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Marketing Decisions for

Marketing Decisions for. Market Segmentation. Geographic Demographic Psychographic Behavioral. Geographic Segmentation. Dividing a market into different geographical units , such as nations , states , regions , countries , cities.

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Marketing Decisions for

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  1. Marketing Decisionsfor

  2. Market Segmentation • Geographic • Demographic • Psychographic • Behavioral

  3. GeographicSegmentation Dividing a market intodifferentgeographicalunits, such as nations, states, regions, countries, cities Wepreferto start up a business in Çayyolu region.

  4. DemographicSegmentation Dividingthe market intosegmentsbased on variablessuch as age, life-cyclestage, gender, income, occupation, education, religionandgeneration.

  5. Variables in our Business Age & Life-cycleSegmentation: offeringdifferentproductsanddifferent marketing approaches. • Weproducesugar-freecookies, cakesand salt-freebreads, poğaça etc. fordiabeticandoldpeople. • Weproducecup-cakes, cookiesandmoistcakesforyoungandchildren.

  6. Gender: Differentsegmentsbased on gender. Wedivide a market accordingtogender; ourtargetsegment is women, especially, businesswomen «Businesswomen can onlyimaginedeliciousandnaturalhomemadecook, not think how tomakethese.»

  7. Income: Dividing a market intodifferentincomesegments. Weofferhomemadecookforworkingwomen at highincomelevel. OrganicproductsCustomervalue HomemadeproductsCustomervalue Customerwhoareaware of ourproducts’value can pay moremoney ( comparethanpatisseries)

  8. OccupationandEducation: Businesswomen’soccupationandeducationlevelaredirectlyrelatedtotheourbusiness marketing strategies. Educationallevelandprofessionalstatusaredirecltyrelatedeachother. So, generallywomenwhoare in thehigheducationalandprofessionallevel can preferthattype of cook.

  9. PsychographicSegmentation Dividing a market intodifferentsegmentsbased on socialclass, lifestyleorpersonalitycharacteristics. High andmiddlesocialclasses Lifestyle : traditionalandmodernist life style Personalitycharacteristics: healthyandqualified life approach.

  10. BehavioralSegmentation Consumersknowledgerelatedsegmentation. Generally, people start to be aware of harms of fastfoodandrecent trend is obesity. Consumer’srecentknowledge

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