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Formalities that need to be fulfilled after the death of a near one

<br><br>Hiring an experienced funeral director will help the family focus on their grieving process while organizing a great funeral for the deceased.

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Formalities that need to be fulfilled after the death of a near one

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  2. Thelossofanearoneissomethingpeopletakeyearstogetover. MichaelScarpaci, thefuneralmanageratScarpaciFuneralhomes inStatenIslandandBrooklynadvisesthefamilytoprocessthegrief alongwithmakingtherequiredarrangementsforthefunerals.

  3. MAKINGTHEREPORTOFDEATH Thefirstarrangementtomakeafterthedeathofalovedoneofthe reportofdeath. Tobegin, youwillneedtoobtainadeathcertificate. Thecertificatewouldbesignedbythedoctor, coronerorthefuneral director. Themultiplecopiesofthecertificatewouldberequiredin variousplacestowrapupthebankaccountsandmore.

  4. WORKWITHAFUNERALDIRECTOR Toplanforthefuneral, thehelpofafuneraldirectorisamust. The directorwillmakesurethateverythingyouneedforthefuneralis ready. Withfuneraldirectorhelpingyouout, youonlyhaveto answer2questions:  Cremationorburialofthebody Typeoffuneralservicetohave

  5. TYPESOFSERVICE Variouspeoplechoosedifferenttypeofservicesdependingonwhat thedeceasedwanted. Ifyoudonotknowwhatkindofservices deceasedwouldwant, tryoptingforasimpleone.

  6. Hiringanexperiencedfuneral directorwillhelpthefamily focusontheirgrievingprocess whileorganizingagreatfuneral forthedeceased.

  7. CONTACTUS Address: 65broadway12thfloorNewYork, NY10006 Phone: 212-776-4385 Website: www.michaelscarapci.com

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