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We Design & Execute Brand Experiences

Developing Agency D esign Briefs. We Design & Execute Brand Experiences. The Process. What are you trying to achieve? With who; who is the target audience? What is the behaviour or behaviours? What will count as success ? How will you evaluate , impact, process, outcome?

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We Design & Execute Brand Experiences

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  1. Developing Agency Design Briefs We Design & Execute Brand Experiences

  2. The Process • What are you trying to achieve? • Withwho; who is the target audience? • What is the behaviouror behaviours? • What will count as success? • How will you evaluate, impact, process, outcome? • What is your timescale?

  3. Procure of Do it in-house? • Can suppliers provide the service at lower cost and or higher quality? • Do suppliers have skills that are not available internally? • Are there opportunities to reduce risk by using suppliers?

  4. Consider Before You Start • Define your objectives • Decide the time frame • Secure adequate resources for each stage of the intervention • Confirm if the whole intervention is to be procured, or just one stage

  5. Brief Overview • The creative brief typically contains 4 sections: • Background • Overall Campaign Strategy • Creative Strategy • Expectations

  6. Creative Brief Overview • Background (What is the problem? Describe national & international trends, research findings etc) • Strategy • Campaign purpose egTo increase the number of sexually active young people aged 15 to 24 accessing HIV testing and counselling, and post test support services by normalizing the concept of HIV testing and knowing ones status • Communication objectives – what should people understand from the campaign/communication effort? egYoung people should believe that getting tested for HIV is a wise decision that can help them make relevant choices for their present life and the future • Behaviour change objective – be as specific as possible eg increase the number of men going for VCT in Mzuzu can be improved to increase by 25% the number of men 15-25 that access VCT services in Mzuzu in FY2013

  7. Strategy • Obstacles (what barriers have you identified to achievement of the goals or adoption of the desired behaviour?) egLack of open dialogue on issues of HIV and AIDS. Fear of HIV positive status: People feel they are likely to be HIV positive because of their high risk behaviour and do not know if they found out they were HIV positive • Audience (who are we targeting? Include any demographic/psychographic information that you have) egtarget sexually active young people of reproductive age group 15 – 24 years to access HIV testing and counselling, and the various post test services that are available. The target audience is of low literacy and low income and live in a rural setting. • Campaign Scope (geographic coverage etc) eg the campaign will be implemented in Balaka district

  8. Creative Strategy • Key issues to be addressed egMost people indicate willingness to go for HTC but there is general fear of knowing one’s status and people fear the stigma associated with a HIV positive test result. • Key actions –whataction should the communication prompt? Eg target audience to go for VCT and community to openly discuss VCT • Key promises/benefits – we need to look at it from the target audience’s perspective. What can they benefit? Eg HTC empowersuninfected people to protect themselves from HIV & assists infected persons to live positively and to protect others from HIV. • Creative considerations (How do you want the campaign to look & sound) egincorporate red colours and use an inspiring tone – do not create fear!The language should be Chichewa & the communication should appeal to a rural audience • Media (what media channels are recommended?) radio, theatre, interpersonal communication etc

  9. Expectations • What do you expect from the agency & when? • The agency should provide: • Detailed proposal with execution ideas and channels • Agency to come up with a detailed description of activities to be implemented and planned dates • Agency to come up with an itemized quote of the proposed activities/activations • Agency to ensure that the campaign is single minded and easy to understand by our target audience. It should be very relevant to our rural poor target audience. • End of assignment report with both qualitative and quantitative indicators of achievement of objectives

  10. Thank You Allen Mukwenha +265888408880 allen@exp.co.mw www.expagency.biz We Design & Execute Brand Experiences

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