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Matthew Lovett's Secret to Wealth Generation

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Matthew Lovett's Secret to Wealth Generation

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  1. Matthew Lovett’s Secret to Wealth Generation Mindset Having the right mindset toward anything is almost as important as taking the necessary action to manifest it. The secret to wealth generation is having a mindset conducive to attracting abundance as easily as possible. Nothing will keep you from the wealth you want as much as a limiting mindset will. I’ve applied various mindset tactics to all spheres of wealth generation, including SaaS, affiliate marketing, job hunting, crypto

  2. trading, and more. The strategy might change but your mindset must remain the same: open to abundance. Let’s talk a little bit about how mindset plays a role in how we attract wealth into our lives and how you can make a few adjustments in the way you think so you can start building the life you want. The Mindset for Wealth Open, free of doubt, fearless. There is a very distinct mindset for wealth, and it is one of the secrets to wealth generation. The problem is that even many people who profess to have a “money mindset” don’t actually think and behave the way they are supposed to. There is a misalignment between intent and action. For instance, a crypto trader who begins FUDDING their own bags when a token they hold drops due to a bad market. This is a tell-tale sign of emotionalism and a weak mind. I’ve seen a few men with professed military experience who are no stranger to 6 figure investments, who become scared little children who whine and FUD in crypto communities when price action doesn’t go their way. No one is immune from having a weak mind: it is a rampant issue in our society. Your mindset will either help you attract abundance or keep you in a state of lack. As I explain at length in Fearless Self: Empowerment Through Awakening, our thoughts play an important role in constructing our reality. Individual thoughts are a product of mindset, which

  3. means if your overall thinking patterns are compromised, you will begin constructing a reality that is at odds with what you want in life. “Why does nothing go my way??” Because you are thinking wrong. The mindset for wealth generation must include the following: ●A forceful will ●Healthy stoicism / emotional control ●Self-awareness ●Mental flexibility ●Zero attachment ●The ability to remain rooted in the present ●Strong ability to visualize ●Body - mind connection ●Immune to fear You can’t attract what you want while possessing a weak mindset that embodies fear and lack. This mentality is sending a signal to the universe to keep you in a state of wanting, not a state of having. In such a state, you will pass up opportunity and indulge in negativity, which will limit your connections and blind you to the reality of what is. And what is the reality as it pertains to wealth generation? Simply that money is everywhere. It flows freely for those who are aligned with it. Remember always that “wealth” is a concept, not a tangible thing. Money itself is numbers on a screen, very often a digital ledger. It is

  4. generated out of thin air, and if we are being honest always has been. Even “gold” as it pertains to wealth is merely an idea, an agreed- upon (shared) matrix of information. The New World of Wealth It has never been easier to generate wealth. I am living proof of this. “Matthew Lovett” has experienced many mindset shifts over the years, beginning life in a ramshackle apartment in a no-name town to magnetizing 5 and 6 figure opportunities, owning several unrecognizable life in a gorgeous condo in the mountains of Virginia. businesses, and living an

  5. What separates these two people? Hard work and a little bit of luck play a role, of course, but these are outward manifestations that begin with a mindset. I learned pretty early on that the nature of money was fluid. Not only digital but etheric in nature. If you are mentally (even spiritually) aligned with money, it will find you. Sounds like New Age tripe, but it’s closer to the truth than you might think. It’s all in the mindset. Thoughts form your reality. Even if you are a hardline materialist atheist and have shut your Self off from the magick of the world, preferring to live in a sterile environment, these rules still apply. What you see around you is largely dictated by your worldview, your thinking patterns, and how well you can control your emotions. This is pure psychology and neuroscience, nothing mystical whatsoever. A person with a limited worldview and false beliefs will quite literally have different experiences than someone who has a more balanced mind. Do you think you can make a lot of money if you are prone to emotionalism and a negative mindset? It’s possible, but surely generating wealth on an ongoing basis and maintaining a lifestyle that is aligned with wealth generation is going to be difficult to achieve.

  6. Money now flows from all corners. The Internet is the best wealth generation tool ever conceived. If you are not making money and creating the life you want, it’s not the world that is at fault, it is your approach to the world. Crypto being only the latest manifestation of this phenomenon. Those who deeply understand the relationship between the etheric world and blockchain technology saw this coming from a mile away. You can now generate wealth out of thin air in real time, disconnected entirely from the banking system. You can put $100 into a protocol and watch as it generates a token (representation of value) that is priced according to pure perception in a market constructed entirely out of speculation. This token can then immediately be traded into a stablecoin or even back into a dollar amount. Nothing like this has ever been conceived of in the history of finance. Part of the reason for this is because the energy of our local reality is shifting, which means those with the right level of awareness will find it easier to manifest what they want out of thin air. The financial tools available in the crypto world are only going to get better as more minds shift their focus in this direction. The point is that if you believe you have a hard time making money, it is because you have created a life for your Self that makes it hard. Creating a Wealth Generation Mindset To get to the point where you are attracting the kind of wealth you want, you first have to think and act like someone who is wealthy.

  7. You must be spiritually rich before you can manifest abundance on the physical plane. By this I mean, you must let go of anger, resentment, attachments, and fear.

  8. The more open and free you are, the lighter your energy will be and the more flexible your mindset will be. This is needed for what’s to come. I personally recommend deep meditation with visualization training. While I know there are other methods, this is what personally worked for me so I can attest to its effectiveness. It is not an exaggeration to say you absolutely have to CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE to change your reality. All that arrogance, anger, and foolish negative thinking is not doing you any favors. Every time you have a negative thought, your first reaction should be to reflect upon it, process it, and let it go. Don’t give it a voice, and certainly don’t act on it. Negative thinking will undo even the greatest men. You are better off thinking nothing and being a simpleton who glides through life oblivious but happy, than being an overly-critical midwit who always plays devil’s advocate, is depressed and anxious, and who constantly sees lack where there is none. Wealth begins in the mind. I will repeat this so you reaffirm it: wealth begins in the mind. The secret to wealth generation is a willingness to practice self- reflection and change fundamentally as a person. Once you get over your limitations, you will find that wealth is a state of mind, a state of being, that you must only place your Self within. From this point good things will follow.

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