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Arts of the Renaissance

Arts of the Renaissance. Preface: Arts of the Middle Ages Most of the art that was created in the Middle Ages was funded by the Church, and made for public spaces Stained glass artistry came with the large and high cathedral windows of Gothic Architecture

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Arts of the Renaissance

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  1. Arts of the Renaissance

  2. Preface: Arts of the Middle Ages Most of the art that was created in the Middle Ages was funded by the Church, and made for public spaces Stained glass artistry came with the large and high cathedral windows of Gothic Architecture Most of the visual art, as with writing, was created by monks (Fra) Conscripted labor performed the heaviest and most dangerous tasks in building the monuments of the age, although skilled stone masons were highly valued Needlework was largely the province of women, often nuns, or high-born women and their ladies By the late (High) Middle Ages, there was a concerted effort to marry faith and reason, in a movement called Scholasticism

  3. Sant' Apollinare Nuovo: interior, detail of N. wall of nave showing mosaic of the Three Magi, ca. first quarter of 6th century Ravenna, Italy

  4. Cimabue The Santa Trinita Madonna c1260/80 Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence

  5. Simone Martini Christ Discovered in the Temple 1342 Liverpool, The Walker Art Gallery.

  6. Chartres Cathedral exterior, view from SE. showing towers of West front (begun mid-12th century; N.spire added 1507-1514)

  7. Guillaume Dufayc. 1400-1474Ave Regina Cœlorum Held in very high esteem by his contemporaries and regarded by modern experts as probably the greatest composer of the 15th century.His harmonies and melodies prefigure Renaissance composition. The antiphon, Ave Regina Caelorum, is sung as the concluding antiphon in the The Liturgy of the Hours from the Presentation of the Lord until Holy Thursday. It was originally sung for None for the Feast of the Assumption. The author is unknown. The earliest plainchant manuscript stems from the 12th century. GREGORIAN DUFAY

  8. . RENAISSANCE is a period during the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries characterized by a revival of interest in the works of classical Greece and Rome, by a sharp increase in secular values, and by vigorous urban life. Both the forms and values of antiquity are held in highest esteem

  9. Characteristics of Renaissance Art • Art as Philosophy: Symbol, structure, and color are used to more realistically portray the temporal world. • Individualistic: Artistic styles vary widely, with much variation. • Classical: Classical themes and symbols of Antiquity often appear. • Realism: Portrays real people, as they are, but most often with an effort to describe their maximum or true potential. Linear perspective and anatomy are studied, as a means to achieve realism.

  10. Emphasis on Individualism Batista Sforza & Federico de Montefeltre: The Duke & Dutchess of Urbino Piero della Francesca, 1465-1466

  11. Jan van EyckPortrait of a Man1433

  12. Jan van EyckArnolfini Portrait1434

  13. Perspective The Trinity Masaccio1427 “What you are, I once was; what I am, you will become.”

  14. Sfumato 'without lines or borders, in the manner of smoke'. Chiaroscuro Ginevra de BenciLeonardo da Vinci 1474/1478


  16. The Dreyfus Madonna with the Pomegranate Leonardo da Vinci 1469

  17. Italian Renaissance • Frequently artists were patronized by the religious leaders of the time; Italian Renaissance art is often characterized by religious themes • Frescoes: paintings done on fresh, wet plaster with water-based pigments. (Example: Sistine Chapel) • Centered in Florence • Monumental Architecture

  18. Early Renaissance • Concern with naturalistic settings and modeling • Private commissions allow secular as well as religious works • Classical forms and themes • Laws of linear perspective applied • Oil painting allows detail and depth • Produced largely by contract w/patron

  19. Filippo Brunelleschi 1377 - 1436Cuppolo of St. Maria del FioreThe Cathedral of San Lorenzo

  20. Filippo Brunelleschi 1377 - 1436 Interior Architecture Used ribs for support

  21. Domes Il Duomo St. Peter’s St. Paul’s US capital (Florence) (Rome) (London) (Washington)

  22. BotticelliBirth of Venus 1485

  23. BotticelliThe Mystic Nativity 1501

  24. BotticelliThe Mystic Nativity, detail1501

  25. Leonardo da Vinci The “Renaissance Man” • Broad knowledge about many things in different fields. • Deep knowledge/skill in one area. • Able to link information from different areas/disciplines and create new knowledge. • The Greek ideal of the “well-rounded man” was at the heart of Renaissance education.

  26. Leonardo da Vinci Self Portrait 1512 • Sculptor • Architect • Engineer • Inventor • Artist • Scientist

  27. Leonardo da VinciVitruvian Man

  28. Leonardo da VinciThe Last Supper 1498 (prior to restoration)

  29. Leonardo da VinciThe Last Supper 1498 (restored)

  30. da Vinci Mona Lisa1503-4 ? A Macaroni Mona

  31. A Picasso Mona An Andy Warhol Mona

  32. A “Mona”ca Lewinsky

  33. High Renaissance • Proportion, harmony, and balance strived for • Intense study of the human figure allows fully resolved composition • Superb depictions of reality, as underlying structures studied • Idealization of nature

  34. Michelangelo Buonorrati1475 – 1564 The Pieta 1499, Marble

  35. David 1504, Marble

  36. The Sistine Chapel 1508-12 Fresco

  37. The Sistine Chapel, detail “The Creation of the Heavens” 1508-12 Fresco

  38. The Sistine Chapel, detail “The Creation of Man” 1508-12 Fresco

  39. MichelangeloPortrait of Michelangelo

  40. RaphaelSchool of Athens 1510-11

  41. Da Vinci Raphael Michelangelo

  42. Averroes Hypatia Pythagoras

  43. Plato:looks to theheavens [or the IDEALrealm]. Aristotle:looks to thisearth [thehere andnow].

  44. RaphaelBaldassare Castiglione 1514-15

  45. Raphael Portrait of Pope Julius II 1512-13

  46. Raphael Pope Leo X with Cardinal Giulio deMedici and Luigi De Rossi 1518-19

  47. Sistine Madonna Cowpepper Madonna Raphael

  48. Madonna della Sedia Alba Madonna Raphael

  49. Bacchanalof the AndriansTitian,c.1522-25

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