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Curriculum for Excellence The Numeracy Outcomes

Curriculum for Excellence The Numeracy Outcomes. Amy Sinclair, Development Officer for Numeracy Learning and Teaching Scotland. Programme for the day. 9.30 – 10.00 Setting the scene 10.00 – 10.45 Interpreting the outcomes 10.45 – 11.00 Coffee break

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Curriculum for Excellence The Numeracy Outcomes

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  1. Curriculum for ExcellenceThe Numeracy Outcomes Amy Sinclair, Development Officer for Numeracy Learning and Teaching Scotland

  2. Programme for the day 9.30 – 10.00 Setting the scene 10.00 – 10.45 Interpreting the outcomes 10.45 – 11.00 Coffee break 11.00 – 12.00 Planning the delivery of the outcomes 12.00 – 12.50 It’s all about the how 12.50 – 1.50 Lunch 1.50 – 2.50 Numeracy Across the Curriculum

  3. Aims • To look at progression within the Numeracy Outcomes and how they interlink. • To consider how the Numeracy outcomes could be grouped for teaching within the school curriculum • To plan the delivery of a selection of the numeracy outcomes • To support numeracy across the curriculum

  4. Learning Outcomes Participants will: • gain an informed overview of the Numeracy Outcomes • see how the Numeracy outcomes fit with their current teaching • have the opportunity to establish working links with other schools

  5. CfE Challenge!

  6. uddly C f E luffy xperiences

  7. hange C f E or xcitement!

  8. omplete C f E &*%ing xasperation!

  9. 'Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting the different results' Albert Einstein

  10. Teacher’s Wish List (i.e. The National Debate) .

  11. “A goal of the curriculum review is to give teachers more freedom to teach in innovative and creative ways.” Progress and Proposals

  12. Literacy Numeracy Health Enterprise Citizenship Sustainability Creativity Challenge and Enjoyment Personalisation and Choice Breadth Depth Progression Relevance Coherence Successful Learners Confident Individuals Responsible Citizens Effective Contributors Curriculum for Excellence

  13. Progress to date • Publication of Numeracy outcomes • Numeracy Foreword • Numeracy Across the Curriculum • Engagement events

  14. Next Steps • Publication of other subject areas December – Mathematics, Expressive Arts, Gaelic Learners, Classical Languages, Social Subjects January – English Language and Literacy, Fluent Gaelic April - Technologies, RME May – Health & Wellbeing

  15. Next Steps • Assessment • Consultation for qualifications at SCQF 4 and 5 (General/ Credit at Standard Grade, Int1/Int 2 for NQ) • No decisions until consultation has taken place • Access, Higher and Advanced Higher will remain as points of stability in the system • To be reviewed and will adapt over time to reflect CfE

  16. Next Steps • Consultation & Feedback • To be confirmed • Likely to be collated by authority • All stakeholders

  17. 'All learning begins when our comfortable ideas turn out to be inadequate.' John Dewey Philosopher, Psychologist and Educational Reformer

  18. An excellent school

  19. Curriculum for ExcellenceThe Numeracy Outcomes Session 1 Interpreting the Outcomes

  20. 10.00 – 10.45 INTERPRETING THE OUTCOMES • Presentation: The ingredients of an outcome • Progression across levels • Links to cross-cutting themes etc • Activity: Unpacking an outcome • Money line of development • Reflective questions

  21. “Progression within and between levels will be indicated through the chosen content or context (based on research in your curriculum area on what constitutes sound progression); by the use of particular outcome stems or by the use of particular action verbs” Writer’s Guide

  22. Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Anderson and Krathwohl (2001)

  23. Creating- Create, Invent, Compose, Predict, Plan, Construct, Design, Imagine, Propose, Devise, Formulate, Combine, Hypothesize, Originate, Add to, Forecast Evaluating - Evaluate, Judge, Select, Choose, Decide, Justify, Debate, Verify, Argue, Recommend, Assess, Discuss, Rate, Prioritise, Determine, Critique, Criticise, Weigh, Value, Estimate, Defend Analysing - Analyse, Distinguish, Examine, Compare, Contrast, Investigate, Categorise, Identify, Explain, Separate, Advertise, Take apart, Differentiate, Subdivide, Deduce Applying - Apply, Solve, Show, Use, Illustrate, Construct, Complete, Examine, Classify, Choose, Interpret, Make, Put together, Change, Produce, Translate, Calculate, Manipulate, Modify, Put into practice Understanding - Explain, Interpret, Outline, Discuss, Distinguish, Predict, Restate, Translate, Compare, Describe, Relate, Generalise, Summarise, Put into your own words, Paraphrase, Convert, Demonstrate, Visualise, Find out more information about Remembering - Tell, List, Describe, Relate, Locate, Write, Find, State, Name, Identify, Label, Recall, Define, Recognise, Match, Reproduce, Memorise, Draw, Select, Write, Recite

  24. “As a general rule outcomes should begin with the ‘I can’ stem. Experiences describe purposeful and worthwhile tasks, activities or events that contribute to motivation, personal development and learning. As a general rule they should be signalled using the ‘I have’ stem.” Writers’ Guide

  25. Within my everyday experiences and routines, I have • Having explored ……, I can • I have begun to develop • Having taken part in practical activities, I can • Having worked with others, I can • Having explored the relationship between ……., I can • By applying my understanding of ….., I can • Having investigated …., I can Progression by use of particular outcome stems

  26. FIRST EARLY Progression – Number and Number Processes

  27. SECOND FIRST Progression – Measurement

  28. FOURTH THIRD Progression – Money

  29. Literacy Numeracy Health Enterprise Citizenship Sustainability Creativity Challenge and Enjoyment Personalisation and Choice Breadth Depth Progression Relevance Coherence Successful Learners Confident Individuals Responsible Citizens Effective Contributors Curriculum for Excellence

  30. Curriculum for ExcellenceThe Numeracy Outcomes Session 2 Planning the delivery of the Numeracy outcomes

  31. 11.00 – 12.00 PLANNING THE DELIVERY OF THE NUMERACY OUTCOMES Presentation: Planning a line of development Combining outcomes in context Activity: Planning sheet for an outcome Combining outcomes using cards

  32. Planning an outcome • Skills and learning outcomes • Existing contexts • Existing resources • Methodologies • Progression in line of development

  33. Combining Outcomes • Relevant, meaningful links/contexts • Teaching/consolidation? • Links to other areas of the curriculum

  34. Money Measure Time Number and Number processes Ideas of chance and uncertainty Fractions, decimal fractions and percentages Estimation and rounding Data and analysis

  35. Money Measure Time Number and Number processes Ideas of chance and uncertainty Fractions, decimal fractions and percentages Estimation and rounding Data and analysis

  36. Curriculum for ExcellenceThe Numeracy Outcomes Session 3 It’s all about the how

  37. 12.00 – 12.50 IT’S ALL ABOUT THE HOW Presentation: Key methodologies and approaches Activity: Discussion of current practice Audit/action plan

  38. Learning and teaching are at the heart of an effective curriculum Teachers have recognised and welcomed the professional challenges presented by the four capacities for their learning and teaching approaches. They are aware that it is the ‘how’ of classroom practice which will support successful learning and promote confidence, participation and responsibility. Progress and Proposals

  39. Learning & Teaching • Active learning and planned, purposeful play • Problem solving approaches • Development of mathematical thinking skills • Use of relevant contexts, familiar to young peoples’ experiences • Appropriate, effective use of technology • Building on the principles of Assessment is for Learning • Collaborative and independent learning • Making links across the curriculum

  40. Active learning and planned, purposeful play Active learning is learning which engages and challenges children’s thinking using real-life and imaginary situations.

  41. Active learning and planned, purposeful play • It takes full advantage of the opportunities for learning presented by: • ● spontaneous play • ● planned, purposeful play • ● investigating and exploring • ●events and life experiences • ●focused learning and teaching • supported when necessary through sensitive intervention to support or extend learning.

  42. Problem solving approaches “To emphasise that problem solving is fundamental to good learning and teaching in all aspects of mathematics and its applications, problem solving will be addressed within all lines of development rather than appearing as a separate element.” Building the Curriculum 1

  43. Problem solving approaches • Life skills • Through all subject areas • Resilience • Creative thinking • Process focused • Reasoned thinking • Challenging their thinking • Justifying approaches to others

  44. Development of mathematical thinking skills • Routine and non-routine problems • Multiple approaches • Testing conjectures • Effective questioning • Slow process

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