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Warm Up: Who is the best superhero? Write your answer in the form of a thesis

World History/ Geography. Warm Up: Who is the best superhero? Write your answer in the form of a thesis. What was the most important consequence of the printing press?. Restate the Question (in your own words).

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Warm Up: Who is the best superhero? Write your answer in the form of a thesis

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  1. World History/ Geography • Warm Up: • Who is the best superhero? • Write your answer in the form of a thesis

  2. What was the most important consequence of the printing press? Restate the Question (in your own words) • In your groups, read the background essay and discuss the significance of the printing press. • After reading the background essay, answer your questions from your assigned document • Once you complete the document, create a poster (like the one seen to the right) to support your claim that your document supports the idea for the most important consequence of the printing press • Use the last page essay outline for guidance Claim 2 (Important Consequence) Claim 1 (Important Consequence) Important Facts from Background Essay Evidence 1 (fact from document) Evidence 2 (fact from document) Thesis Statement Today’s Objective: Students will analyze documents in order to argue the most important consequence of the printing press

  3. What was the most important consequence of the printing press? • As a group, walk around the room reviewing each group’s posters. • As you evaluate each group, record their claims and thesis in your notebooks • Discuss the importance of each group’s claim and evidence used • Keep in mind what you believe is the most important consequence of the printing press • After the gallery walk, write an opening paragraph answering our DBQ question as if you were going to write the entire paper • Important consequences of the printing press • BE: claim • Thesis • Doc A: claim • thesis • Doc B: claim • thesis • Doc C: Claim • Thesis • Doc D: Claim • Thesis • Doc E: Claim • Thesis Today’s Objective: Students will analyze documents in order to argue the most important consequence of the printing press

  4. What was the most important consequence of the printing press? • Using your document, or the other documents, write a one paragraph “essay” answering the question. Use the essay outline in the last page of your colored booklet for help. • Your “paragraph essay “ should be in the following format: • Sentence 1: Opening/ grabber • Sentence 2: Thesis statement • Sentence 3: Claim 1 • Sentence 4: Evidence to support the claim • Sentence 5: Claim 2 • Sentence 6: Evidence to support the claim • Sentence 7: Conclusion Today’s Objective: Students will analyze documents in order to argue the most important consequence of the printing press

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