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ESSAY. What is an Essay ?. An essay is a piece of writing , usually from an author's personal point of view . Essays can be literary criticism , political manifestos , learned arguments , observations of daily life , recollections , and reflections of the author .
WhatisanEssay? • Anessayis a piece of writing, usuallyfromanauthor's personal point of view. Essayscan beliterarycriticism, politicalmanifestos, learnedarguments, observations of dailylife, recollections, and reflections of theauthor.
Types of essays • Argumentative essay • Autobiographical essay • Descriptive essay • Narrative essay • Persuasive essay • Photo essay
Argumentative essay • Argument essays are written to present an opinion which either favors or disagrees with a controversial topic. The writer of the argument essay must prove his viewpoint by supporting it with convincing facts and evidences from the reliable sources.
Autobiographical essay • An autobiographical essay is a short description of the writer's own life. It highlights the main aspects of your personal, educational, social and professional life.
Descriptive essay • A descriptive essay gives the detailed description about a topic like person, place, or any incident.
Narrative essay • A narrative essay is used to narrate a course of events. We can share our experiences by means of the essay.
Persuasive essay • Persuasive essay is used by the writer to convince the readers to believe in his opinion.
Photo essay A photo essay is a collection of photographs that tell a story. The writers often add captions or text along with the photographs for a better description.
1st Paragraph: • Introduction: Explainyourthesisstatement, and howyou'regoingtoaffirmit, withoutbeingtoospecific. • Do not use obviousexpressionssuch as, "Thisessayisabout..." or "Thetopic of thisessayis..." or "I willnow show that...". • Oneapproachistobeginwith a general statement, thenfollowitwith a questionorproblem, thenwithyourthesisstatement, and a briefoverview of yourpoints.
YOUR POINTS • Beforestartingthewritingproceschoose 3 points (main ideas) tu supportyourarguments in ordertoanswerthequestion, startbrainstorming ideas and thenchoosethe 3 that in youropinion are thebest.
5th Paragraph: • Conclusion: Summarizeyourpoints and answerthefollowingquestions: • What are theimplications of yourthesisstatementbeing true? • Whatquestionsremainunanswered? Thisisnotthe place to introduce any new informationthatsupportsyourthesis--youshouldonlybe "repackaging" whatyoualreadydiscussed.