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Caltagirone, city of ceramics

Caltagirone is a town in the province of Catania, famous for its Sicilian ceramics. The city has been long famous for the production of pottery and terra-cotta wares.

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Caltagirone, city of ceramics

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  1. Caltagirone

  2. Caltagirone Caltagirone (Caltagiruniin Sicilian dialect) is nicknamed the Queen of Mount Erei. Located in the centre of the eastern part of the Province of Catania, its fame derives from the production, both ancient and modern, of the most refined, hand-painted Sicilian ceramics. Caltagirone (Caltagiruniîndialect Sicilian)este supranumitã Regina Munţilor Erei. Situatã în provincia Catania faima sa se datoreazã celei mai rafinate producţii de ceramicã smãlţuitã şi pictatã din Sicilia, tradiţie milenarã.

  3. The majolica bridge, San Francesco bridge ,decorated with ceramic tiles, which carries the road into the very heart of the town. Podul San Francesco, decorat cu ceramicã smãlţuitã şi pictatã

  4. Caltagirone The city was almost completely destroyed by the severe earthquake of 1693. Many public and private buildings have then been reconstructed in earthquake Baroque style. Primarily for this reason, the city has been inserted, together with the surrounding territory in an area protected by the UNESCO World Heritage program. Oraşul a fost distrus aproape total de cutremurul catastrofaldin 1693. Multe clãdiri publice sau private au fostapoi reconstruite în stil barocsicilian, motiv pentru care oraşul a fost inclus în patrimoniul mondial UNESCO. Villa Comunale – modeled on the English gardens

  5. Chutch of San Francesco d'Assisi, edified in 1236 and rebuilt in Baroque style after 1693. The façade has two orders with marine symbols and a statue of the Immaculate. The dome is unfinished.

  6. Ponte San Francesco

  7. Ponte San Francesco

  8. C E R A M I C A Palazzo Sant'Elia e Ponte San Francesco Tradizione milenaria

  9. Caltagirone Many houses have installed ceramic pinecones outside of the doors or on the balconies for luck. The edge of Villa Comunale(a beautiful garden designed by the architect Basile at the half of the 19th century modelled on the English gardens) with via Roma is marked by an ornamented balustrade topped with vases with disturbingly devilish faces alternated with bright green pine-cones and majolica light stands. Pe colţul multor balcoane sunt instalate conuri de pin din ceramicã, purtãtoare de noroc. Conurile se aflã de asemenea pe balustrada ornamentalã ce mãrgineşte Parcul oraşului spre Via Roma. Ele nu sunt doar decorative ci au un simbolism spiritual: reprezintã viaţa şi renaşterea, protecţia şi unitatea familiei, dar şi ospitalitatea.

  10. Chiesa di Sant Agatha e Carcere burbonico

  11. The Bourbon Prison is an imposing square sandstone building recently restored. It was built at the end of the 1700’s by Sicilian architect NataleBonajuto and used as a prison for about a century. It now houses a small city museum The Bourbon Prison is an imposing square sandstone building recently restored. It was built at the end of the 1700’s by Sicilian architect NataleBonajuto and used as a prison for about a century. It now houses a small city museum

  12. Chiesa di Sant Agatha e Carcere burbonico

  13. Carcere burbonico

  14. Piazza Umberto

  15. Caltagirone The most prominent building facing onto the square Umbertois the Duomo di San Giuliano, a great Baroque edifice that has been extensively refurbished over the years, notably the replacement of its whole front in the early 1900’s. Cea mai impozantã construcţie din Piaţa Umberto este Catedrala San Giuliano, un imens edificiu baroc modificat de-a lungul anilor și a cãrui faţadã a fost înlocuitã total la începutul secolului XX

  16. Duomo di San Giuliano

  17. Duomo di San Giuliano Duomo di San Giuliano

  18. Piazza Umberto

  19. Piazza Municipio LaCorte Capitanale

  20. Piazza Municipio Palazzo dell'Aquila, (Palazzo Comunale)

  21. Villa Comunale – It is a beautiful garden designed by the architect Basile at the half of the 19th century modelled on the English gardens Parcul Oraşului, proiectat de arhitectul Basile la sfârşitul secolului XIX după modelul unui parc englezesc

  22. Text: Internet Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu Otilia Contraş Internet: slides 1,2,4 All  copyrights  belong to their  respective owners Presentation: Sanda Foişoreanu https://www.slideshare.net/michaelasanda https://ma-planete.com/michaelasanda 2011 Sound:Musica siciliana

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