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Self-pleasuring Addiction – Recognizing the Tell-Tale Signs

Every man enjoys spending time with his "little guy," but when pleasure turns into self-pleasuring addiction, steps need to be taken. A sore male organ is not the only result of compulsive pleasuring behavior.

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Self-pleasuring Addiction – Recognizing the Tell-Tale Signs

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  1. Self-pleasuring Addiction – Recognizing the Tell-Tale Signs By John Dugan

  2. Self-pleasuring is one of life's most pleasurable activities, but self-pleasuring addiction is another story; its effects go beyond the physical pain of a sore male organ. Compulsive self-pleasuring has an impact on male organ health, mental health and emotional/social health and should be treated in order to ensure that the addicted self-stimulator is able to enjoy a greater overall quality of life. www.man1health.com

  3. Typical self-pleasuring is good. • Many men get tense and stressed at the idea of a self-pleasuring addiction. Perhaps because culture has historically denigrated self-pleasuring, men (and women) typically have some guilt feelings about the act of getting off. As a result, a man who gets offs regularly may jump to the conclusion that he could be addicted, simply because he enjoys self-pleasuring and engages in it with what he fears is an unacceptable frequency. www.man1health.com

  4. In fact, what might be called "normal" self-pleasuring is actually good for a man. By stimulating the male organ, a man learns what strokes and touches feel particularly good and what may be less welcome and can use this knowledge when with a partner to provide a more satisfying experience. In addition, an release tends to make a man feel more relaxed and at ease, relieving stress and tension that may have built up to unhealthy levels before the pleasuring experience. Finally, some studies have indicated that men who come frequently (whether through partner or solo activities) have a lesser chance of developing prostate issues as they age. www.man1health.com

  5. How does a man tell if he is addicted? • Determining is a man is an addicted self-stimulator can be challenging. One of the primary reasons for this is that male drives can vary tremendously from one man to the next, as can each man's rate of pleasuring activity. • In order to determine addictive behavior, it's necessary to move beyond counting the number of acts and look at what is going on inside the person. Here are some typical signs that may indicate an addiction to self-pleasuring: www.man1health.com

  6. There is lack of control. Sensual fantasies and urges are common for any man and occur with frequency throughout the day; however, most men are able to push these away when they occur at inopportune times. The compulsive self-stimulator struggles greatly with this and more often than not loses the battle. If a man often finds himself unable to complete tasks without taking a break to gets off, he likely is engaging in compulsive behavior. • He desires self-pleasuring more than partner play. Every man sometimes is more in the mood for a "self session" than a partner encounter, but when solo activity is always the preferred option, addiction may be indicated. www.man1health.com

  7. Relationships and contact are problematic. Often a compulsive self-stimulator has a hard time sustaining close contact with other people. A compulsive self-stimulator frequently foregoes opportunities to be with other people so that he can play with himself. • The experience is not necessarily pleasurable. This is one of the key signs of compulsive behavior: if a man fondles himself without getting pleasure from it. • It hurts. Men who gets off continually, even with a very raw or sore male organ, may be acting compulsively. (Many men may do this on occasion; it's when this is an ongoing issue that addiction may be a problem.) • He simply cannot stop. www.man1health.com

  8. Men who believe they may have a self-pleasuring addiction should consult a psychotherapist or psychologist in order to begin the process of understanding the addiction and determining strategies for overcoming it. A life free of compulsive behaviors is ultimately a healthier and happier life. www.man1health.com

  9. A man does not have to be a compulsive self-stimulator to get a sore male organ; even "typical" self-pleasuring or partner activity can create manhood discomfort. Employing a superior male organ nutrient cream(health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help soothe and revitalize an overworked tool. The proper cream will include quality moisturizing ingredients such as shea butter and vitamin E to relieve an aching male organ. For even better male organ care, a man should select a cream that includes alpha lipoic acid, as this first rate antioxidant can help prevent early manhood cell aging. www.man1health.com

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