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Resource Conservation Management

Resource Conservation Management. Your Name, RCM. District or Agency Name. Introduction. What is Resource Conservation Management? Energy Savings Water and Sewer Savings Garbage Reduction Recycling and Composting. Components of an Effective RCM Program. Top Level Commitment and Support

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Resource Conservation Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Resource Conservation Management Your Name, RCM District or Agency Name

  2. Introduction • What is Resource Conservation Management? • Energy Savings • Water and Sewer Savings • Garbage Reduction • Recycling and Composting

  3. Components of an Effective RCM Program • Top Level Commitment and Support • Resource Accounting • Building Operating Guidelines • Reporting and Promoting

  4. Top Level Commitment and Support • Resource Conservation Management Policy/Resolution • Commitment to RCM • Set overall goals of the RCM Program • Roles and responsibilities of key personnel • Shared savings

  5. Resource Accounting • Select an Accounting Tool, and Collect and Input Data • Obtain Rate Schedules from Utilities, Garbage Haulers and Recyclers • Analyze Data and Make Recommendations • Document Building/Facility Baselines • Establish a Process for Maintaining Resource Accounting

  6. Building Operating Guidelines • Establish Building/Facility RCM Teams • Interview Building Operators and Audit Buildings • Establish a Recycling Effort

  7. Reporting and Promoting • Develop a Reporting Schedule • Encourage Participation • Provide Feedback

  8. Resource Conservation Management Fiscally Responsible Facility Management Good Environmental Stewardship of Facility Resources

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