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Aim: to examine the characteristics of limestone scenery

Aim: to examine the characteristics of limestone scenery. Limestone Pavement. Clint. Gryke. But……………. a lot of limestone scenery is underground. Stalactities. Stalagmites. Goredale Scar – a limetone gorge (near Malham, Yorkshire). Swallow Hole. Rivers disappear here.

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Aim: to examine the characteristics of limestone scenery

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Aim: to examine the characteristics of limestonescenery

  2. Limestone Pavement Clint Gryke

  3. But……………. a lot of limestone scenery is underground

  4. Stalactities

  5. Stalagmites

  6. Goredale Scar – a limetone gorge (near Malham, Yorkshire)

  7. Swallow Hole Rivers disappear here

  8. Resurgence of a river at the base of a limestone cliff (Vaucluse in France)

  9. Limestone Scenery Limestone is made up of CalciumCarbonate. It is a sedimentary/igneous rock. It was laid down in layers on dry land/the sea bed. The junctions between the layers are called cracks/bedding planes. Weaknesses in thelayers of limestone are calledjoints/joins. Limestone is a(n) permeable/impermeablerock. This means water cannot/can pass through it. Rainwater is slightly acid/alkalineso it slowly dissolves the limestone where it is weak/strongalong the joints. PS. This is task 3 on your worksheet

  10. Now do Task 1(on the separate sheet). You will need to use the book Page 29. You can choose any 2 colours you like. Don’t forget to write the names on! Task 2 – copy the labels on to your diagram. Use Page 30 to help you. Colour in the diagram. Stick it in your book Done all that??????????? So now do the extension – use the book Pages 30-31

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