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The Miami County Clean Waters/319 Project

The Miami County Clean Waters/319 Project. Ron Jackson, R.S. 319 Project Coordinator 937-440-5450 or 937-440-5458 rjackson@miamicountyhealth.net. The Past and the Code.

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The Miami County Clean Waters/319 Project

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  1. The Miami County Clean Waters/319 Project Ron Jackson, R.S. 319 Project Coordinator 937-440-5450 or 937-440-5458 rjackson@miamicountyhealth.net

  2. The Past and the Code The Miami Co. Board of Health has required permits for the installation of septic systems since ’38. Currently we manage a database of 10,000 – 15,000 as built drawings dating back to 1949.

  3. The Past and the Code • When comparing census statistics & sewage permits, we est. less than half of Miami Co. residents have met the minimum installation permit requirement since the local code went into effect in 1938. 1. • Though off-lot discharge of HSDS had been permitted by local authorities in the past, serious attempts to reduce or eliminate off-lot discharge began with the conception of this program in 1971 by the MCHD.

  4. In the beginning… • The Miami Co. Operational Permit Program (OPP) was established in 1972 to address the increasing number of poorly maintained aeration units that had began to fail due to the lack of maintenance by property owners. In their defense, the systems were sold to the public as “low” or “no maintenance HSDS.”

  5. We’re doing this for several reasons. 1. From a sanitarians perspective, we took this project on in an effort to improve the environmental and public health within our watersheds. 2. Taking inventory and continued monitoring of all existing HSDS enables us to stay in tune w/what’s working v. what isn’t. 3. Ongoing monitoring enables the H.D. to have much needed contact w/the public right at their doorstep. Another benefit is the extraordinary amount of info. sharing between the public and us. Tales of bootlegging, unscrupulous contractors, etc. Active listening skills are important here.

  6. Why we are doing this? 4. Liability issues: Realtors, sellers, buyers beware! ORC has been revised regarding the issue of full disclosure of the condition of a HSDS/HSTS during a real estate transaction. 5. Overall property values are maintained or improved within the watersheds.

  7. Why we are doing this? 6. Continued monitoring & better education improves efforts in preventative maintenance and better management of aging septic systems. Had this process been enacted generations ago, we would have a better educated public including but not limited to plumbers, haulers, installers, sanitarians, etc. & much less burden from nuisance complaints, unreported and misdiagnosed illnesses.

  8. Why one would take on such an endeavor? • The MCHD intends this program to encompass the entire county while perpetually educating owner/operators of the benefits of preventative maintenance; thereby extending the life of thousands of aging systems that have approached the end of their average life-span.

  9. Logistics, Statistics & Quick Rundown of 319 Grant Objectives 1. Write a countywide HSTS plan that conforms with OEPA requirements. 2. 2. Meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, meetings, & more meetings. 3. 3. Inventory & onsite evaluations of HSDS while educating homeowners at the same time. Hired 2 WQTs for this purpose. 4. Building of the database. 4.

  10. Grant Objectives Continued 5. Provide staff/personnel for inspections, enforcement, alternative system at 2-4 demo sites. 5. 6. Provide cost share to repair or replace a minimum of 51 HSDS. 6.

  11. Miami County - The Present • 500 aeration units operating to one degree or another throughout the county. • 95% of these discharge their effluent or about 65,700 gal./day or 31,207,500 gal./yr. • We estimate an additional 2,000 HSDS discharge their untreated effluent. 131,400,000 gal./yr. • Thousands more lie directly on fractured bedrock. • Even w/an efficient complaint process in place, repairs & upgrades of failing HSDS still move @ a slow pace. This is mainly due to a lack of funding and resources on the part of property owners and is the largest obstacle when one is faced with a repair or complete upgrade.

  12. Miami County - The Present • Recent expansion of the OPP is a result of a local code revisal in May of ‘01 when the MCHD required all HSDS to come onto the Operational Permit Program (OPP) for routine monitoring, regardless of date of installation.

  13. Miami County The Present FYI: The OPP ties in very well with our House Bill 110 program. For those of you interested, ask me about HB 110 later.

  14. Where we are we going? • We expect to have over 80% of the county inventory complete by December 31, 2007, approx. 15,000 HSDS. • Est. of residential = 15,000 HSDS • Est. of commercial (H.B.110) = 3,000 HSDS • We currently have over 6,500 under some form of OPP. • GPS/GIS mapping • Feedback survey from contractors, homeowners, etc.

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