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Genative and Dative

Genative and Dative. Case. Function. Example. Nominative. Subject. The brother sees the apostle. Accusative. The brother sees the apostle. Direct Object. Case. Function. Example. Nominative. Subject. The brother sees the apostle. Accusative. The brother sees the apostle.

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Genative and Dative

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Genative and Dative

  2. Case Function Example Nominative Subject The brother sees the apostle Accusative The brother sees the apostle Direct Object

  3. Case Function Example Nominative Subject The brother sees the apostle Accusative The brother sees the apostle Direct Object Genative The brother of the apostle Possession Dative The brother comes to the apostle Location

  4. Masculine Feminine Neuter Case Endings j & n n n n Acc Sng Nom Pl i i a Nom Sng uj j a Acc Pl

  5. Masculine Feminine Neuter j & n u j u Gen Sng i i i Dat Sng n n n Acc Sng Nom Sng Nom Pl i i a wn wn wn Gen Pl Dat Pl ij ij ij uj j a Acc Pl

  6. Masculine Feminine Neuter logoj grafh e;rgon logou grafhj e;rgou Gen Sng Dat Sng logw| grafh| e;rgw| logon grafhn e;rgon Acc Sng Nom Sng Nom Pl logoi grafai e;rga logwn grafw/n e;rgwn Gen Pl Dat Pl logoij grafaij e;rgaij logouj grafaj e;rga Acc Pl

  7. Masculine Feminine Neuter o` h` to, tou/ th/j to/u Gen Sng Dat Sng tw|/ th|/ tw|/ to,n th,,n to, Acc Sng Nom Sng Nom Pl oi` ai` ta, tw/n tw/n tw/n Gen Pl Dat Pl toi/j tai/j toi/j tou,j ta,j ta, Acc Pl

  8. Masculine Feminine Neuter o` logoj h` grafh to, e;rgon Gen Sng to/u logou th/j grafhj tou/ e;rgou Dat Sng tw|/ logw| th/ grafh|/ tw|/ e;rgw| Acc Sng to.n logon th.n grafhn to, e;rgon Nom Sng Nom Pl oi` logoi ai` grafai ta. e;rga Acc Pl tw/n lo,gwn tw/n grafwn tw/n e;rgwn Nom Pl toi/j logoij taij grafaij toi/j e;rgoij tou.j logouj ta.j grafaj ta. e;rga Acc Pl

  9. tou.j logouj to/u logou tw/n lo,gwn o` logoj tw|/ logw| oi` logoi toi/j logoij to.n logon

  10. h` grafh th/j grafhj th.n grafhn th/ grafh|/ ai` grafai tw/n grafwn taij grafaij ta.j grafaj

  11. o` logoj

  12. th/j grafhj

  13. to/u logou

  14. tw/n lo,gwn

  15. toi/j logoij

  16. tou/ e;rgou

  17. tw/n e;rgwn

  18. toi/j e;rgoij

  19. taij grafaij

  20. tou.j logouj

  21. tw/n grafwn

  22. toi/j logoij

  23. ai` grafai

  24. tw/n lo,gwn

  25. tw|/ logw|

  26. to/u logou

  27. tw/n e;rgwn

  28. tou/ e;rgou

  29. tw|/ logw|

  30. tou.j logouj

  31. do,xa qew/|

  32. o` de. dou/loj ouv me,nei evn th/| oivki,a| eivj to.n aivw/na( o` ui`o.j me,nei eivj to.n aivw/naÅ [remains not] [remains] (John 8:35)

  33. VArch. tou/ euvaggeli,ou VIhsou/ Cristou/( ui`ou/ tou/ qeou/ (Mark 1:1)

  34. h` basilei,a tw/n ouvranw/n

  35. o` ouvrano.j kai. h` gh/ pareleu,sontai( oi` de. lo,goi mou ouv mh. pareleu,sontaiÅ [shall pass away] [shall pass away] (Luke 21:33)

  36. ku,rioj ga,r evstin tou/ sabba,tou o` ui`o.j tou/ avnqrw,pouÅ For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8).

  37. kai. ga.r evgw. a;nqrwpo,j eivmi u`po. evxousi,an (Luke 7:8) (under)

  38. VArch. tou/ euvaggeli,ou VIhsou/ cristou/( ui`ou/ tou/ qeou/\ (Mark 1:1)

  39. u`mei/j e;cete ku,rion evn ouvranw/|Å (You have) (Colossians 4:1)

  40. :Wfqh de. auvtw/| a;ggeloj avpV ouvranou/ (There was seen) (from) (Luke 22:43)

  41. a;ggeloi evn toi/j ouvranoi/j

  42. h` doxa evn toi/j ouvranoi/j

  43. w[ste ku,rio,j evstin o` ui`o.j tou/ avnqrw,pou kai. tou/ sabba,touÅ (Mark 2:28)

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