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Reflective Introduction

Reflective Introduction.

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Reflective Introduction

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  1. Reflective Introduction • Pictures and graphics can be very useful in examining and interpreting information because unlike words, pictures are perceived in the eye of the beholder. In writing, words are taken exactly how they are written. Pictures, however, can be seen in many different ways. The way a person interprets a picture is based on many different aspects of the person’s mind. It is important to take into account the viewer’s personal background, experiences, and even age or gender. It was important in this project to examine innovation, creativity, and imagination because these three aspects of life are what keep us entertained and advancing in this crazy world.

  2. Intro Continued… • I chose to focus my project on innovation. As an aspiring engineer, I appreciate innovation in both a technical and analytical sense. Innovation, in my opinion, is the driving factor of the world. Without innovation, the world would be so boring and simple. Innovation has allowed so many advances and inventions that have greatly contributed to the expansion of our lives, especially with my generation. As I worked through this project, I started to discover how much influence innovation has over almost everyone. Most people will never go a day in their lives without having some kind of innovation impact that specific day. This makes innovation a very powerful inanimate object.

  3. Intro Continued… • The innovation in today’s world could almost be harmful. I do believe that as time passes, the world is going to be harmed and degraded from too much innovation. Some things in life are just meant to be what they are and stay that way. People are sometimes so concerned with making something better, making something new, or making something simpler; the innovation becomes detrimental on the original idea. One major example is how innovation has drastically decreased the number of available jobs for people. Most tasks that used to require humans to complete them can now be executed without any human activity at all.

  4. Intro Continued… • It is scary to hypothesize what the world may be like in one hundred or even one thousand years. Although it is insentient, innovation starts from the human brain as an idea. This makes the brain the most powerful weapon of all time. Innovation is a great thing, but the power it holds beneath itself is something we all need to assess. I want my audience to view my project and pictures as a collective approach to my personal idea of modern day innovation. I know other classmates’ projects may be in a completely different direction than my own. Every person has his or her own viewpoint on any certain idea or situation, and this Genre Morph Project was completed in the way that I view innovation.

  5. Intro Continued.. • I do believe that all opinions and viewpoints should be equally appreciated, so I want my project to be viewed with an open, unbiased mindset. Personally, I found all of my pictures to be equally personally involving. All of my photos were something that has been innovated in my lifetime, and most influence every day of my life. The paradigm analysis greatly contributed to my understanding of the photo I chose. As I worked through the analysis, I started to gain this sense of innovation being so powerful. I was able to analyze how influential something inanimate can be to billions of people in their every day lives and overall attitude and priorities.

  6. Intro Continued… • Along with the paradigm, the genre morph exercise helped me view an image as words instead of as a photo. The word diagrams I made using Wordle made me look for the positives in the photo and describe it overall as a whole. If I had viewed my word diagrams before I saw the actual image, I would have thought about them differently and also viewed them differently. The genre morph part of the project showed me how words can be more powerful than photos, and vice versa. Depending on the situation, a picture can speak a thousand words, but one word can paint a thousand pictures.

  7. Intro Continued… • Overall, this project was very helpful in finding my view on innovation. The analytical and deliberative approaches to all ten photos I chose allowed me to examine a subject much further than I would have with a simple essay. It is hard to declare a viewpoint or opinion on what an idea so broad and complex as innovation is to myself, but with this project I was able to find just that. After completing this project, I can say that innovation is the advancement of our world. With advancement comes hurdles to overcome, and with advancement comes destruction. It is hard to know just where innovation will take us in the future, but we are the ones who will decide this fate.

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