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Wimmera Network ICT & eLearning

Wimmera Network ICT & eLearning. Ultranet e-Potential Continuum &Resources DEECD elearning & Vic Education Channel http://wimmeraict.wikispaces.com http://www.education.vic.gov.au search. Ultranet. Coaches are to cooperatively support each school in both phases of the Ultranet:

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Wimmera Network ICT & eLearning

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  1. Wimmera Network ICT & eLearning Ultranet e-Potential Continuum &Resources DEECD elearning & Vic Education Channelhttp://wimmeraict.wikispaces.comhttp://www.education.vic.gov.au search

  2. Ultranet. Coaches are to cooperatively support each school in both phases of the Ultranet: Phase 1: Readiness (2008-9) ePotential PD elearning planning Phase 2: Implementing Ultranet (2009-10) Super users training early 2009? Staged introduction 2009-10.

  3. Teaching and Learning withthe Ultranet “a significant opportunity”…. ”which will deliver significant benefits”… “opportunity we cannot afford to waste”.. “it is not invitational…it is required”… Darrell Fraser, DEECD

  4. Ultranet: RationaleA knowledge management system • Improve student learning outcomes • Be a consistent online learning environment across all Victorian government schools • Reduce the ICT divide between schools • Streamline the school management processes • Focus is about the quality of the teaching, learning and content not on technology.

  5. What is the Ultranet: Some different views What is the Ultranet: users? DEECD regions Learning & Teaching Management Collaboration Reporting teachers principals parents admin/support School info Staff info students Administration Student info Whole school, program and teacher curriculum planning and delivery Student assessment, submission and feedback Digital learning content Student report cards Standard reports Ad-hoc reports Shared curriculum/lesson plans Collaboration tools Discussion forums Messaging Blogs Ultranet A tool for school improvement Management of: Attendance Timetable Calendar Resources Records Staff profile Staff timetable Profile Timetable Calendar Committees Clubs & organisations Student profile Student results Course enrolment

  6. Original, not revised May 08 Tender specifications view of what Ultranet will include

  7. timetabling content management lesson planning special needs VELS reporting booking resources professional development workplace safety booking rooms daily organisation communication student management list management discussion forum notification and bulletins state wide initiative online learning and teaching school policy chat audit tracking archiving content publications incidents digital resources learning federation notes early intervention online search security identity management LCMS feedback collaboration POLTS workflow processing online roll marking administration submissions feedback surveys teacher unique identifier student unique identifier new student report card progress reporting employee management video content enquiry management instant messaging instant messaging individuallearningplans online excursion management event management remote access data backup web servers intranets extranets user admin Ultranet: all the bricks- how many in Version ?

  8. Accessing Administrative Data“proper business processes”Darrell Fraser • School databases- dozens, not linked, wasteful, ultranet will link with a single data entry • Examples: • Staff information (eg timetables), from home • Easy access to students & their courses • Improvements in managing various routine activities • For example: excursions, roll marking • Aim: Efficiency to provide more time for teaching and learning focused work

  9. Ultranet will look different to this, but similar in easy useability.  Customise Logout Welcome Teacher Name Launch pad Today, Tuesday 6th September, 2007 Favourites curriculum content Australian Maths Assoc 8:00 administration Victorian Education Channel Crossing Duty Gate 1 curriculum committee DEECD 9:00 junior boys soccer Physics applets chess club blogs Footy Tipping P2 7B Maths C2 10:00 11:00 P3 8C Science S3 New Messages Tasks 12:00 P4 8C Science S3 Report for curriculum meeting Year 8 planning Year 7 maths – angles 6/09/05 soccer practice 6/09/05 Year 12 Exams 1:00 5/09/05 AMC calculators Mrs Shaw 5/09/05 old TV? P5 8B Art A7 2/09/05 exchange teacher 2:00 P6 Extra - 12D1 Physics S2 3:00 Curriculum Committee Meeting Library 4:00 5:00 It is intended to be easy “If you can read you can use the Ultranet…” Sample: Teacher Log In Secondary College

  10. What can it do to make teachers’ jobs easier & more effective? • Knowing students (Student file & VAN) • View & monitoring student progress • Teachers share courses, ideas • Access to high quality resources around state. • Provide & receive feedback • Effective parent partnerships • Reporting- cumulative, more current, accurate, streamlined.

  11. Increased sharing and collaboration “In the past we have not shared knowledge very effectively”.(Darrell Fraser) It will change the way we share knowledge “the de-privatising of teacher practice” (Dianne Peck) “A culture of sharing” (Heather Hill, Principal, Murrumbeena PS, pilot school) “Given that parents will be viewing curriculum, teachers in the pilot found they felt safer if they planned in teams”. (Pilot school comment) “If you’re serious about addressing big variations within schools (bigger than between schools) ……..the ultranet is a great way with curriculum and learning as the vehicle..” (Principal, Ringwood SC, pilot school)

  12. We’re all in this together “Not invitational …….it is required …” (DF) we will all be involved as teachers and educators. Performance goal cascades down through system, all of us from RD, principals ..to teachers….RDs first to be trained and be “fluent”, we will follow. Super users receive training in Term 4? Term 1?

  13. An experiment? • An intranet…Schools have intranets • Many schools have Learning Management Systems- Study Wiz, Moodle, Day Map or variations • Egs Mt Waverly High, Yarra Valley eLearning Community schools, MyInternet • student@centre (ultranet) Pilot project, “proof of concept”, 12 schools. • Major cultural changes, positive responses. • Our job is to do our part to make it work

  14. Teachers Changing to the Ultranet • Teachers include ICT in personal PD goals • Whole school elearning plans • Step by step progress • Advice given to Ultranet Coaches “…..support each other, be models and no wingeing”(DF) • We can make it work • Significant benefits, especially in teaching & learning make it worthwhile. • and in all our educational partnerships.

  15. School “readiness” measures & AIP. 1. Leadership Are principals and other school leaders ready to lead this change? (AIP: elearning leader & elearning committee) 2. Workforce capability Are users confident and capable users of ICT? (AIP: epotential survey, continuum and PD plans) 3. Learning & teaching Can teachers plan, deliver and assess effectively in integrating ICT into all curriculum domains? (AIP: applied PD integrating ICT into all in curriculum) 4. CommunityAre parents aware and have access? (AIP: students, parents info, access plans) 5. Data & content Is data ready for the system? Is curriculum and administration data prepared in digital form? (AIP: curriculum outlines, scope & sequence,includeunit proformas) 6. School infrastructure Is the school ICT infrastructure accessible for learning in all curriculum domains? (AIP: Infrastructrure surveys, ICT available anytime, anywhere)

  16. What do we need to do? • Implement 2008 Regional & School AIP Ultranet Goal • 2009-10 at some point when appropriate for school- implement Ultranet • eLearning Planning for 1,2,3 years. • eLearning Guides: education.vic.gov.au/elpg

  17. e-potential: doing the survey opens up the pandora’s box of resources behind the buttons

  18. The survey is the entry point to see what is available for personal PD and classroom use

  19. Lee Lefevre’s Plain English Guides http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user=leelefever&p=r http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NN2I1pWXjXI&feature=user

  20. Digilearn learning objects & resources

  21. Templates for Applied PD • Templates for Curriculum and Unit designs • Backwards design template. • A focused framework for designing units of learning. • Intel Template • Five E’s curriculum design approach. • Is being promoted as a model for DEECD schools • Bloom’s Taxonomy- a digital equivalent version of his thinking domainshttp://wimmeraict.wikispaces.com

  22. www.education.vic.gov.ausome resources • The Victorian Education Channel http://www.education.vic.gov.au/teacher • eLearning showcase http://epotential.education.vic.gov.au/showcase • Digilearn interactives http://www.education.vic.gov.au/digilearn • Webquests http://www.education.vic.gov.au/teacher/webquests • Webactivities http://www.education.vic.gov.au/teacher/Webactivities • Blogs http://globalteacher.org.au

  23. The Victorian Education Channel

  24. Search & Topics

  25. http://epotential.education.vic.gov.au/showcase.

  26. 5 bright ideas

  27. Further resources • The following resources contain sections that may be useful when designing learning experiences: • DigiLearn * • Human Body – students work through a series of four learning objects about the structure and function of the human body. They compare humans with other animals to explore adaptation to environments.(http://www.eduweb.vic.gov.au/dlr/_layouts/dlr/Details.aspx?ID=3286) • * Note that Digilearn is a secure site; DEECD login required. • Further resources • The following resources contain sections that may be useful when designing learning experiences: • DigiLearn * • Human Body – students work through a series of four learning objects about the structure and function of the human body. They compare humans with other animals to explore adaptation to environments.(http://www.eduweb.vic.gov.au/dlr/_layouts/dlr/Details.aspx?ID=3286) • * Note that Digilearn is a secure site; DEECD login required.

  28. www.education.vic.gov.au/teacher/webquests

  29. http://www.education.vic.gov.au/teacher/webactivities http://www.education.vic.gov.au/teacher/Webactivities/

  30. Blogs http://globalteacher.org.au

  31. Blogs 3 minute video on blogs

  32. Digital Storytelling

  33. Podcasting 3 minute video link

  34. Global projects

  35. Engagingenjoyableaccessibletailor-made, appropriatedocumentedcleverserve many purposesencourages deeper thinking easily integrated “too good not to use” ?

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