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FAITH ACTIVATED. Resist temptation. James 1:12-18 Luke 4:1-13. Peter Sutcliffe - the Yorkshire Ripper. Zakari Bennett. Abraham and Isaac. “Sacrifice him … as a burnt offering …” Genesis 22:2.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FAITH ACTIVATED Resist temptation James 1:12-18 Luke 4:1-13

  2. Peter Sutcliffe - the Yorkshire Ripper

  3. Zakari Bennett

  4. Abraham and Isaac “Sacrifice him … as a burnt offering …” Genesis 22:2

  5. “The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it” “I couldn’t help it. I can resist everything except temptation.” ‘God is faithful and He will not let you be tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation will also provide the way of escape that you may be able to endure it.’ ‘Resist the devil and he will flee from you.’

  6. Temptation is intended to make us sin; testing is intended to help us overcome sin. Temptation is to weaken us; testing is to strengthen us. Temptation is to make us bad; testing is to make us good.

  7. Trial is seeing what we do with it ... temptation testing ‘ - birth through the word of truth, that we might be the firstfruits of all He created.’ (18) ‘ - dragged away and enticed by his own evil desire.’ (14) ‘ - led by the Spirit … tempted by the Devil.’

  8. HOW TO RESIST TEMPTATION • Know your enemy (13) • Know your weaknesses (14,15) • Know your strengths (16,17) • Know your Bible (18) • 5 Know your reward (12)

  9. HOW TO RESIST TEMPTATION • Know your enemy (13) ‘Your adversary the Devil’ • Know your weaknesses (14,15) Sin, Pride, Self-reliance • Know your strengths (16,17) Sonship, Spirit, Gifts • Know your Bible (18) Better than the Devil! • 5 Know your reward (12) The Crown of life

  10. VICTORY! ‘ - until an opportune time.’ Luke 4:13 The House of Commons Tug-of-War Team

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