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Salary Survey

Salary Survey. Full-Time Youth Workers in the UMC Survey Conducted May-Aug 2011. What is your gender? Male 64.0% 127 Female 36.0% 71. Youth Ministry Salary and Benefits. What is the highest level of education you have completed? High School 14% 27

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Salary Survey

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  1. Salary Survey Full-Time Youth Workers in the UMC Survey Conducted May-Aug 2011

  2. What is your gender? Male 64.0% 127 Female 36.0% 71 Youth Ministry Salary and Benefits

  3. What is the highest level of education you have completed? • High School 14% 27 • Bachelor’s 48% 93 • Master's 26% 51 • Doctoral 1% 2 • Seminary 11% 21 EDUCATION LEVEL

  4. What Jurisdiction are you a part of? Northeast 5.6% 11 North Central 9.7% 19 Southeast 38.4% 75 South Central 41.5% 81 Western 4.6% 9 JURISDICTION

  5. How Many Years of Experience in Youth Ministry do you have? Years # % 0-3 38 18.9 4-7 58 28.8 7-10 26 12.9 10-15 39 19.4 Over 15 40 19.9

  6. Male Female • Average $42,273 • Median $38,500 • Average $35,904 • Median $35,000 Full-Time Salary by Gender

  7. Salary by Gender

  8. EXPERIENCE Average Median 0-3 Years $28,489 $30,000 4-7 Years $37,207 $36,000 7-10 Years $37,543 $35,000 10-15 Years $43,685 $39,500 Over 15 Years $51,435 $49,250 Full Time Salary by Experience

  9. Salary for Full Time Years of Experience

  10. JURISDICTION Average Median North Central $36240 $36462 Northeast $35436 $32500 South Central $40972 $36000 Southeast $40131 $38500 Western $38255 $38000 Full Time Salary by Jurisdiction

  11. Salary by Jurisdiction

  12. Membership Average Median • 0-100 $25,250 $26,000 • 101-300 $30,273 $31,000 • 301-500 $33,471 $34,500 • 501-1000 $36,471 $35,000 • 1000-1500 $39,864 $40,000 • 1500-2000 $43,970 $44,000 • Over 2000 $50,665 $48,500 Full Time Salary by Church Membership (Size of church)

  13. Salary Based on Church Membership (Size of Church)

  14. Salary Based on Number of Active Youth in Ministry ACTIVE Avg. Median • 0-10 $23,763 $30,000 • 11-20 $30,214 $30,000 • 21-30 $34,353 $34,000 • 31-50 $35,592 $36,250 • 51-100 $39,315 $39,500 • Over 100 $50,488 $48,500

  15. Salary Based on Active Youth Involved in Ministry

  16. EDUCATION Average Median • High School $31,956 $30,900 • Bachelor’s Degree $39,080 $36,500 • Master’s Degree $42,558 $40,000 • Seminary Degree $48,241 $47,500 Salary Based on Level of Education

  17. Salary Based on Level of Education

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