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Night Vocabulary Ch 1-9 On your own paper construct vocabulary TIP charts. There will be three vocabulary quizzes during this nine weeks. Night Vocabulary Ch 1-3 On your own paper construct a vocabulary TIP chart.
Night Vocabulary Ch 1-9On your own paper construct vocabulary TIP charts. There will be three vocabulary quizzes during this nine weeks.
Night Vocabulary Ch 1-3On your own paper construct a vocabulary TIP chart. • Nazi – (Hitler’s soldier) A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party • Synagogue - The building where a Jewish assembly or congregation meets for religious observance and instruction. • Kabbalah- A collection of Jewish teachings • Perilous – dangerous, hazardous • Expelled – excluded, barred • Deportee – a person who is exiled from country or home by authority • Betrothal - a formal state of engagement to be married • Exterminate – destroy completely • Billeted - lodge (soldiers) in a particular place, esp. a civilian's house or other nonmilitary facility. • Anti-Semitism – hatred against Jews • Anecdote - A short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person. • Ghetto - a part of a city in which members of a minority group live, especially because of social, legal, or economic pressure. • Provoked - Stimulate or incite (someone) to do or feel something, esp. by arousing anger in them. • Firmament - The heavens or the sky, esp. when regarded as a tangible thing. • Premonition - strong feeling of something about to happen, esp. something unpleasant. • Oppressor – someone or something that exercises authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner. • Pillage – to rob a place using violence in wartime. • Hermetically - Completely sealed, especially against the escape or entry of air. • Pious – devoutly religious • Antechamber of Hell – a waiting to Hell
Night Vocabulary Ch 4-6On your own paper construct a vocabulary TIP chart. Vocabulary Ch 4 • Convoy - any group of military vehicles or persons traveling together under the same orders. • Quarantine - a strict isolation imposed to prevent the spread of disease. • Baton - a wand used by a conductor. • Emigrate - to leave one country or region to settle in another. • Wizened - withered; shriveled: • Foreman - a person in charge of a particular department, group of workers, etc. • Conscientious – when an action is carried out carefully • Altruistic - unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others Vocabulary Ch 5 • Grandeur - the quality or state of being impressive or awesome. • Crematoria – where one is consumed by fire; furnace • Audible - capable of being heard. • Damnation - an oath expressing anger, disappointment, etc. • Emaciated - to make abnormally lean or thin by a gradual wasting away of flesh. Vocabulary Ch 6 • Comrade - companion, associate, or friend. • Diminish - to make or cause to seem smaller. • Rabbi - a title of respect for a Jewish scholar or teacher. • Assassins - a murderer, especially one who kills a politically prominent person for fanatical or monetary reasons. • Melancholy - a gloomy state of mind, especially when habitual or prolonged; depression.
Night Vocabulary Ch 7-9On your own paper construct a vocabulary TIP chart. • Corpse- A dead body, esp. of a human being rather than an animal. • Spectacle- A visually striking performance or display • Charity- The voluntary giving of help, typically money, to those in need. • Ensued- Happen or occur afterward or as a result. • Mauling- Treat (someone or something) roughly. • Illuminate- light up • Indifferent- Having no particular interest or sympathy; unconcerned • Protrude- Extend beyond or above a surface: • Plaintive- Sounding sad and mournful. • Gratitude- The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. • Grudgingly- displaying or reflecting reluctance or unwillingness • Prostrate- Lying stretched out on the ground with one's face downward. • Delirious- In an acutely disturbed state of mind resulting from illness or intoxication • Feeble- Lacking physical strength, esp. as a result of age or illness. • Liquidate- wind up affairs, settle • Revenge- The action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for a wrong suffered at their hands. • Contemplating- think about