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Gruppo RETI di TELECOMUNICAZIONI Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione - Università di Pisa

VIII Workshop PisaTel 2005. An Integrated Platform for Multimedia Applications. Gruppo RETI di TELECOMUNICAZIONI Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione - Università di Pisa Pisa, 6 Dicembre 2005. Giodi Giorgi. Technologies & components. System and Services Distance Learning

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Gruppo RETI di TELECOMUNICAZIONI Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione - Università di Pisa

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  1. VIII Workshop PisaTel 2005 An Integrated Platformfor Multimedia Applications Gruppo RETI di TELECOMUNICAZIONI Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione - Università di Pisa Pisa, 6 Dicembre 2005 Giodi Giorgi Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  2. Technologies & components • System and Services • Distance Learning • Voice over IP • Video steaming & Video on Demand • TV broadcasting • Network infrastructure • Streaming platform • Multi-Access Inter-Domain architecture for dynamic setup of QoS-IP services • that does not interfere with the background signaling • End-to-end dynamic and tailored Quality of Service • IWU (Inter Working Unit) Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  3. Distributed trial Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  4. Distance Learning Requirements Students • To follow on-line lesson using commonly available software tools (RealOnePlayer, NetMeeting, web browser) with different quality level, depending on his/her type of access to network Teacher • Oriented to content providing, should produce enhanced contents entailing video and audio, external data and auxiliary teaching tools Software and equipment • a video camera • a video capture card (Osprey 230) • a video encoder (Helix DNA producer) • a video broadcasting server (Helix DNA server) • a software to create on-demand multimedia presentations and to synchronize audio and video with PowerPoint slides and other media learning objects. • WEB interface and Content Management server • client-side software (RealOne video Client, WEB browser, VoIP terminal) Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  5. Distance learning: portal • WEB interface login • Language selection • Available features differentiated for users and groups • User functionalities set by administrator • Available tools: file storage, calendar/diary, address book, instant messaging, on-line users ... • Each user can belong to one or more groups (associated to each course) • Group functionalities set by admin • Available tools: file storage, forum, instant messaging, lessons, projects … Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  6. Distance learning: student side • Unicast and multicast live streaming • MPEG-4 real-time multi-rate encoding • Encoding rate from 128 Kb/s to 1.5 Mb/s, with resolutions up to 640x480@25fps • Frame-accurate synchronization of audio/video streams with dynamic remote learning objects • Transparent storage of real-time encoded lessons • Teacher interaction by means of instant messaging tools Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  7. Distance learning: teacher side • Slideshows loaded into the WEB server • The teacher can see the preview of his slide at any time • During the lesson, the slide inclusion into the live stream is provided by means of simple click Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  8. Distance learning • WEB interfaces login (stud/teach) Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  9. Distance learning • WEB interfaces login (stud/teach) • teachers: access WEB page with slideshow Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  10. Distance learning • WEB interfaces login (stud/teach) • teachers: access WEB page with slideshow • students: start RealOne to see video/slides, browser to view additional data and send messages Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  11. Distance learning: content production Simple application which converts slides into HTML pages and transfers them to WEB server Before the lesson .ppt .html Slideshow PPT Exporter WEB Server URL Teacher GUI a/v Encoder Server Player During the lesson sources Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  12. Distance learning: content production Before the lesson .ppt .html Slideshow PPT Exporter WEB Server WEB interface which displays slides and includes their URL in the stream after a teacher click URL Teacher GUI a/v Encoder Server Player During the lesson sources Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  13. Distance learning: content recorder GUI allows to configure easily the main producer options which are relevant for lesson production purposes Configuration GUI a/v Encoder Server During the lesson sources Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  14. The whiteboard application • The teacher can use any free-hand drawing tool (e.g. Windows Journal for Tablet PC) • The application window is periodically captured and sent to an encoding application • A video stream containing the text and pictures is created and sent to the video server, which broadcasts it on the network • This additional stream is synchronized with theothers using SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language ) Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  15. First case study Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  16. Voice over IP • Software VoIP terminal Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  17. Voice over IP • Software VoIP terminal • Gatekeeper registration Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  18. Voice over IP • Software VoIP terminal • Gatekeeper registration • H.323 call (gatekeeper-routed) Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  19. Video on Demand • WEB interfaces to select the content from the archive of pre-loaded films • Helix MPEG-4 video server, open source project from Real Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  20. Video on Demand • WEB interfaces to select the content from the archive of pre-loaded films • Helix MPEG-4 video server, open source project from Real • Video streaming • RealOne video Client Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  21. TV broadcasting • WEB interfaces to select the channel • MPEG4IP: MPEG-4, MP3/AAC broadcaster and file recorder open source project • Darwin Streaming Server: open source project from Apple Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  22. TV broadcasting • WEB interfaces to select the channel • MPEG4IP: MPEG-4, MP3/AAC broadcaster and file recorder open source project • Darwin Streaming Server: open source project from Apple • TV channel reception • RealOne player with EnVivio plugin installed Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  23. Technologies & components • System and Services • Distance Learning • Voice over IP • Video steaming & Video on Demand • TV broadcasting • Network infrastructure • Streaming platform • Multi-Access Inter-Domain architecture for dynamic setup of QoS-IP services • that does not interfere with the background signaling • End-to-end dynamic and tailored Quality of Service • IWU (Inter Working Unit) Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  24. Streaming platform Remote Terminals (ADSL, Ethernet, Wireless) Generalized and automatic IP Control Plane architecture (i.e. the Multi-Access Inter-Domain – MAID) for the dynamic and tailored configuration of QoS-IP services, carrying the multimedia streams across a MPLS/DiffServ IP backbone. HTTP Server QoS-IP Geographical Network layer HTTP/RTSP Encoding/Streaming Server Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  25. UNI Service Requests Bandwidth Broker MAID-BB MA H.323 SIP Multi-Access Border Router MA-BR COPS-MAID RSVP IP DiffServ/MPLS network MPEG-4 MPLS ID Multi-Protocol Access network The MAID scenario • Different protocols/technologies are used in the access network (e.g. H.323, SIP, MPEG-4, etc.) • … and the required QoS is often not explicitly declared in the access signaling flow (e.g. H.323) Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  26. The MAID scenario Bandwidth Broker MAID-BB Two basic elements in our MAID architecture: • The MAID Bandwidth Broker (BB) • manages network resources • admission control and policies • configures core routers • inter-domain communications • The Multiple-Access Border Router (MA-BR) • must understand as much as possible QoS semantics • translates the access QoS into interior QoS syntax (complexity on the BR) • appropriate Inter Working Units (IWUs) are used to map protocol specific messages into generalized client messages. • triggers the setup of QoS-IP services upon receiving QoS requests from the access networks COPS-MAID Multi-Access Border Router MA-BR IP DiffServ/MPLS network Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

  27. e-class scenario DiffServ/MPLS network Giodi Giorgi <g.giorgi@iet.unipi.it>

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