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ABES & semweb. The long march towards a full -web-of-data infrastructure for french academic libraries. Sudoc = french academic union catalogue. ABES = 3 + 1 databases. ABES web of data. Linking to internal data as important as to external data -
ABES &semweb The long marchtowards a full-web-of-data infrastructure for french academiclibraries ABES - Yann NICOLAS #elag2014
ABES web of data Linkingto internal data as important as to externaldata - NiklasLindström / Yesterday Dissertations Books+ serials Authority data the pivot Manuscripts and archives
Openingour data with RDF (2008- ) • @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo
Towards a full-web-of-data infrastructure,atdifferentlevels,atdifferentpaces
Towards a full-web-of-data infrastructure,atdifferentpaces Opening . Each application has itsown pace . But they are converging
Towards a full-web-of-data infrastructure,atdifferentpaces Consuming • . Weneedothers to open theirreference data : • ISSN registry • French companiesregistry (INSEE) • Research teams registry • Publishers • Etc.
Towards a full-web-of-data infrastructure,atdifferentpaces Managing • . ABES project : « hub of metadata » • . Processing and redistributing • somepublishermetadata : • www.licencesnationales.fr • french publishers
Publisher metadata Catalogues marc marc marc LOD, disco tools … X Y Z A B C rdf
Towards a full-web-of-data infrastructure,atdifferentpaces Editing . Emerging solutions : OntoWiki, Bibframe editor, RDForms, Libris, etc. . But shouldweeditdata as RDF ?
@todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo @todo www.abes.fr nicolas@abes.fr @071625348