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Develop VB in WinCE

Develop VB in WinCE. Maker : Axel Chou. Introduction to WinCE 3.0. One of the Microsoft Embedded System WinCE 3.0 Embedded NT 4.0 Customize : Minimize the system cost Flexibility : 200 modules for use Language : Unicode API : Only for 32-bit. WinCE 3.0 Hardware Support. CPU

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Develop VB in WinCE

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  1. Develop VB in WinCE Maker : Axel Chou

  2. Introduction to WinCE 3.0 • One of the Microsoft Embedded System • WinCE 3.0 • Embedded NT 4.0 • Customize : Minimize the system cost • Flexibility : 200 modules for use • Language : Unicode • API : Only for 32-bit

  3. WinCE 3.0 Hardware Support • CPU • ARM / Strong ARM • x86 • MIPS • PPC • SH3/4 • Others : ISA, PCI, CF, PCMCIA, USB….

  4. WinCE Develop Tools • Platform Builder 3.0 • Build a platform for a device • Can export SDK • eMbedded Visual Tools • Develop AP for a built platform • Need a certain SDK • Free

  5. Microsoft eMbedded Visual Tools • Microsoft eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0 • Executable file ( .exe) • Microsoft eMbedded Visual Basic 3.0 • .vb file , need pvbload.exe to execute

  6. Create a VB Program in TPC-642 • Host PC : • PIII 600 • 128M RAM • NT4.0 SP6 • EVB, EVC • Target Device : • TPC-642 ( Strong ARM CPU ) • WinCE 3.0 • Connection : • Null modem cable

  7. Step 1 : Install the ActiveSync 3.1 • Can free download form Microsoft web site (http://www.microsoft.com/mobile/downloads/activesync.asp ) • Use to transfer data between host PC and target device

  8. Step 2 : Install SDK for TPC-642 # Suggest to install before connection

  9. Step 3 : Configure the COM port of TPC-642S Then do the following setting : Baud Rate : 19200 (can be any value available, but should be the same as the host PC) Data Bits : 8 Parity : None Stop Bits : 1 Flow Control : None

  10. Step 4 : Set the Communication Mode of TPC-642S Hint: This is a unmovable window, so that you can not reach the OK on the up-right side, however you can use the keyboard and click the return key. Give a unique name

  11. Step 5 : Set the COM port in the Host PC • In NT you can set in the start\setting\control Panel\Ports • The Parameter must be the same as the settings in the Setp 3

  12. Step 6-1 : Start the ActiveSync Tip :DO NOTclick “Next>” immediately.

  13. Step 6-2 : Start the ActiveSync DO NOT Use Partnership First Then Click Next > Now

  14. Step 7 : Start the EVB This Icon will appear only after you install the SDK for VB

  15. Step 8 : Check the connection status You can click test to check if the connection is OK

  16. Step 8 : Specify the Download Path Note : Download the program to the CFDisk or it will disappear after reboot

  17. Step 10 : Design the Form of AP If OK, click here to Run the AP The RAD ( Rapid Application Develop ) environment is almost the same as VB

  18. Step 11 : Run and Remote Debug Click or to return to the Design Mode In the Process, EVB will copy some files to the TPC-642, Click OK for the fist time

  19. Create CE Comm Program • Use the following scheme to demo the communication. Host PC (ActiveSync, EVB) Address : 01 Baud rate : 19.2k Null modem cable slot1 5056D COM1(232) 485 COM2(485) Pin to pin cable ( With Auto flow control ) ADAM-5000/485 TPC-642

  20. Step1: Add the CE Comm Component If add OK this Icon will appear

  21. Step2: Design the Form The Program will Demo the DO control to the ADAM-5056D Click up-side button will turn ON the LED on the channel 2 Click down-side button will turn OFF the LED on the channel 2 Drag

  22. Step3: Write the Code Output string command while click ( Read the manual for the detail command description ) Following the sequence to open the COM port Close the COM port

  23. Step4: Run and Remote Debug Click the buttons you will see the LED on the Adam-5056D ON and OFF Note: In The Progress, the file MSCEComm.dll will be transferred and active at the first time

  24. How to Auto-run When Reboot • Create a startup.ini file in the \CFDisk\ • Specify the path and filename and parameter • To execute the .VB file, call the \Windows\pvbload.exe ***.vb • Some OCX component should register first, Regsvrce.exe ***.dll • For example, if you want to run the AP at previous Demo, just add the following line in the startup.ini • You can create the file on the PC and transfer by ActiveSync.

  25. Remote Tools • Windows CE Toolkit provides several invaluable tools you can use to test and debug your Windows CE-based applications: • You will find them in the \Windows CE Tools\BIN\ • Remote File Viewer (Cefilevw.exe) • Remote Zoomin (Cezoom.exe) • Remote Process Viewer (Cepview.exe) • Remote Registry Editor (Ceregedt.exe) • Remote Spy++ (CeSpy.exe) • Remote Heap Walker (Ceheapwk.exe)

  26. Remote file viewer Use this command to transfer files

  27. Remote ZoomIn Refresh Can use to monitor the screen output

  28. Remote process viewer

  29. Remote register editor

  30. Remote spy

  31. Remote Heap Walker

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