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European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica: (800,000 years of climate and) 650,000 years of CO 2 from ice cores

European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica: (800,000 years of climate and) 650,000 years of CO 2 from ice cores. Eric Wolff ( ewwo@bas.ac.uk ) On behalf of the EPICA community. Bubbles and gases. * V. European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA). Dome C 75 ºS 3233 m asl

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European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica: (800,000 years of climate and) 650,000 years of CO 2 from ice cores

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  1. European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica: (800,000 years of climate and) 650,000 years of CO2 from ice cores Eric Wolff (ewwo@bas.ac.uk) On behalf of the EPICA community

  2. Bubbles and gases *V

  3. European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) Dome C 75ºS 3233 m asl ~25 kg m-2 yr-1

  4. EPICA Dome C status • Depth reached 3270 m (bedrock 3275 m) • Best estimate of useable age ~800 kyr • Final 70 m drilled in December 2004

  5. Dome C

  6. Drilling

  7. Comparison with Vostok in overlap period

  8. EPICA Community Members, Nature, 429, 623-628, 2004. • Before 450 kyr BP: • Generally less cold glacial maxima • Much less warm interglacials • Higher proportion of time in interglacials

  9. How does CO2 behave in weak interglacials?

  10. Weak interglacials have lower CO2 Siegenthaler et al., Science 2005 (EPICA gas consortium)

  11. Weak interglacials have lower CH4 Spahni et al., Science 2005, EPICA gas consortium

  12. EPICA challenge • Mudelsee: CO2=f(δDice) • Monnin: CO2=f(δDice,dust) • Shackleton: CO2 inverted from marine δ18Obenthic • Flower: CO2=f(δ13C gradient) (carbonate compensation) • Joos: δDice=f(Tant)=f(CO2,dust,ice volume) • Matsumoto: CO2=f(δDice,dust,palaeocean proxies, insolation) • Köhler: Box model of C cycle • Paillard: Conceptual model with thresholds • EOS Transactions, 86 (38), 341,345, 2005.

  13. The success of approaches using correlations with Antarctic proxies alone implies the dominance of Southern Ocean mechanisms? Mudelsee (based only on Vostok data): pCO2 = 922 + 1.646 * δDt-2000

  14. The CO2-δD relationship stays the same Siegenthaler et al., Science 2005

  15. Features to explain • CO2 increase glacial to interglacial (magnitude, timing, shape) • Different CO2 in different interglacials • Similar CO2 in each glacial • Similarity to Antarctic (S. Ocean) temperature • Relationship to other proxies (carbonate, dust, sea ice….)

  16. CO2 data from ice cores Petit et al., 1999; Indermühle et al., 2000; Monnin et al., 2001

  17. Glacial CO2 variations Röthlisberger et al., GRL, 2004

  18. Timing during Termination I Röthlisberger et al., GRL, 2004

  19. CO2, iron fertilisation and sea ice Termination V At Termination V, as at Termination I and others, reduction in dust flux precedes that in sea ice, with implications for CO2 mechanisms

  20. Dynamics of the Earth System and the Ice-core Record (DESIRE) • Response to the NERC-INSU joint UK-Fra call “to develop a quantitative and predictive understanding of the ice-core record of changing atmospheric composition” • 0.8 Myrs, CO2 and CH4 • Synergy with QUEST theme 2, PMIP, etc. • Passed outline bid stage, now developing full proposal (July 27th)

  21. QUEST-DesireDynamics of the Earth System and the Ice-Core Record • Need to weave around what is already in Q-Deglac and QQ • Focus on processes not in those, CO2 – differences between cycles, CH4 – beyond deglaciation

  22. WP structure 1: 4 strands • Methane and “fast” atmospheric chemistry • CO2 and the carbon cycle • The zoo of interglacials and glacials • Coordination

  23. Current partners • BAS (Eric Wolff) • IPSL/LSCE (Pierre Friedlingstein, Pascale Braconnot, Gilles Ramstein, Laurent Bopp, Franck Bassinot and others) • Bristol (Sandy Harrison, Paul Valdes, Andy Ridgwell) • LGGE (Jerome Chappellaz) • OU (Neil Edwards) • Reading (David Marshall) • UEA (Corinne Le Quere) • Cambridge (Harry Elderfield) • Exeter (Peter Cox) • Oliver Wild (Cam), Dudley Shallcross (Bristol)

  24. Strand 1: CH4 and atmos chem 1.1: Fire modules and integration of methane-related components into IPSL-ESM 1.2 13CH4 and hi-res CH4 as constraints on methane (CHAMPI-OM) 1.3 13C into FAMOUS 1.4 Prospects for constraints on source and sink for methane (atmos chem) 1.5 Wetlands/veg data synthesis at MIS 13/15 DO8 synthesis by collaboration with QQ

  25. Strand 2: CO2 and C cycle 2.1 Develop fast model MGV 2.2 SO physics (eddies) and biogeochemistry (effect of winds) 2.3 Marine sediment constraints on C cycle (including interglacial CaCO3 in sediments and Chatham Rise) 2.4 Dust parameterisation (shape, composition) 2.5 13CO2 in ice

  26. Strands 3 (models and zoos) & 4 3.1 Time slices MH, EH, LGM (Q-ESM and IPSL-ESM) 3.2 Other interglacials as time slices (FAMOUS and IPSL-ESM) 3.3 Short transient DO8 (FAMOUS, IPSL-ESM, MGV) 3.4 Data/model: Compile zoo of ig and g (includes workshops about proxies) 3.5 Transient simulations of transitions and igs (GENIE, MGV) to explore parameters leading to zoo 4 Coordination

  27. Under development • ……….

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