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Link Building Basics

Link Building Basics. Dejan Petrovic, Director. “G’day Sir/Madam, We’re an SEO company from [you know where] and can get your website on the first page of Google for….” Manual Directory Submission Service Article Writing and Article Submission Service Blog Comment Posting Service

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Link Building Basics

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Link Building Basics Dejan Petrovic, Director

  2. “G’day Sir/Madam, We’re an SEO company from [you know where] and can get your website on the first page of Google for….” • Manual Directory Submission Service • Article Writing and Article Submission Service • Blog Comment Posting Service • Social Network Bookmarks • Forum Postings Services • And other useless rubbish…

  3. “G’day Sir/Madam, We’re an SEO company from [you know where] and can get your website on the first page of Google for….” • Manual Directory Submission Service • Article Writing and Article Submission Service • Blog Comment Posting Service • Social Network Bookmarks • Forum Postings Services • And other useless rubbish…

  4. It’s all about links! Ranking Factors How to get links Link building ideas

  5. Ranking Factors • Relevance • Search for cars brings car related websites • Importance • How to sort all 1,000,000,000 car websites?

  6. Ranking Factors: Relevance • Technical Aspects • How search engines “read” your site • Access, navigation, text, images, flash, frames, image descriptions… • Content • How search engines “interpret” your site • Writing language, use of phrases, industry jargon, phrase research…

  7. Ranking Factors: Importance • Reputation & Trust • Who links to your site? • Your friend’s Facebook profile VS Stanford Particle Accelerator Lab • Context • How others link to you? • Content type, link type (anchor text), site topic and relevance

  8. What links should I get? Get links from reputable and trusted websites that are in some way associated with your activities or where linking seems appropriate and relevant. Examples of trusted domains: Reputable businesses, Universities, Schools, Associations, Organisations, Government

  9. Link Anatomy & Flow of Link Juice <a href=“http://site.com”>anchor text</a> Link = Vote (PageRank, Link Juice) Link Voting = Non-egalitarian voting system Anchor Text = Target Link Content SITE A SITE B

  10. Link Anatomy & Flow of Link Juice Ordinary Links & Strong Links SITE A SITE B SITE C

  11. Link Anatomy & Flow of Link Juice Number of outgoing links affects the link value. SITE B SITE C SITE A SITE D SITE F

  12. Link Anatomy & Flow of Link Juice <a rel=“nofollow” href=“http://site.com”>anchor text</a> Nofollow = No trust = No vote META, robots.txt, link SITE A SITE B

  13. How to get good links? • Learn more about your existing links • Google Webmaster Tools: • Your website on the web • Links to your site • Analyse anchor text

  14. How to get links?

  15. Your Current Links Oh, nice!

  16. Why did these people link to me? • Analyse and understand your links • Discover most linked content • Find new link opportunities and ideas • Form new partnerships and alliances • Fix wrong links (more about that later…)

  17. Who links to my competitors? • Yahoo & Google • link:http://www.mycompetitor.com.au • Advanced Tools (example: seomoz.org) • Discover new link opportunities • Understand your competitor’s strengths

  18. Self-Generating Links • “Link to us” page: • Encourage linking to your site. • Take control of how people link to you. • Make it easy for people to do so. • Social media sharing within content • Useful Tools / Templates / Resources • Link Bait Material • Example: Steps on how to do up your tie

  19. Easy Link Building • Directories (DMOZ, Yahoo, BOTW) • PR & Article Hosting (PR Web, Ezine Articles) • Join Industry Associations & Memberships (AMIA) • Profile Pages (LinkedIn) • Blogging & Social Media Participation • Tips: • Unique content on each new resource • 2000 directories, how good can they be?

  20. Link Building Ideas • Non-competing businesses • Lawyer in Sydney & Lawyer in Melbourne • Hotel booking & Tour guides • Hosted content or functionality • Avoid links_9.html and resources_020.php pages (spam!) • Business partners & alliances • Product or service suppliers • Web design company (portfolio page) • Your office space / building complex • Customers • Incentivise: Offer discount and extras to linking customers • Share: Customers like to brag about recently purchased product • Celebrate: Happy customer testimonials

  21. More Link Building Ideas • Positive Reviews, Feedback and Testimonials • Include someone’s research in your content… • …and tell them about it (Example: http://GiantStars.de) • Incorrect links or no links on brand and content • “click here”, “read more” (should be “main phrase”) • www.yourwebsite.com.au and yourwebsite.com.au • www.yourwebsite.com.au/deleted_page.html

  22. Creative Link Examples • Business Directory • Encourages customers to link back to their listing • Provides easy to copy link code to do so • Currency Exchange Website • Provides real-time currency graph widget • Customers embed code in blogs

  23. Finally: Theory in Practice • Number of Links: 2000. No improvement. • Competitor links: 20-100 in average. • New links: 7 • Time: 3 months • Position: #1 Conclusion: Link Quality, Trust & Relevance

  24. Time’s Up Any Questions? Presentation by Dejan Petrovic www.dejan.com.au

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