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The Ancient Hebrews

The Ancient Hebrews. History Alive Chapter 11 and 12. Who were the Hebrews?. The Hebrew civilization started in Canaan , northeast of Egypt. The civilization flourished from 1800 B.C.E. – 70 C.E. The Hebrews were the founders of Judaism .

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The Ancient Hebrews

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  1. The Ancient Hebrews History Alive Chapter 11 and 12

  2. Who were the Hebrews? • The Hebrew civilization started in Canaan, northeast of Egypt. • The civilization flourished from 1800B.C.E. – 70C.E. • The Hebrews were the founders of Judaism. • Judaism was the world’s first monotheisticreligion. • Monotheism is the belief in onegod. • Their sacred text is the Torah. • Torah means “God’steaching.” • The Torah is our mainsource of information about the Hebrews. • This information was passed down orallyand then later written down. • Historians then have used archeologyto understand the events depicted in the Torah.

  3. What We Know About the Ancient Hebrews • The father of the Hebrews was named Abraham. • He and his family lived in the city of Ur, in Mesopotamia. • He moved his family to Canaan. • There they herded flocks of sheep and goats. • Around 1800 B.C.E. the Hebrews went to Egypt to the Nile Delta(The Land of Goshen) • There they farmed, but were eventually made slavesby the Egyptians. • Between 1250 – 1200 B.C.E. Mosesled the Hebrews out of Egypt. • The Torah says they wandered in the desertfor 40 years, eventually settling in Canaan. • By 1000 B.C.E. the Hebrews had a kingdom with Davidas king.

  4. The Central Beliefs and Teachings of Judaism • Judaism teaches that God is all-powerful and all-knowing. • Jews believe it is their duty to honorand obeyGod. • They speak to God through prayer. • Following God’s law is very important. • It first started with the 10Commandments. • Eventually there were manylaws including ones about how to prepare food. • The Hebrews did notview their leaders as gods. • Remember they only believed in onegod. • What’s that called again? • They viewed all people who keep the law equalin God’s sight. • Knowing God’s law was important to the Hebrews. • Rabbisare Jewish teachers. • The Talmudcontained the oral tradition and teachings of rabbis.

  5. Hebrew Leaders

  6. Abraham (According to the Torah) • Abramwas born around 2000B.C.E. • Credited to introducing the belief in oneGod to the Hebrews. • Judaism begin with a covenantbetween God and Abraham. • A covenant is a sacred agreement. • God told Abraham to go to Canaan. • God promised Abraham he would be the father of a nation. • His descendants are the Hebrews. • Abraham promised that his descendantswould always follow God. • In return God renamed Abram to Abraham • Abraham means father of many. • Because of Abraham’s covenant, Jews believed they should set an example of how to live. Their reward was the promisedland.

  7. Abraham was even willing to sacrifice his son to obey God. Fortunately for Isaac (his son) an angel intervened and substituted a ram.

  8. Moses (According to the Torah) • The Hebrews living in Egypt were powerful. • The pharaoh feared them, and decided to make them slaves. • Moses asked pharaoh to let the Hebrews go free. • Pharaoh refused. 10plagues then struck Egypt. • These plagues ranged from the Nile turning into blood, locust, and the deathof the firstborn son. • Pharaoh then allowedthe Hebrews to go, but changes his mind after they leave. • Moses then parts the RedSea in order to get away from the Egyptian army. • This is called the exodus.

  9. Moses (cont.) • After leaving Egypt the Hebrews wandered the desert for 40years. • During this time they were given the 10Commandments. • These laws became the foundationof Judaism's basic laws and principals. • These laws included moral laws such as not stealing, killing, and obeying your parents. • Religiousduties such as having noother gods. • And the Sabbath, a day of rest and worship. • Moses contributedto Judaism by leading the Hebrews out of Egyptand by giving them their laws. • These things unitedthe Hebrew people.

  10. These are the 10 Commandments. Obviously, these are NOT the original tablets.

  11. David (According to the Torah) • David lived around 1000B.C.E. • During this time Hebrews were at war with a group called the Philistines. • This is where the David and Goliath story comes from. • Daviddefeats Goliathand eventually becomes king of the Hebrews. • He united the two parts of the Hebrew kingdom, Israeland Judah. • David made Jerusalemas the capital of Israel, bringing the Ark of the covenantto this city. • The Ark was the chest containing the Ten Commandments.

  12. Solomon (According to the Torah) • Solomon was David’s son. • He built a templeto house the Ark of the Covenant. • This temple required a large number of taxes. • This required gold, cedar wood, copper, and other materials. • The taxes angered the Hebrews, near his death, 931 B.C.E. the northerntribes brokeaway. • Israel became twoseparate kingdoms again. • Their descendants ruled Judahin the south. • After David and Solomon the Jewish people had kings for over 400years.

  13. Solomon was known for his wisdom. In this famous story, two women claimed to be the mother of the same baby. He is able to figure out who the real mother was as he suggested to cut the baby in half; and give each half to both women.

  14. Solomon’s Temple

  15. The Hebrews Under Foreign Rule

  16. The Diaspora • The Northern kingdom of Israel fell in 722B.C.E. when the Assyriansswept through the land. • Because of the division of Israel and Judah, they were not able to fend off attacks as easily. • Leaders were sent to Mesopotamia. • In 597 B.C.E. Judahwas invaded by Babylon.

  17. The Diaspora • King Nebuchadnezzar siegedthe city of Jerusalem. • The city held out until food ran out. Then the walls were breached. • In 586 B.C.E. Solomon’s great Temple of Jerusalem was burned. • Most of the people of Judah were takento Babylon. • This was the beginning of the Jewish Diaspora. • Diaspora means a scattering.

  18. Foreign Rule • The Hebrews began being called Jewsduring this time under the Babylonians. • In 539 B.C.E. the Babylonians were conquered by the Persians. • King Cyrus, released the Jews from captivity. • Many returned to Judah.

  19. Foreign Rule • Later the Greeks ruled the Hebrews. • The Greeks tried to force the Hebrews to worship idols. • The Jews fought a war for 27years against the Greeks. • In 164 B.C.E. the Jews were victorious. • Hanukkahis celebrated to honor this.

  20. Roman Rule • The Hebrews were independent for 88Years after they defeated the Greeks. • In 63 B.C.E. the Romansconquered them. • The Romans did not tolerate rebellionand executed over 50,000 Jews. • Romans allowedJews to practice their own religion. • Jews were also allowed some self governing. • In 22 B.C.E. King Herod was allowed to rebuild the temple.

  21. Roman Rule • In 66 C.E. the Jews rebelled. • For 4 years the Jews kept the Romans outof Jerusalem. • In 70 C.E. 60,000 Roman soldiers attacked and destroyed Jerusalem and the temple. • All that remains was the western wall. • The Romans then forbade Jews from entering Jerusalem and scatteredthousands across the empire.

  22. Preserving Judaism • Rabbi Yohanan ben Zaccai knew the Hebrews couldn’t beat the Romans. • He faked his own death and was smuggled outof Jerusalem in a coffin. • He later forms a schoolto teach Judaism and train Rabbis in Yavneh.

  23. Preserving Judaism • Before the temple fell only religious leaders could read from the Torah. • Now anyonecould. • Synagoguesthen had to be built if there were 10 adult males. • A synagogue is a Jewish house of worship. • Judaism was able to grow and flourishbecause of these new traditions.

  24. Work Cited • History Alive History of the Ancient World Chapters 11 and 12 • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5b/Exodus_Map.jpg • http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ScwaZ9DFS-TJiM:http://www.kidspast.com/images/exodus.jpg&t=1 • http://www.adailycartoon.com/Grafix%20/Panel%20Cartoons/moses.gif • http://www.earlychurchofjesus.org/images2/torah%20book%202.jpg • http://newcreationperson.files.wordpress.com/2009/12/abraham.jpg • http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3043/2875976089_1589292dca_z.jpg • http://media.ebaumsworld.com/mediaFiles/picture/666871/80493301.jpg • http://media.ebaumsworld.com/mediaFiles/picture/666871/80493301.jpg • http://www.grahamphillips.net/Ark/Ark_2_files/moses_with_tablets.jpg • http://www.badassoftheweek.com/kingdavid.jpg • http://www.crystalinks.com/solomon_temple.jpg • http://rair.cogsci.rpi.edu/img/projects_solomon.jpg • http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/images/King_Solomon.jpg • http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/israel/images/arch-of-titus.jpg • http://www.livius.org/a/1/maps/assyrian_empire_map.gif • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/93/Stattler-Machabeusze.jpg • http://www.jewlicious.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/Beit-Shearim-Menorah.jpg • http://www.bibleplaces.com/images/Men_praying_at_Western_Wall_tb_n010200.jpg • http://www.wikigallery.org/paintings/235501-236000/235672/painting1.jpg • http://www.benchmarkmasonry.com/images/YavnehSchool_thumbnail.jpg • http://www.wordtravels.com/images/map/Israel_map.jpg • http://www.truthnet.org/Christianity/Hebrews/Hebrews7/Hebrews_7.jpg

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