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SECTION 2 Ecosystem and fish population data archives

SECTION 2 Ecosystem and fish population data archives. NORTH ATLANTIC. Marc Hufnagl Institute for Hydrobiology and Fisheries Science University of Hamburg. Overview. Mesoscale Indices. Physical Parameters. Lower trophic levels. Stations Surveys Ships of opportunity. Models.

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SECTION 2 Ecosystem and fish population data archives

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  1. SECTION 2 Ecosystem and fish population data archives NORTH ATLANTIC Marc Hufnagl Institute for Hydrobiology and Fisheries Science University of Hamburg

  2. Overview Mesoscale Indices Physical Parameters Lower trophic levels Stations Surveys Ships of opportunity Models Upper trophic levels

  3. North Atlantic / Main Focus North Sea North Sea

  4. Mesoscale Indices North Atlantic Oscillation Index NAO Altantic Multidecadal Oscillation AMO Arctic Oscillation AO

  5. Mesoscale indices: NAO/AMO http://www.climate-impacts.ch/_DGRefPubs/Wann_01_SG_321.pdf Wanner et al. 2001, Surveys in Geophysics 22

  6. Title or Topic includes North Atlantic Oscillation http://apps.webofknowledge.com

  7. Mesoscale indices: NAO/AMO http://www.climate-impacts.ch/_DGRefPubs/Wann_01_SG_321.pdf Wanner et al. 2001, Surveys in Geophysics 22

  8. Mesoscale indices: NAO/AMO daily monthly annual http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/precip/CWlink/pna/nao.shtml

  9. Hydrography: Temperature, Salinity etc. http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/data/indices/ North Atlantic (5-20°North, 60-30°West)

  10. 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 2 0 -0.2 r² = 0.4687 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6

  11. Mesoscale indices: NAO/AMO • higher primary • larger ice free areas • increased current inflow from the southwest • larger influx of zooplankton • higher general biological warmer temperatures. + COD RECRUITMENT after Stige, et al., 2006 in Overland et al. 2010, J. Mar. Sys. 305-315

  12. Mesoscale indices: NAO/AMO ATLANTIC MULTIDECADAL OSCILLATION van Oldenborgh et al. 2009, Ocean Science http://climexp.knmi.nl/data/iamo_ersst.dat

  13. Mesoscale indices: NAO/AMO http://climexp.knmi.nl

  14. Multidecadal North Atlantic climate variability and its effect on North American salmon abundance Condron et al. 2005, GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 32

  15. Hydrography: Temperature, Salinity etc. • ICES-WGOOFE • (Operational Oceanographic Products for Fisheries and the Environment) • Compilation of: - oceanographic hindcast • - real time • - forecast data • Direct link to the oceanographic products http://www.wgoofe.org/ • Temperature • Salinity • Currents • Primary Production • Zooplankton • Nutrients • Fish larvae • Bloom • Turbidity • CO2 • Mesoscale Indices

  16. website provides links to datasets and responsible people Accessability (not quality) is ranked

  17. Ocean Climatology - ICES Oceanographic Data http://ocean.ices.dk/Project/OCNWES/Default.aspx Climatology data [Zip archive] PDF report [PDF file] High-resolution images [Zip archive]

  18. http://www.noc.soton.ac.uk/ooc/ICES_WGOH/CRR304.pdf

  19. Lower trophic levels: Chlorophyll / Phytoplankton /Zooplankton • Stations • Surveys • Ships of opportunity • Models

  20. Lower trophic levels: STATIONS http://wgze.net/ http://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/nauplius/media/time-series/index-wgze.html

  21. Lower trophic levels: STATIONS

  22. Lower trophic levels: STATIONS

  23. Lower trophic levels: STATIONS

  24. Lower trophic levels: Chlorophyll / Phytoplankton /Zooplankton • Stations • Surveys • Ships of opportunity • Models

  25. Lower trophic levels: SURVEYS http://www.st.nmfs.noaa.gov/plankton/

  26. Chose region, taxa or metadata

  27. Lower trophic levels: SURVEYS

  28. Lower trophic levels: SURVEYS Bay of Biscay

  29. Lower trophic levels: SURVEYS

  30. Lower trophic levels: SURVEYS spatial and temporal coverage

  31. Lower trophic levels: SURVEYS Download of the rawdata Copepod Biomass

  32. Lower trophic levels: Chlorophyll / Phytoplankton /Zooplankton • Stations • Surveys • Ships of opportunity • Models

  33. Lower trophic levels: Continous Plankton Recorder http://www.sahfos.ac.uk/

  34. Lower trophic levels: Continous Plankton Recorder

  35. Lower trophic levels: Continous Plankton Recorder

  36. Lower trophic levels: Continous Plankton Recorder B2 B1 C2 C1 D2 D1 North Sea areas… … data available on request

  37. Lower trophic levels: Continous Plankton Recorder B2 B1 C2 C1 D2 D1

  38. Lower trophic levels: Continous Plankton Recorder 300 250 GLOBEC (Multinet) 200 150 100 50 0 10 CPR (total zoopl.) 8 6 Zooplankton Concentration (No. L-1) 4 2 0 Jan Apr Aug Dec Apr Aug Dec 2004 2005

  39. Beaugrand et al. 2003, Nature

  40. Lower trophic levels: Ferry Box http://www.ferrybox.org/

  41. Lower trophic levels: Ferry Box

  42. Lower trophic levels: Ferry Box

  43. Lower trophic levels: Ferry Box 51° 49° latitude 47° 45° 43° A M J J A S O N D date

  44. Lower trophic levels: Chlorophyll / Phytoplankton /Zooplankton • Stations • Surveys • Ships of opportunity • Models

  45. Models Just a selection of North Sea Models I know off …. some of them available through WGOOFE NORWECOM ECOHAM BSH dmod ECOSMO DELFT3D BOB MUMM HAMSOM TRIM NEMO ERSEM

  46. Pollution, Eutrophication and other factors

  47. Compiled data set http://maps.helcom.fi/website/mapservice/index.html HELCOM – BALTIC SEA

  48. Compiled data set

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