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Changes to Industry Certifications, Campus Enrollment Type, and Student Special Education and Limited English Proficienc

This data element update includes changes to industry certifications reporting, campus enrollment types, and student special education and limited English proficiency reporting. The changes aim to improve accuracy and consistency in reporting.

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Changes to Industry Certifications, Campus Enrollment Type, and Student Special Education and Limited English Proficienc

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  1. Data Element Changes Presented by: Michele Elledge March 2019 2019-2020 School Year

  2. Industry Certifications Campus Enrollment Type Student Special Education and Limited English Proficiency Reporting Organization Data Elements CONTENTS

  3. Industry Certifications • Industry certifications earned by students are currently reported on the StudentGraduationProgramExtension Complex Type. • To enable LEAs to report industry certifications earned by students prior to graduation, the reporting this data of will be moved to the StudentExtension complex type.

  4. Industry Certifications • Add sub-complex type TX-IndustryCertification and TX-IndustryCertifications to the StudentExtension complex type. • Add EFFECTIVE-DATE (E1632) and POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE (E1640) • Remove code 000 (Not Applicable) from the INDUSTRY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE-CODE code table (C214).

  5. Industry Certifications • Remove the following from the StudentGraduationProgramExtension complex type: • sub-complex type TX-PerformanceAcknowledgementIndicators • FIRST-POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE (E1586) • SECOND-POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE (E1592) • THIRD-POST-SECONDARY-CERTIFICATION-LICENSURE (E1593)

  6. Rule Impact

  7. Rule Impact

  8. Industry Certifications Campus Enrollment Type Student Special Education and Limited English Proficiency Reporting Organization Data Elements CONTENTS

  9. Campus enrollment type • Campuses that receive an accountability rating of ‘Met Standard’ are eligible to earn distinction designations. • To earn a distinction designation, a campus must be in the top quartile of its comparison group for at least 33% (for high schools and K-12 campuses) or 50% (for elementary and middle schools) of the indicators used to award the distinction. • Comparison groups include other campuses from across the state that are most similar in terms of grades offered, size, percentage of students who are economically disadvantaged, mobility rate, percentage of English learners.

  10. Campus enrollment type • Comparison groups include other campuses from across the state that are most similar in terms of: • Grades offered • Size • Percentage of students who are economically disadvantaged • Mobility rate • Percentage of: English learners, students receiving special education services, students enrolled in an Early College High School program

  11. Campus enrollment type • The Accountability Technical Advisory Committee and the Policy Advisory Committee along with other stakeholder groups and the Commissioner of Education have determined the need to add an additional criterion, Campus Enrollment Type, as a factor to consider when assigning campuses to comparison groups.

  12. Campus Enrollment Type • Zoned Enrollment School (no transfers accepted): School in which attendance is based on the student’s home address. • Zoned Enrollment School (transfers accepted): School in which attendance is based on the student’s home address or allowance of transfer students from another zoned school or district. • Open Enrollment School: School that allows enrollment to any student regardless of the home address.

  13. Campus Enrollment Type • Selective Enrollment School: School that uses some sort of selective criteria (e.g., student grades, audition, interview) for determination of enrollment of all students. Enrollment in these schools may or may not be based on the student’s home address. • Blended Enrollment School: School that bases enrollment on a combination of zoned enrollment, open enrollment, and/or selective enrollment. • ISS/DAEP/JJAEP School: School that enrolls students for the express purpose of disciplinary removals (ISS, DAEP or JJAEP).

  14. Campus Enrollment Type • Add new data element CAMPUS-ENROLLMENT-TYPE-CODE 1641 to the SchoolExtension Complex Type reported in the PEIMS Fall Submission. • New code table CAMPUS-ENROLLMENT-TYPE-CODE (C219) • Click to view the CAMPUS-ENROLLMENT-TYPE-CODE code table

  15. Industry Certifications Campus Enrollment Type Student Special Education and Limited English Proficiency Reporting Organization Data Elements CONTENTS

  16. Student Special Ed and LEP Reporting • For any students receiving special education services for which a discipline removal was reported during the school year, federal regulations require the reporting of the student’s: • Primary disability • Multiply disabled status • Limited English Proficiency (LEP) status

  17. Student Special Ed and LEP Reporting • Since the 2015-2016 school year, PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE, MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE and LEP-INDICATOR- CODE have been reported on the StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociation Complex Type. • These changes ensured that TEA would no longer collect these three data elements for students who were receiving special education services but who were not reported with a disciplinary removal in the Student Disciplinary Interchange.

  18. Student Special Ed and LEP Reporting • LEAs have experienced difficulty in accurately reporting this data due to timing issues related to the movement of students into or out of the special education program during the due process procedures related to a disciplinary incident. • With the Residential Facility Tracker (RFT) Collection, the StudentSpecialEdProgramAssociationExtension Complex Type is added to the PEIMS Summer Collection.

  19. Student Special Ed and LEP Reporting • With the addition of effective dates to the StudentSpecialEdProgramAssociationExtension complex type and the addition of this complex type to the PEIMS Summer Submission, TEA will be able to determine at any point in time whether or not a student received special education services and will also know the student’s primary disability and multiply disabled status. • This data can be compared to discipline data to determine which student data needs to be included for federal reporting purposes.

  20. Student Special Ed and LEP Reporting • Use the TX-UNIQUE-STUDENT-ID, DISTRICT-ID, EFFECTIVE-DATE (TX-EffectiveDateSpEd), EFFECTIVE-DATE (TX-EffectiveDateDisabilities), PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE and MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE from the StudentSpecialEdProgramAssociationExtension Complex Type, and • Use the existing LEP-INDICATOR-CODE submitted in the StudentExtension Complex Type for federal discipline reporting.

  21. Student Special Ed and LEP Reporting • Remove PRIMARY-DISABILITY-CODE (E0041), MULTIPLY-DISABLED-INDICATOR-CODE (E0882) and LEP-INDICATOR-CODE (E0790) from the StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociation Complex Type.

  22. Rule Impact

  23. Rule Impact

  24. Rule Impact

  25. Rule Impact

  26. Rule Impact

  27. Rule Impact

  28. Rule Impact

  29. Industry Certifications Campus Enrollment Type Student Special Education and Limited English Proficiency Reporting Organization Data Elements CONTENTS

  30. Organization data • Education Service Centers (ESCs) and local education agencies (LEAs) maintain their name, organization identification, type, address and telephone information in AskTED, the Texas Education Directory application; this information is stored in the ORG database. • Reporting of this information in PEIMS and TSDS collections has been necessary since ORG did not retain historical information. • Effective dates are now in AskTED, so beginning in the 2019-2020 school year, specific data elements will be retrieved from the ORG database and not reported in PEIMS/TSDS Collections.

  31. Organization data • Specific data elements stored in AskTED will no longer be collected in the following complex types: • EducationServiceCenter Complex Type • LocalEducationAgencyExtension Complex Type • SchoolExtension Complex Type

  32. EducationServiceCenter Complex Type • No longer collect: • EDUCATION-SERVICE-CENTER-NAME (E1086) • ORGANIZATION-CATEGORY (E1240)

  33. LocalEducationAgencyExtension Complex Type • No longer collect: • EDUCATION-ORG-IDENTIFICATION-SYSTEM (E1241) • DISTRICT-NAME (E0213) • ORGANIZATION-CATEGORY (E1240) • Address information: ADDRESS-TYPE (E1113), STREET-NUMBER-NAME (E1114), BUILDING-SITE-NUMBER (E1116), CITY (E1117), STATE-ABBREVIATION (E1118), POSTAL-CODE (E1119), NAME-OF-COUNTY (E11120), COUNTRY-CODE (E1122) • Telephone information: INSTITUTION-TELEPHONE-NUMBER-TYPE (E1268), TELEPHONE-NUMBER (E1269) • CHARTER-STATUS (E1288)

  34. LocalEducationAgencyExtension Complex Type • No longer collect: • LEA-CATEGORY-TYPE (E1521) • ESC-PEIMS-ID (E1290) • ESC-GEOGRAPHICAL-LOCATION-ID (E1291)

  35. SchoolExtension Complex Type • No longer collect: • EDUCATION-ORG-IDENTIFICATION-SYSTEM (E1241) • CAMPUS-NAME (E0267) • ORGANIZATION-CATEGORY (E1240) • Address information: ADDRESS-TYPE (E1113), STREET-NUMBER-NAME (E1114), BUILDING-SITE-NUMBER (E1116), CITY (E1117), STATE-ABBREVIATION (E1118), POSTAL-CODE (E1119), NAME-OF-COUNTY (E11120), COUNTRY-CODE (E1122) • Telephone information: INSTITUTION-TELEPHONE-NUMBER-TYPE (E1268), TELEPHONE-NUMBER (E1269)

  36. SchoolExtension Complex Type • No longer collect: • CAMPUS-CATEGORIES (E1358) • CAMPUS-TYPE (E1354) • CHARTER-STATUS (E1288)

  37. Rule Impact

  38. Rule Impact

  39. Rule Impact

  40. Code Table changes Presented by: Melissa Lemons March 2019 2019-2020 School Year

  41. New Expenditure Code Disciplinary Action Reason Code Changes Campus ID of Residence Service ID Changes CONTENTS

  42. New expenditure code - Background Senate Bill 622, passed during the 85th legislative session, requires that political subdivisions (including school districts) reflect in their proposed budget, a line item specifically for expenditures incurred to publish all statutorily required public notices in the newspaper by the political subdivision or their representatives. Examples include: items related to school board elections, specific test administration dates, or notices of budget and tax rate meetings.

  43. New expenditure code • In order to comply with Senate Bill 622, the Texas Education Agency, has added the following code to the OBJECT-CODE (C159) code table that applies to Actual Financial data reporting for the 2019-2020 school year: • 6491 – Statutorily Required Public Notices

  44. New expenditure code - rules

  45. New expenditure code • For budget reporting, 6491 and all codes under 6400 (Operating Costs) are reported as OBJECT-CODE 6400. Code 6491 (Statutorily Required Public Notices) is part of a subset of codes that exist in the OBJECT-CODE (C159) code table.

  46. New expenditure code • Additionally, the To The Administrator (TAA) notice New Expenditure Code (Object 6491) for all Statutorily Required Public Notices states that expenses related to the new OBJECT-CODE 6491 (Statutorily Required Public Notices) should be tracked for the 2018-2019 school year so that LEAs can report these expenditures in the 2019-2020 TSDS PEIMS collection of Actual Financial data.

  47. New Expenditure Code Disciplinary Action Reason Code Changes Campus ID of Residence CONTENTS

  48. Disciplinary action reason code changes Federal reporting requirement changes have been made to no longer require states to report data related to tobacco and school related gang violence. This information is currently collected through the DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODEs 33 (tobacco) and 34 (school related gang violence).

  49. Disciplinary action reason code changes • In order to comply with the updated federal reporting requirements, the following changes have been made to the DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE (C165) code table for the 2019-2020 school year: • Delete code 33 (tobacco) • Delete code 34 (school related gang violence) • Update code 21 (take out reference of codes 33 and 34)

  50. Disciplinary action reason code changes – Code Table

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