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Marketing and Outreach: The Arctic Theme Page and Arctic Change Detection

Marketing and Outreach: The Arctic Theme Page and Arctic Change Detection. Nancy Soreide NOAA/PMEL August 26, 2004. Data & climate indices Expert Essays Photographs & maps Arctic links Educational links NOAA programs. Comprehensive Arctic Resource. The Arctic Theme Page

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Marketing and Outreach: The Arctic Theme Page and Arctic Change Detection

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  1. Marketing and Outreach:The Arctic Theme Page andArctic Change Detection Nancy SoreideNOAA/PMELAugust 26, 2004

  2. Data & climate indices Expert Essays Photographs & maps Arctic links Educational links NOAA programs Comprehensive Arctic Resource The Arctic Theme Page http://www.arctic.noaa.gov

  3. NOAA’s Climate Research Activities The Arctic Theme Page http://www.arctic.noaa.gov

  4. North Pole Web CamDeployed April 30, 2004

  5. How do scientists study climate change? Nick Bond Are environmental changes impacting Alaska Natives? Caleb Pungowiyi How rapidly is permafrost changing? Impacts? Vladimir Romanovsky UVB radiation: Threat to the Arctic? Betsy Weatherhead How does Arctic sea ice form and decay? Peter Wadhams How has sea ice volume changed? Norbert Untersteiner Is sea level affected by changes in Arctic land ice? Roger Barry What long term trends are seen in the Arctic atmosphere? John Walsh Is mercury a significant contaminant? Steve Lindberg/Steve Brooks What organisms thrive in Arctic sea ice? Christopher Krebs/Jody Deming Is there life on the Arctic sea floor? Peter Vogt Arctic Wolves and their prey David Mech What’s happening to Polar Bears? Scott Schliebe The puzzling Arctic summer of 2003 - Norbert Untersteiner Expert Essays on key Arctic issues The Arctic Theme Page http://www.arctic.noaa.gov

  6. Impact • 5000-6000 hits/day • Science magazine, USA Today, Yahoo, Scientific American • Ranks high on Google search • Significant Arctic Web Presence The Arctic Theme Page http://www.arctic.noaa.gov

  7. ACIA Report • Multi-year, multi-government effort by hundreds of scientists • Draft report finalized in November 2004

  8. Arctic ChangeWebsite • A near-realtime continuation of the ACIA report • A NOAA contribution to the IPY • To be released concurrent with ACIA report in November 2004

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