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Accelerating Progress Shaida Badiee Director, Development Data Group World Bank

Accelerating Progress Shaida Badiee Director, Development Data Group World Bank. Strategies for better statistics. IDA countries with strategies for statistics. 2004. Strategies for better statistics. IDA countries with strategies for statistics. 2006.

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Accelerating Progress Shaida Badiee Director, Development Data Group World Bank

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  1. Accelerating Progress Shaida Badiee Director, Development Data Group World Bank

  2. Strategies for better statistics IDA countries with strategies for statistics 2004

  3. Strategies for better statistics IDA countries with strategies for statistics 2006

  4. Investment in statistical systems • Difficult to record, but there is increased investment • new programs of Canada, African Development Bank, Health Metrics Network, and others

  5. Investment in statistical systems • World Bank (IDA countries only): • Since 2004 large-scale projects in • Burkina Faso ($10m) • Nigeria ($18m) • Kenya ($10m + donor cofinancing) • Tajikistan ($1m + donor cofinancing) • Current pipeline: Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Madagascar, Mongolia, Kyrgyz Republic

  6. Investment in statistical systems • Definitely not enough: • To meet the additional funding requirement identified in Marrakech ($120m per year globally) • And to ensure that all national statistical strategies are implemented

  7. Investment in statistical systems • Need to find ways to: • Scale-up investment • Provide greater incentives for countries and funding agencies to prioritize this work • Some proposals: • Greater incorporation of statistical capacity improvement in Poverty Reduction Strategies • Global financing facility for strategy implementation

  8. Participation in the 2010 Census • UN is leading global advocacy and technical support effort through a “World Programme” • Country-led regional initiative also underway in Africa • Funding gaps possible in some countries

  9. Participation in the 2010 Census

  10. Better Household Surveys • International Household Survey Network • A network of international agencies, Secretariat at World Bank • Better coordination of international survey programs and sharing of best practices

  11. Measuring key topics and the MDGs • International data collection: UN Inter-Agency and Expert Group • Access to national data: DEVINFO • Programs to improving data on key topics: health, education, gender, urban indicators • Improving data quality requires more action at country level

  12. Measuring key topics and the MDGs Access to improved water sources What is the main source of drinking water for this household? Survey 1. 1998 MDG target: Reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water

  13. Measuring key topics and the MDGs Access to improved water sources What is the main source of drinking water for this household? Survey 2. 2000

  14. Measuring key topics and the MDGs Access to improved water sources What is the main source of drinking water for this household? Survey 3. 2003

  15. Measuring key topics and the MDGs Access to improved water sources What is the main source of drinking water for this household? Survey 4. 2003

  16. Measuring key topics and the MDGs • The Accelerated Data Program • a new initiative supported by the Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics Advisory Board • Creating country capacity to Task 1: Better document and disseminate survey microdata Task 2: Analyze and assess survey quality Task 3: Improve survey design and data collection

  17. Measuring key topics and the MDGs Results from the pilot of the Accelerated Data Program: Accessible, documented datasets

  18. Accelerating Progress • Building capacity in long term needs greater levels of investment to implement national strategies for statistics • Continued support for Census 2010 • Near term improvements in data availability and quality: the Accelerated Data Program and other initiatives • More can be done to harmonize effort

  19. Thank you

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