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耶穌的全人醫治 & 關顧 Holistic Healing & Caring

耶穌的全人醫治 & 關顧 Holistic Healing & Caring. 莊澤豐牧師 Pastor Tse Feng Chuang. 前言:誰需要醫治 〈 可 Mk2:17〉 Who needs healing?. 一、耶穌在地上的事工 ( 太 Mt 8 & 9:35) ~ 教導 、 傳道 、 醫治 、 趕鬼 Jesus’ Ministry on Earth ~ Preaching Teaching, Healing, Casting out evil spirits ※ 「我所做的事,信我的人也要做」

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耶穌的全人醫治 & 關顧 Holistic Healing & Caring

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  1. 耶穌的全人醫治&關顧Holistic Healing & Caring 莊澤豐牧師 Pastor Tse Feng Chuang

  2. 前言:誰需要醫治〈可Mk2:17〉Who needs healing? 一、耶穌在地上的事工(太Mt 8 & 9:35) ~教導、傳道、醫治、趕鬼 Jesus’ Ministry on Earth~Preaching Teaching, Healing, Casting out evil spirits ※「我所做的事,信我的人也要做」 He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also 〈約John14:12〉

  3. 二、病的種類: Different Types of Sickness 1.靈的疾病Spiritual ─ 2.魂的疾病Mind/Emotional/Psychological ─ 3.體的疾病Body/Physical ─ 4.邪靈轄制Bondage of Evil Spirits ─ 5.其他:如遺傳、或綜合症狀 Others, e.g. genetics, multi-symptoms syndrome

  4. 三、四種禱告:Four Types of Prayer 1.悔改的禱告Repentance 2.內在醫治或情緒、記憶問題的禱告Inner Healing/Forgiving 3.身體醫治的禱告Physical Healing 4.趕鬼釋放的禱告Casting Out Evil Spirits (Demons) ※誰能為病人禱告Who can pray for the sick? (太Mt 10:1,可Mk 16:15-18)

  5. 四、人被造的和諧關係: Harmonic Relationship of HumanBeings (who are created by God) 1.與神with God 2.與己with self 3.與人with other people 4.與自然物質界with nature

  6. 五、罪的入侵~關係的破壞:Sin Breaks These Harmonic Relationships(創Gen 3:1-19, 賽Isa 59:1-2) 1.靈魂與肉體隔離~身體的死 Separation of Soul & Body -Physical Death 2.人 與 神隔離~靈魂的死 Separation of man & God -Spiritual Death

  7. 六、耶穌基督~關係的恢復者:Jesus Christ: Restoring These Relationships(弗 Eph 2:13-22、路Lk 19:10) 1.瑪拉的苦水+那一棵樹→水變甜的 at Marah, bitter water + a piece of wood  sweet water〈出Ex15:25〉 2.我耶和華是醫治你的〈出Ex15:26〉 I am the LORD, who heals you 3.十字架Cross〈彼前 1Pe 2:24〉

  8. 七、得醫治的內涵~神憐憫的主權The Essence of Healing~God’s Compassion & Sovereignty 1.信心Faith~醫百夫長僕人熱病 Centurion’s servant (路Lk 7:7-10) 2.耶穌主動的憐憫 Jesus’ Compassion ~寡婦之子復活Widow’s son (路Lk 7:14-16) 3.人的信心+神的憐憫 Faith of Man + Compassion of God (可Mk 1:40-42) ~潔淨大痲瘋 Cleansing of the Leper 4.耶穌憐憫的主權Jesus’ compassion & sovereignty ~鬼入豬群Demons into pigs (可Mk5:18-19)

  9. 八、醫治的預備:~調整與神生命之關係~Preparation Needed for Healing~Tuning Your Relationship with the LORD 「我向你陳明我的罪,不隱瞞我的惡。」 I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid.〈詩Ps 32:5〉 「有了我的命令又遵守的,這人就是愛我的。」 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me〈約Jn 14:21〉

  10. 九、全人醫治的步驟: Steps of Holistic Healing: 1.讓神的靈自由運行,相信神及祂的話~ Let the Holy Spirit freely flow; believe in God and His words 〈創Gen 1:1-3; 路Lk 1:37; 林後2Cor 1:20, 3:18; 來Heb 13:8〉 2.接受天父永遠之大愛~ Accept the love of God (約Jn13:1;羅Ro 5:6-8, 8:35-39) 3.讓神作人生的主~(來Heb7:25;徒Ac 4:12;詩Ps16:2) Let God be the LORD of your life

  11. 4. 清除障礙,整理內心 Clean your inner self: a.接受主的赦免。〈約壹1Jn 1:9〉 Accept God’s forgiveness b.接納在基督裡的身份。〈林後2Cor 5:17〉 Accept new identity in Christ c.作饒恕人的人。 Be forgiving 〈太Mt 5:23-24, 44; 6:14〉

  12. 5.進深的清除障礙~〈如拜偶像、算命、 婚外性關係、不好遺傳或咒詛。〉 Deeper spiritual cleansing, e.g. idol worship, fortune-telling, adultery, generational curse 6.依不同需要〈讓聖靈調整與神關係後〉作醫治工作~罪/身體/情緒/過去創傷/邪靈 Depending on the need, starts diff. types of healing

  13. 7.感恩的心領受神恩:(箴Pr4:22,17:22) Receive Mercy & Grace w/ a thanksgiving heart 8.立志過尊主為大、遵守主道生活: Live a devoted and righteous life (詩Ps1:1-3, 18:3) 結論Conclusion: 所以基督徒若生病,當以誠實的心禱告, 並找出原因。Therefore, when Christians are sick, we should pray with transparency, and try to find the possible reason behind the sickness:

  14. 一、如係因破壞神的自然法則、道德律~ 認罪悔改,離棄罪惡、改變生活習慣 If repentance is needed  repent 二、若出於撒旦的攻擊~就要奉主名抵擋 If it is attack from Satan, then enter spiritual warfare and proclaim victory in the name of the LORD〈雅Jas 4:7, 5:14-16〉 三、若是神的安排,為榮耀神~ 則主恩典夠用〈林後2Cor 12:9〉 If it is part of God’s sovereign plan, then God’s grace will be sufficient

  15. 我們是祢的百姓We Are Your People 我們屬於祢,都是祢的百姓 We are Your people, who are called by Your name 我們正呼求祢,宣揚祢的聖名 We call upon You now ,to declare your fame 在這黑暗的世代,祢召我們發光 In this nation of darkness, You’ve call us to be light 當我們尋求祢面,主啊,顯祢大能 As we seek Your face, Lord Stir up Your might ※建立祢教會,來醫治這地, Build Your church, and heal this land ,Let 願祢國度降臨〈願祢旨意成全。〉 your Kingdom come 〈 Let Your will be done〉

  16. 挑旺恩賜,彼此服事 一、「彼此服事」是教會生活基本功課: ~彼此相愛、主的榜樣 「正如人子來,不是要受人的服事,乃是要服事人, 並且要捨命,作多人的贖價。」〈太20:28〉 Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. 二、「彼此服事」是一切恩賜使用方式: 1.人人有恩賜、恩賜各不同。 2.為服事聖徒、主忠心管家。

  17. 三、「彼此服事」正確的動機是事奉神: 1.萬物的結局近了。 the end of all things is at hand 2.要彼此切實相愛。 have fervent charity among yourselves 3.作神恩賜好管家。〈彼前四7/11〉 as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 四、用恩賜「彼此服事」的結果: 1.教會得造就。edify church 2.上帝得榮耀。Glorify God ※「感謝神,因他有說不盡的恩賜!」〈林後九15〉Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.

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