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Organic Molecules and Enzyme Function Jeopardy Review

Organic Molecules and Enzyme Function Jeopardy Review. Organic? What’s that?. NA and Proteins. Greasy stuff. Sugar, Pasta, Potatoes. Speed it up!. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500.

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Organic Molecules and Enzyme Function Jeopardy Review

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  1. Organic Molecules and Enzyme FunctionJeopardyReview

  2. Organic? What’s that? NA and Proteins Greasy stuff Sugar, Pasta, Potatoes Speed it up! 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

  3. Organic? What’s that?100 Points Percentage of cell’s weight made up by organic molecules

  4. Organic? What’s that?Answer 100 Points 30%

  5. Organic? What’s that? 200 Points Element that forms the backbone of all organic molecules

  6. Organic? What’s that? Answer 200 Points Carbon (C) !!!

  7. Organic? What’s that? 300 Points An organic polymer is formed by linking organic _____________.

  8. Organic? What’s that? Answer 300 Points Monomers

  9. Organic? What’s that? 400 Points Reason they’re called “organic” molecules

  10. Organic? What’s that? Answer 400 Points They’re found in living organisms.

  11. Organic? What’s that? 500 POINTS Carbon molecules can have lots of shapes because each carbon can bond with ____ other atoms.

  12. Organic? What’s that? Answer 500 Points Four! 1 1 4 2 2 3 3

  13. Sugar, Pasta, Potatoes 100 Points Sugar, pasta, and potatoes fit in which group of organic molecules?

  14. Sugar, Pasta, Potatoes Answer 100 Points Carbohydrates

  15. Sugar, Pasta, Potatoes 200 Points The building blocks (monomers) for carbohydrates

  16. Sugar, Pasta, Potatoes Answer 200 Points Glucose (monosaccharide)

  17. Sugar, Pasta, Potatoes 300 Points The polymer (macromolecule) for carbohydrates

  18. Sugar, Pasta, Potatoes Answer 300 Points Polysaccharides

  19. Sugar, Pasta, Potatoes 400 Points An example of a polysaccharide used for energy storage in plants

  20. Sugar, Pasta, Potatoes Answer 400 Points Starch

  21. Sugar, Pasta, Potatoes 500 Points The monosaccharide that is the cell’s main source of energy

  22. Sugar, Pasta, Potatoes Answer 500 Points Glucose

  23. Greasy Stuff100 Points Fats, oils, and waxes fit in which group of organic macromolecules?

  24. Greasy Stuff Answer 100 Points Lipids

  25. Greasy Stuff 200 Points The building blocks of a common lipid are _________ and ________.

  26. Greasy Stuff Answer 200 Points Fatty Acids

  27. Greasy Stuff 300 Points Are lipids used for energy storage in plants or in animals?

  28. Greasy Stuff Answer 300 Points Animals!

  29. Greasy Stuff 400 Points • Lipids are used to: • Store energy • Cushion • Form waterproof coverings • Form important parts of _____

  30. Greasy Stuff Answer 400 Points Cell Membrane

  31. Greasy Stuff 500 Points One thing all lipids have in common

  32. Greasy Stuff Answer 500 Points Will not dissolve in water

  33. NA and Proteins 100 Points DNA and RNA are examples of what type of organic molecule?

  34. NA and ProteinsAnswer 100 Points Nucleic Acids

  35. NA and Proteins 200 Points The monomer (building block) for nucleic acids

  36. NA and Proteins Answer 200 Points Nucleotide

  37. NA and Proteins 300 Points A protein is an organic polymer built of organic monomers called ____.

  38. NA and ProteinsAnswer 300 Points Amino Acids

  39. NA and Proteins 400 Points What major group of organic macromolecules has the job of storing and transmitting genetic information?

  40. NA and Proteins Answer 400 Points Nucleic Acids

  41. NA and Proteins 500 Points This type of organic molecule has functions including speeding up reactions, fighting disease, carrying materials in and out of cells, and providing strength.

  42. NA and Proteins 500 Points Protein

  43. Speed it up! 100 Points Proteins that speed up reactions in cells are called _________.

  44. Speed it up! Answer 100 Points Enzymes

  45. Speed it up! 200 Points Which substances are the substrates in the following enzyme catalyzed reaction? A + B C + D

  46. Speed it up! Answer 200 Points A and B

  47. Speed it up! 300 Points What is the name of the part of an enzyme where the substrate fits like a key into a lock?

  48. Speed it up! Answer 300 Points The Active Site

  49. Speed it up! 400 Points If temperature gets too hot, or if the pH is changed too much, an enzyme won’t work because the shape of the active site is lost. We say the enzyme has been ____________.

  50. Speed it up! Answer 400 Points Denatured

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