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Power Distribution System and Decoupling Allocation Docent Li-Rong Zheng & Prof. Hannu Tenhunen Laboratory of Electr

Power Distribution System and Decoupling Allocation Docent Li-Rong Zheng & Prof. Hannu Tenhunen Laboratory of Electronics and Computer Systems Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) SE-164 40 Kista, Sweden (lrzheng@ele.kth.se). Outline. Power Supply Noise and Modeling Techniques

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Power Distribution System and Decoupling Allocation Docent Li-Rong Zheng & Prof. Hannu Tenhunen Laboratory of Electr

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  1. Power Distribution System and Decoupling Allocation Docent Li-Rong Zheng & Prof. Hannu Tenhunen Laboratory of Electronics and Computer Systems Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) SE-164 40 Kista, Sweden (lrzheng@ele.kth.se)

  2. Outline • Power Supply Noise and Modeling Techniques • Power Regulation and Decoupling Strategies • Power and Ground Plane Design

  3. Technology Scaling of Power Distribution ParametersDevice Per year Chip Per year Wire Pitch x 0.87 Chip Edge y 1.06 IR/V 1/x 1.15 y2/x3 1.71 (L/V)dI/dt (package) 1/x 1.15 y2/x3 1.71 (L/V)dI/dt (on-chip) 1/x2 1.32 y2/x4 1.96 Why Power Distribution? -- An ITRS’ View Chip power for future ULSI Power Loss: DC voltage drop: DV=RI Switching noise: DV=L dI/dt The future Challenge: how to delivery 100A current at ~1V from board to chip ?

  4. Power Supply Noise VDD (off-chip) Lpin iL(t) Vdd (on-chip) Vin CL Lpin Vdd Simultaneous Switching Noise: Power bounce Gnd DC loss: Ground bounce

  5. The Packaging Parasitics L-C Tank Circuit

  6. System level power delivery network High-Frequency on-chip global and semi-global lines Impedance (ohms) 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 Zs High-Frequency Chip on SCM/MCM Mid-Frequency SCM/MCM on Board Target Impedance Low-Frequency Power Regulator 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 Frequency (Hz) Task of Power Distribution Design: Zs < Ztarget (in Frequency Domain)

  7. Target Impedance: Trends in This Decade • Target impedance is falling ~1.6X, every 3 years

  8. Iin , Vin ut Iut,Vut IL Load-off Load-off Impedance (log) Impedance (log) Load-on Load-on Frequency log(Hz) Frequency log(Hz) Transfer-impedance Self-impedance Definitions of Impedance: Very Confused So Far! Self-impedance: apply 1 amp current Iinat input only, measure the voltage at input. (two cases: load-on or load-off) Transfer-impedance: apply 1 amp current Iinat input only, measure voltage at load (ut). (two cases: load-on or load-off)

  9. Power Distribution System Design Chip power supply noise is very much dependent on packaging. Chip-packaging co-design is needed for a good PDS design.

  10. Vss Contact vias Vdd Active devices On-Chip Power Distribution Resistance: (DC resistance and AC resistance due to Skin effect) Capacitance: C= Cwire+Csymbiotic+Cdecoupling Inductance (accurate data will need 3D field solvers): Bonding wire ~10nH/cm, TAB ~ 8nH/cm, Flip-chip sold-bump~7nH/cm Typical value: bonding wire ~1-2.5nH, TAB ~2-6.3nH, Flip-chip <0.1nH On-chip inductance: if Rwire >> jwLwire, on-chip inductance is negligible

  11. Logic Logic Logic Logic Cell Cell Cell Cell External supply > 0.35mm, tr (tf) >350ps < 0.18mm, tr (tf) <100ps On-chip Power Distribution: Circuit Model

  12. Power Regulation and Decoupling Allocation

  13. Power Supply Decoupling Provided a small current-loop for fast switching. Provided the AC current needed by the device.

  14. I Iavg t On-Chip Decoupling Requirements Hand Calculation (pessimistic) L Cd Dt: switching time, DV: allowed ripple voltage tck: clock period, Iavg: time averaged current. or Typically ki=0.25~0.5 (ki=1 for delta function, =0.25 for triangle wave, =0 for a DC current) Industrial Example IBM Power4: ~300nF of decoupling capacitors 4172 power and ground pins, 2208 signal pins (C4) IBM Z900: ~250nF on-chip decoupling capacitors Compaq EV6: ~320nF decoupling, occupy 15-20% chip area !

  15. Cwire Vss Vdd n-well Cgate Cwell p-sub On-chip Decoupling Capacitors A capacitor chip is bonded to an DEC 21264 processor chip to provide power conditioning “Near-chip” Vdd IBM S390 MCM Module Vss Off-chip (on-module)

  16. on on 0 1 0 on Symbiotic Bypass Capacitance Symbiotic Bypass Capacitor Example: in 0.18um CMOS process, Cox is about 10fF/um2, Cld=50fF/gate. For a 100K gate module with 4% gates switching simultaneously, the remaining gates will connect about half of their output load across the power supply. This will give a symbiotic bypass capacitance of about 2.4nF.

  17. Vdd pins Vss pins Low Inductance Packaging: Area Array Power Pin Connection Peripheral edge power pin distribution Area array power pin distribution • Area Array Connection Power/Ground Pin Distribution for External Supply • Self-Decoupling between Vdd and Gnd Inductance < 0.1nH/pin

  18. Lvdd Id P G P G S S S M G P G P S S S Lvss P G P G Is S S S G P G P Low Inductance Packaging: Pin Assignment Area Array (C4) If Lvdd=Lvss=Lp, Is=Id , Equivalent inductance (loop): Total Inductance: Increase mutual coupling, increase # of power/ground pins, balance Id and Is locally

  19. Layer Assignment in PCB and Interconnect Substrate

  20. Parallel Pwr and Gnd plane capacitances

  21. Ground Signal Power On-Chip Power Distribution Schemes Double Layer Mesh (with high speed signal distribution) Solid Planes (large decap, many vias) Single Layer Grid Distributed at top-most metal layers (thicker, low R metals)

  22. Frequency Response of Off-chip Decoupling Capacitors

  23. Decoupling allocation: Board Level

  24. Off-Chip Decoupling Capacitor Allocation Plane inductance (W: width between two pwr pins; H: separation between power and ground planes, all in cm).

  25. Local PCB layout for power distribution

  26. Decoupling filters

  27. Decoupling capacitors for signal transitions

  28. Model for Component Level SSN

  29. Power distribution principles • Use low impedance ground connections between ICs • The impedance between power pins on any two ICs should be as low as the impedance between ground pins • There must be a low impedance bath between ground and power • This path must be LOW impedance on all frequencies of interest in order to handle all fast charging/discharging on chip • Inductances are the limiting factor! • These will be compensated with global and local capacitors for supplying momentary charge to chips

  30. Power and Ground Planes Design

  31. Frequency Response of a Power Delivery System

  32. Supply decoupling in power/Ground Planes

  33. Modeling of ground Plane with Decoupling capacitors

  34. Poles and Zeros of a Board populated with Decoupling Capacitor

  35. Frequency Response of Decoupling Capacitors

  36. Realistic Impedance Profile of a Board Populated with Decoupling Capacitor

  37. Modeling of a PCB Power Plane Transmission lines

  38. Example: Power Plane

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