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Help in our crisis from the last words of Jesus

Help in our crisis from the last words of Jesus. Luke 23:26-46. Introduction to Series. Jesus ‘the INNOCENT’ is suffering. Luke 23:27-31 . Jesus ‘the OFFENDED’ is forgiving. Luke 23:33-38 Jesus ‘the REJECTED’, is compassionate. Luke 23:43 Jesus ‘the SON’ is trusting. Luke 23:46

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Help in our crisis from the last words of Jesus

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  1. Help in our crisisfrom the last words of Jesus Luke 23:26-46

  2. Introduction to Series • Jesus ‘the INNOCENT’ is suffering. Luke 23:27-31. • Jesus ‘the OFFENDED’ is forgiving. Luke 23:33-38 • Jesus ‘the REJECTED’, is compassionate. Luke 23:43 • Jesus ‘the SON’ is trusting. Luke 23:46 • Jesus ‘the CRUCIFIED’ is victorious. John 19:30

  3. Jesus the innocent is suffering Luke 23:27-31

  4. Jesus the innocent is suffering Luke 23:27-31 • John 15:20  Remember the word that I said unto you, A servant is not greater than his lord. If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they kept my word, they will keep yours also. • Luke 6:22  Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. • Isa 53:8  By oppression and judgment he was taken away; and as for his generation, who among them considered that he was cut off out of the land of the living for the transgression of my people to whom the stroke was due? 

  5. Jesus the innocent is suffering Luke 23:27-31 • If they vs 31,did this to Jesus, what will they do to believers? In the green tree Green wood is hard to burn and so is used for the innocent, In the dry … dry wood kindles easily and is a symbol for the guilty. This common proverb has various applications. Here the point is that if they can put Jesus to death, being who he is, what will happen to Jerusalem when its day of judgment comes? • Mourners and lamenters – the suffering of injustice was soon to come upon them. It probably refers to the predicted fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 (cf. Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21). Because of the mob's self-curse in Mat_27:25, it may refer to the spiritual and eschatological consequences of unbelief.

  6. Truth to live by • Innocence does not excuse Christians from suffering unjustly in this world. 1 Peter 2:20, 3:14, 3:17,4:16-19. • Christians should not expect perfect justice and truth from this corrupt world and its systems.1 Corinthians 6:5-6, Luke 23:4, 14, 22 and Matthew 27:24, • Those who sin and rebel against God by committing injustice, will have their reward. Galatians 6:7-8, Isaiah 2:19, Philippians 2:9-11and Revelation 6: 15-17

  7. Ask God • For courage to remain true to Jesus and our faith so that we can shine as lights in this dark and corrupt world. Philippians 2:15, Acts 5:29. • For wisdom to keep our composure and integrity even in our darkest hour. Acts 16:25 • For grace so we can minister to others even in our trials because we know the ‘terror of the Lord’. Romans 2:5, 2 Corinthians 5:11. ‘looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.’ - Hebrews 12:2 

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