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International Student Offshore Design Competition Promoting exciting opportunities in the offshore industry to students and educators.
International Student Offshore Design CompetitionPromoting exciting opportunities in the offshore industry to students and educators • The International Student Design Competition is an annual competition organized by the following international technical societies for the purposes of encouraging engineering students to develop creative designs for offshore projects: • The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers - SNAME • The Institute of Marine Engineers, Scientists and Technologists - IMarEST • The Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering Divisions of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers - OOAE • The Coastal, Oceans, Port and Rivers Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers - COPRI SPONSORS
2008 Competition • The 2008 ISODC Competition had a total of 9 entries from 4 different universities/programs: • 1 from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India • 2 from Texas A&M, Coastal Engineering Program, College Station, USA • 2 from the National University of Singapore, Singapore • 4 from Texas A&M Offshore Engineering Program, College Station, USA
Results • After considered review of all the entries, all of which were to a high standard, the judges made the following decision: • First Place (a tie between) • The National University of Singapore - Team 2 - Conceptual Design of a Compliant Tower Oil and Gas Production System in Makassar Straits • Texas A&M – Team Sevengill - Design of 1,000 mmbl Floating, Production, Storage, and Offloading (FPSO) Facility, Located in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico at 152 m depth • Second Place • The Indian Institute of Technology – Design of an FPSO for Usan Field, • Third Place • Texas A&M – Team SPI North - Beach Nourishment and Dune Restoration Design for Northern South Padre, TX
Prize Giving • The prizes for the 2008 International Student Design Competition will be awarded at the SNAME Reception held on the evening of May 4th 2009, in Houston, Texas, during the Offshore Technology Conference. • The sponsoring societies are looking forward to having an increasing number of engineering schools and universities enter the 200p and future ISOD Competitions