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EURONETLANG project. Euronetlang European network of language minorities. EURONETLANG project. 2012: the european year for Active Ageing and intergenerational solidarity 2013 : the european year of citizens 2013. Euronetlang project.

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  1. EURONETLANG project Euronetlang European network oflanguageminorities Dott.ssa Paola Manca Scutari (Albania) 6-9 maggio 2013

  2. EURONETLANG project • 2012: the europeanyearforActiveAgeing and intergenerationalsolidarity • 2013: the europeanyearofcitizens 2013

  3. Euronetlang project • The euronetlang project aimed at developing a athematic network betweeneuropeanmunicipalities; • Common interest of the involvedmunicipalities: presenceof a minoritylanguages in theirterritory; Same interest►european network►europeandimension►europeanintegration The objectiveisto start up anexchange network ( experiences, best practices, cultural/historical information) topromoteminoritylanguages in the Ue ( United in diversity)

  4. Euronetlang • Languageminoritiesinvolved: EU countriesinvolved: 1. Occitan1. Albania 2. Arbereshe 2. Croatia 3. Croatian 3. Italy 4. Sardinian 4. France 5. Breton

  5. Euronetlang- Partnership • Lega delle autonomie locali Orosei ( sardinian) • Focus EuropeChateauneuf de Faou( breton) • Unione Besa ( arbereshe) GradOmis • San Marzano San Giuseppe ( arbereshe) Ampa • Montecilfone ( arbereshe) • Shkoder • San Felice del Molise ( croatian) • AcquavivaCollecroce ( croatian) • Montemitro ( croatian) • Prali ( occitan) • Perosa Argentina ( occitan) • Pomaretto ( occitan) • Abries ( occitan)

  6. Euronetlang - objectives • Topromote a friendlyenvironment and newfriendship • Tomakebeneficiariesawareabout the cultural social valueofminoritieslanguages in EU • Tostrenghten EU cooperation • Toidentifynewmethodologiesabletopreserve/promoteminoritylanguages • Topromoteexchangeofexperiences and goodpractices • Tofosteractivecitizenship

  7. Euronetlang-Activities • 4 events in the involvedcountries: 1 event: Orosei 26-29 october 2012 “Language and culture” 2 event: Shkodra 6-9 maggio 2013 “Europeanpolicies and legislation at a local and nationallevel” Activities: • Conference • Worshop • Project planning workshop • laboratories

  8. Euronetlang- target groups • Municipalities ( localadministrators and officer) • Citizens • Localassociations • Older people’s associations

  9. La lingua è lo specchio della nostra cultura e identità Thanks!

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