge) • French training • http://www1.rfi.fr/lffr/statiques/accueil_apprendre.asp • http://apprendre.tv5monde.com/ • English training • http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/

  9. Tailor made language training For any specific request, please Contact your DTO

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